Tag Archive: Heritage Foundation

Brigitte Gabriel Says It All … Throughout History The Peaceful Majority Has Been Irrelevant





The Heritage Foundation Offers This Ad For Obamacare

Published on Oct 9, 2013

” Taxpayer-funded commercials paint a rosy picture of the Affordable Care Act. But let’s face it, Obamacare is unworkable. Enjoy our parody. | http://heritage.org/obamacare “








Sen. Mike Lee On “What’s Next For Conservatives”







     Below are just a few highlights to Sen Mike Lee’s recent address to the Heritage Foundation as provided by Townhall.com.



” It has been quite a month in Washington.

It began with our effort to stop Obamacare — a goal that all Republicans share even if we have not always agreed about just how to pursue it. And it is ending with powerful practical proof of just why stopping Obamacare is so essential.

This law is unaffordable and unfair… and it’s getting worse all the time. As of today, President Obama’s policy is to fine any American who does not buy a product that his bungled website will not sell them.

And they call us unreasonable.”



Senator Lee is a man to be reckoned with .



” What do we do next, not only to stop Obamacare… but to advance a larger, positive vision of America, and craft a practical plan to get us there? What’s next for conservatives?

That is the question I would like to try to answer today.

One of conservatives’ defining virtues is our insistence on learning from history. And to help answer the question, “what’s next?,” I think the most instructive history that conservatives can learn from today is our own.”



    He understands better than most in the Republican party that the answers lie in the history of the party and the free exchange of ideas and not in some sort of revisionist theory that requires the right side of the aisle to engage in fratricide and play yes man to the left side all in a fruitless attempt to get the media to refrain from calling the conservatives names .


” In The Conservative Mind, Russell Kirk observed that “conservatives inherit from [Edmund] Burke a talent for re-expressing their convictions to fit the time.”

That is precisely what the conservatives of the late 1970s did. The ideas that defined and propelled the Reagan Revolution did not come down from a mountain etched in stone tablets.

They were forged in an open, roiling, diverse debate about how conservatism could truly meet the challenges of that day. That debate invited all conservatives and as we know, elevated the best.”



    As the struggle for the direction of the Republican party is played out , it’s comforting to know that at least a few of our duly elected officials “have a clue” even while admitting that the old guard remain clueless to all but how to get re-elected .



” Together, that generation of conservatives transformed a movement that was anti- statist, anti-communist, and anti-establishment… and made it pro-reform.

Contrary to the establishment’s complaints, conservatives in the late 1970s did not start a “civil war.” They started a (mostly) civil debate.

Because of that confident and deeply conservative choice – to argue rather than quarrel, to persuade rather than simply purge – the vanguards of the establishment never knew what hit them.

The bottom line was that in 1976, the conservative movement found a leader for the ages… yet it still failed.

By 1980, the movement had forged an agenda for its time… and only then did it succeed.

That, my fellow conservatives, is the lesson our generation must take from our movement’s “revolutionary era” – and the enormous and exhilarating challenge it presents to us today.”



   It is a strong , moving speech that shows Mike Lee to be a man to look to for the future of liberty , choice and sound policy . Read the whole thing .








From Scribd

















Published on Sep 3, 2013

” James Carafano (Heritage Foundation) and Jim Harper (CATO Institute) discuss police state measures taken by law enforcement after the Boston Marathon bombing and the NSA. Also, John looks at civil asset forfeiture, the practice of policing for profit.http://www.LibertyPen.com “








 The Demographics Of Enlisted Troops And Officers





Interactive U.S. map of troop representation levels

” Who serves in the active-duty ranks of the U.S. all-volunteer military? Conventional wisdom holds that military service disproportionately attracts minorities and men and women from disadvantaged backgrounds. Many believe that troops enlist because they have few options, not because they want to serve their country. Others believe that the war in Iraq has forced the military to lower its recruiting standards.

Previous Heritage Foundation studies that examined the backgrounds of enlisted personnel refute this interpretation.[1] This report expands on those studies by using an improved methodology to study the demographic characteristics of newly commissioned officers and personnel who enlisted in 2006 and 2007.

Any discussion of troop quality must take place in context. A soldier’s demographic characteristics are of little importance in the military, which values honor, leadership, self-sacrifice, courage, and integrity-qualities that cannot be quantified. Nonetheless, any assessment of the quality of recruits can take place only on the basis of objective criteria. Demographic characteristics are a poor proxy for the quality of those who serve in the armed forces, but they can help to explain which Americans volunteer for military service and why.

Based on an understanding of the limitations of any objective definition of quality, this report compares military volunteers to the civilian population on four demographic characteristics: household income, education level, racial and ethnic background, and regional origin. This report finds that:”  READ IT ALL HERE










Tea Party Rally Draws Modest Crowd On Capitol Hill



” A modest crowd of Tea Party enthusiasts descended on Washington in this afternoon’s “Audit the IRS” rally on Capitol Hill.

“There’s some people who want to write the obituary for the Tea party,” Mike Needham, CEO of the Heritage Foundation’s Heritage Action for America group, told the audience.

“But the Tea Party is alive and well. We are going to write the obituary for big government,” Needham said.”











Heritage Foundation Responds To Rubio Criticism Of Amnesty Cost Study




” The Heritage Foundation late Tuesday responded to Sen. Marco Rubio’s criticisms of a foundation study that shows the steep cost of providing a pathway to citizenship for the nation’s 11 million illegal immigrants.

Rubio, R-Fla., called the study “flawed” and suggested it maligned immigrants who are not highly educated. Rubio’s parents, who arrived from Cuba in the 1950′s without high school diplomas, are exactly the kind of immigrants the study recommends should not be allowed to enter the country.

“The folks described in the report are my family,” Rubio said.”




Heritage’s response:



“Sen. Rubio’s parents came here in 1956, almost a decade before the introduction of the Great Society programs that laid the foundation of the modern welfare state. Over the following four and a half decades, our government has added layer upon layer of government involvement in our lives, creating a dependency that undermines self-respect and self-reliance.

“That dependency has been devastating to our society; it has shattered communities, families and individuals. It is now threatening the American Dream. This is true for all—native and immigrant alike, legal or illegal. We do not blame immigrants for being entrapped by that system; we blame the people who created that system. We especially blame people who now seek to expand it.”





Illustration By : ?

Does Anyone Know The Artist ?

Credit Where Due If Someone Can Provide A Link






Study Pegs Cost Of Immigration Bill’s Mass Legalization At $6.3 Trillion



” The comprehensive immigration overhaul being taken up in the Senate this week could cost taxpayers $6.3 trillion if 11 million illegal immigrants are granted legal status, according to a long-awaited estimate by the conservative Heritage Foundation. 

The cost would arise from illegal immigrants tapping into the government’s vast network of benefits and services, many of which are currently unavailable to them. This includes everything from standard benefits like Social Security and Medicare to dozens of welfare programs ranging from housing assistance to food stamps.

“No matter how you slice it, amnesty will add a tremendous amount of pressure on America’s already strained public purse,” Robert Rector, the Heritage scholar who prepared the report, said in a statement. 

On an annual basis, the report estimates the cost will be $106 billion after the interim phase is over. In the course of their lifetime, the report estimates that illegal immigrant households would receive an average of $592,000 in government benefits. “







Commemorating Breitbart

And You Thought Fido Was Safe




” Obamacare’s new taxes will soon apply to medical equipment that’s used by both physicians and veterinarians — and pet owners will ultimately foot the bill — according to an analysis by the Heritage Foundation. ”


” A Fairfax County, Va. veterinarian who did not wish to be named told The Daily Caller that the category could also include “syringes, tubes, blood centrifuges, sterilizing autoclaves, microscopes — and even things like surgical lights, exam tables and x-ray machines.” “

DeMint Takes Over the Heritage Foundation




 ” The temptation for DeMint will be to stress the institution’s role in opposition, which is his stock in trade as a senator, and to downgrade its policy role, which has had its major “up”s (welfare reform) and its blind-spot “down”s (advocating a health-care mandate in 1994). But if ideas do not play the central role, Heritage will hollow itself out, and that would be a great shame. Ed Feulner stands as one of the great public-policy innovators of the 20th century; it would be thrilling if the same could be said of Jim DeMint when he passes on the mantle to his successor.”




 ” Because GOP Leadership won’t discuss the list, it’s unclear what specific criteria the list contained and how much of a role it played in the conservative purge. It’s also unclear which member of House Republican leadership initiated this process.

In remarks to the Heritage Foundation’s Bloggers Briefing on Tuesday, Kansas Republican Rep. Tim Huelskamp confirmed the existence of such a list.

“We’ve heard from multiple sources that someone walked in with a list of votes and said if you didn’t reach a particular scorecard of what was considered the right vote – which by the way, in most cases, was not the conservative position – then [they said] ‘we’re going to have to remove you from the committee,’” Huelskamp said.

“All that took place behind closed doors, which is again a problem with Washington, D.C. – whether it’s the budget negotiations, whether it’s everything else, it’s usually done behind closed doors,” he explained. “I think, as conservatives, this is where we can win: We’ve got to be willing and able to talk about things in public instead of being afraid of actual public scrutiny.” “




“New evidence shows there were security threats in Libya in the months prior to the deadly September 11 attack that killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. Despite these threats, the State Department left its personnel there to fend for themselves”


Morning Bell:

 The Administration’s Messy Story on Libya Attack

  “Washington is notorious for dropping news it doesn’t want scrutinized too closely on the last day of the work week. So last Friday was a convenient time for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) to release a statement about the Obama Administration’s conflicting accounts of the attack that killed the U.S. Ambassador to Libya.

The ODNI statement appears intentionally vague on exactly what it knew when and who was told. It does little to address concerns that the President’s senior supporters seemed more concerned about minimizing criticism of the White House than addressing the threat of transnational terrorism.

The question remains: Why did senior officials issue contradictory and wrong accounts of what happened during the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi?”

Federal Spending

The Heritage Foundation

 Government Dependence 

  “The leak of a video featuring former Governor Mitt Romney (R-MA) has sparked debate about government dependency and the number of people in the United States who do not pay federal income tax. The Heritage Foundation has published the Index of Dependence on Government for the past 10 years, and the Center for Data Analysis offers a preview of next year’s report.”




Heritage Foundation



  Call your congressman and find out where they stand on this blatant threat to American sovereignty . Anything that Kerry is in charge of can be counted upon to be against our best interests as a sovereign nation . Say no to Globalist government . There is a reason for American Exceptionalism . If you doubt our word , think of how Ronald Reagan felt about LOST 

   “President Ronald Reagan so strongly opposed the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea that he didn’t just not sign the treaty, he very publicly refused to sign it. He also dismissed the State Department staff that helped negotiate it. And in case anyone didn’t get the message, Reagan sent special envoy Donald Rumsfeld on a globe-trotting mission to explain his opposition and urge other nations to follow suit.”

   As a rule it is safe to say that if the UN is supporting something then the US is destined to be the one that pays the price .

  “These hearings are intended to show that Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Kerry allowed conservatives to have their say before the lame duck strategy is implemented. The deck has been stacked, with two hearings in favor and one with a 50–50 split between proponents and opponents. Kerry used a similar strategy the last time the Senate considered the LOST .  “


In other words , just like Obamacare , the people’s will be damned . Liberals , the great practitioners of ” midnight legislation” 

Announcing the Breitbart Awards 

“Breitbart set an example of what any indvidual can do, and showed people that you don’t need to go to journalism school or be a professional to make a big impact,” Erik Telford, the vice president of outreach at the Franklin Center, told POLITICO. “What we’re honoring, and what people are inspired to follow, is his pursuit for accountablity, finding the stories other people wouldn’t cover, and making sure the public got the information they deserve.”


   There is no one more inspirational and deserving than Andrew Breitbart . He has inspired an entire army of citizen journalists and the world will never be the same .