Tag Archive: Higher Education

Students Willing To Give Up U.S. Citizenship For In-State Tuition




Such are the perverse incentives in Obamaworld’s land of academia …

A Third Of America’s 18- To 34-Years-Olds Live With Their Parents


cotd adults living with parents




” Increasing numbers of young Americans are heading to college, where they’re racking up debt to pay for rapidly increasing tuition costs.

  Those graduating are being confronted by a challenging job market, which eventually leads many to just drop out of the labor force altogether.

  This in turn has led to an increasing delinquency rate for student-loan borrowers.

  So it’s no surprise that young people are increasingly opting, perhaps out of necessity, to live at home with their parents.

  In his latest monthly chart book, Deutsche Bank’s Torsten Slok tracks the rise of 18- to 34-years-olds currently in this position.

  And there are a lot.

  Slok sees this as a bullish force to come in the housing market characterized by a homeownership rate at a 19-year low.”


Business Insider











Interest Rates To Double On New Student Loans




” This higher rate will apply only to new subsidized loans taken out starting this month. Unsubsidized Stafford loans, in which the borrower pays the interest, have been at 6.8 percent for years.

Students with subsidized loans typically graduate with $9,000 in this type of debt, and the doubling of the rate means they will pay $216 more a year in interest, said Mark Kantrowitz, senior vice president and publisher of Edvisors.com, a network of educational resources for parents and students.

Student loans faced a similar interest-rate crisis last year, but Congress eventually agreed to maintain the rate at 3.4 percent for another year. Financial aid directors had their fingers crossed that something similar would happen this time.”








The 10 Richest Colleges in America




” As tuition costs continue to mount at universities across the nation, some colleges are sitting on mountains of cash.

And while some of that cash goes to regular campus operations or scholarships for students with financial need, many schools don’t really use it at all, investing the money to fund big future projects. And sometimes, when the economy tanks, the money simply gets lost in the market.

Private schools rely on alumni and corporate sponsors to raise funds for the school’s endowment fund, and while some endowments face restrictions in how money gets spent (as in some donations can be spent only after a certain amount of time, or can be invested only so as to use the profits, not the capital), many leading universities have taken criticism for collecting the money and sitting on it while raising costs for students.

The most recent comprehensive endowment study from the National Association of College and University Business Owners, which evaluated the endowment funds for 839 institutions in the U.S. as of last year, found 75 with more than $1 billion in the bank.

Here are the 10 richest universities in the U.S.”


Obama Offers More Of The Same Failed Education Ideas




” Sure proof of the failure of the country’s education system is the fact that Americans, the casualties of that system, could listen to President Obama’s remarks on education in his 2013  speech and not laugh him out of the hall.

In his speech, Obama dished out the standard “education is the key and the government needs to spend more” drivel. But those whose critical skills were not damaged by the government institutes the president purports to improve will see the fraud to which parents and students have been subjected to for decades.

Obama’s laundry list of policy proposals starts with a new entitlement: pre-school for all. He also wants our system to graduate “high school students with the equivalent of a technical degree from one of our community colleges, so that they’re ready for a job,” an idea that has been floating around for decades.

Obama wants “tax credits, grants, and better loans” to help kids go to college; he already has orchestrated a quasi-takeover of lending to college students and has relaxed loan repayment terms. And he wants to fight the high cost of higher educations by ensuring “that affordability and value are included in determining which colleges receive certain types of federal aid.” “

Related : 


Why We Need to Change Our Flawed Approach to Educating America’s Children (Video)

Ask These People How That Worked Out For Them .


15 Ultra-Successful People Who Never Graduated From College [SLIDESHOW]


Inventor and entrepreneur Thomas Edison holds nearly 1,100 U.S. patents to his name. He invented the stock ticker, recorded music and motion pictures. Oh yeah, and the light bulb. Edison had very little formal schooling; most of what he learned as a child he attributed to his mother.


” If you are a college dropout, if you never went, of if you are thinking about not going, take heart! This great country was practically built by people like you.

Here are 16 people who never graduated from college who did pretty well for themselves, thank you very much. “

… Invites Professor Who Calls Sex With Animals Potentially ‘Satisfying’



 ” After effectively barring conservative columnist Ann Coulter from speaking on campus last week, the Jesuit college Fordham University welcomed infanticide and bestiality advocate Peter Singer for a panel discussion on Friday.

According to Fordham’s media relations website, Singer, a tenured Princeton bioethics professor, spoke from 4 to 6 p.m. in a panel the university promised “will provoke Christians to think about other animals in new ways.”

Singer has long lamented the societal stigma against having sex with animals.”


  For those of you interested in such nonsense , the likes of which is taking place nationwide at our institutions of ” higher education ” Professor Jacobson has a website devoted to the issue : College Insurrection . We highly recommend it .


… At College Insurrection






” I am more convinced than ever that a shock to the higher-ed system is needed.

Universities have turned into political training grounds for can’t-do left-wing professors and administrators who use campuses as laboratories for churning out foot soldiers for the dependency state:


Read the rest and explore the links … you’ll be appalled .



The Notorious “Dear Colleague” Letter in Action.“Since the Student Honor Court retains jurisdiction over all other disciplinary
issues, the new UNC policy creates a two-tier system of justice. All other offenses under the honor code require guilt beyond
a reasonable doubt; an allegation of sexual assault–even though a far more serious offense than virtually anything else that the honor code addresses–requires only 50.1% rproof of guilt, and in a system
where the accused student still won’t have the right to a lawyer.”

“And people wonder why fewer men are going to college. ”

Shamelessly lifted from Instapundit

Since I have a daughter starting college in September I find these ” Higher Education Bubble ” posts very engaging . I’m thankful that she rejected the offers from the UNC system .