Taxpayer Money Goes To Party Video Dubbed As ‘Team Building’



Miami %22Team Building%22 Video




” It is a party video you have been paying for every year since 2010. 

  Miami-Dade County’s Community Information and Outreach department has been producing it, it said, to show around the holiday season and as a “team-building” exercise.

  Most of the videos appear to be a series of skits involving images of drinking, dancing and dramatics apparently designed to be funny.

” Shocking” is how one county employee described it, who did not want to be identified for fear of losing their job.

  One scene, for example, has images of one current and one former employee holding what appears to be beer and waiving dollar bills. All of this as the music says, “Bottoms up” and the two men are heard saying, “Cheers baby!”

  Other parts have employees dancing to popular songs like “Gangnam Style.” “



Read more on this obscene waste of public funds , modeled after those wasteful IRS ads of last year .