Audio Tapes Reveal How Federal Regulators Shut Down Gun Store Owner’s Bank Accounts





” Conversations recorded by a Wisconsin gun store owner provide perhaps the clearest glimpse yet into how the federal government uses regulators to target legal firearm and ammunition sellers.

“ Our hands are tied by it,” a regional manager with Heritage Credit Union told Hawkins Guns owner Mike Schuetz of federal regulations which forced the institution to close Shuetz’s bank accounts in November.

  Recordings of Shuetz’s conversations with the manager and a bank teller, which were published online by the U.S. Consumer Coalition, make it clear that the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) examined the credit union’s books and forced it to close Shuetz’s account — a move he blames on a Department of Justice initiative called Operation Choke Point.”







” Schuetz’s saga began on Nov. 13, when he says Heritage Credit Union informed him that it would have to close his bank accounts.

“ I received a call from Heritage Credit Union in Hawkins, where I set up my business account for Hawkins Guns. They told me I had to close the account because they do not service companies that deal in guns,” wrote Shuetz on Facebook at the time.”



    Below is a screen shot from the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform’s report from December 8, 2014 , “Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’s Involvement in “Operation Choke Point” detailing some of the legal businesses Obama’s Federal regulators have determined are not suitable for the American public to be exposed to . Warning: PDF



Operation Choke Point %22High Risk%22 Businesses




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