Tag Archive: Healthcare.org

Texas Justice: Conservative Fighter Demolishes Democrats’ Lies, Scandals, And Cover-ups



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” As expected, it’s chaos in the hospitals, as the disastrous system Barack Obama inflicted on America leaves medical staff uncertain whether patients have valid insurance.  This is yet another reason why it was important for the chief executive to stay on top of his signature initiative, and order the plug pulled when it became clear the system was not ready for launch on October 1.  But instead, as we all know, the Empty Chair just assumed everything was going great, and later claimed he was the most angry and frustrated person in America when he read the newspapers and discovered Healthcare.gov was a useless mass of bugs and unfinished code.”


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CNN Poll: GOP Has Edge In Early Midterm Indicator





” Democrats have lost their advantage and Republicans now have a slight edge in the battle for control of Congress, according to a new national poll.

  A  released Thursday also indicates that President Barack Obama may be dragging down Democratic congressional candidates, and that the 2014 midterm elections are shaping up to be a low-turnout event, with only three in 10 registered voters extremely or very enthusiastic about voting next year.

  Two months ago, Democrats held a 50%-42% advantage among registered voters in a generic ballot, which asked respondents to choose between a Democrat or Republican in their congressional district without identifying the candidates. That result came after congressional Republicans appeared to overplay their hand in the bitter fight over the federal government shutdown and the debt ceiling.

  But the Democratic lead evaporated, and a CNN poll a month ago indicated the GOP holding a 49%-47% lead. The new survey, conducted in mid-December, indicates Republicans with a 49%-44% edge over the Democrats.”


Related:  CNN Poll: Health care law support drops to all-time low








Gowdy Talks Government Accountability With Greta On The Record




Published on Dec 5, 2013

” Rep. Gowdy discusses the lack of accountability and trust in the institutions of government.”








Obama’s Defense Of Obamacare And Its Failed Website





” What the President actually said doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. He claimed that “the product [i.e., Obamacare] is good,” and that the law was “a good deal.” But the law is NOT a good deal for the millions of Americans in the process of losing their current health insurance—who don’t have a website to go to where they can browse alternative options. And even if they did, it still wouldn’t be a good deal for them; many will have to pay more in premiums due to the law’s new benefit requirements.”








Chicago Tribune Drops The Hammer On Obamacare




” I’m sure none of us tire of reading all the news accounts and editorials that—tragically, for those affected— echo the exact concerns and criticisms we all had of Obamacare before it passed. But this one’s a particularly straightforward and thorough takedown of the administration’s amateur hour performance, in the president’s home state.

First, the technical problems:

If you’ve tried to sign up online for health coverage under the problem-plagued Obamacare exchange, our sympathies. Many people have tried to create accounts and shop for insurance under the new law. Few have succeeded. Those that have enrolled have found that the system is prone to mistakes. Some applications have been sent to the wrong insurance company…

• Illinois officials boasted that insurance premiums here would be lower than expected. But the Tribune reported Sunday that 21 of the 22 lowest-priced plans offered for Cook County residents have whopping annual deductibles of more than $4,000 for an individual and $8,000 for family coverage. That’s much more than many families can afford to pay.”



Illustration by Scott Stantis








Sebelius Visit Fails To Reassure As Healthcare Website Glitches Persist




” Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius had a front-row view of the problems plaguing the website that the government established to allow people to shop for health insurance under Obamacare.

“Believe me, we had some early glitches,” said Sebelius, who was introduced by Rooney, a backer of the law. “But it’s getting better every day.”

At the back of the room, it was a different story. About 20 people armed with laptops and certified by the government to sign up people for coverage were meeting with uninsured people, answering questions and fruitlessly trying to access the website.

LaKesha Lowry, 41, came to the event to find out about her health insurance options. But the North Side resident said she was not able to access the site, even with the help of a certified application counselor.

“It said, ‘Try again later,’ ” Lowry said.










 ‘Incompetence Is Larger Than What It Should Be’


Published on Oct 7, 2013

” Kathleen Sebelius Jon Stewart Interview – Jon Stewart was really adamant in pressing Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius about issues he has with the health care bill, from the website bugs to the one-year business delay that individuals didn’t get. He repeatedly pressed that last point and got noticeably frustrated at the lack of a clear response.

Stewart did not receive an answer after asking how many people signed up for the website, before bringing up the “legitimate criticism” about individuals not receiving the one-year delay. Stewart said it looks like “you were favoring small business,” and despite Sebelius attempting to explain that this is only a small percentage of businesses and small businesses have no mandates, Stewart still couldn’t figure the logic out.

When he went to commercial break, Stewart asked, “Can we come back and ask some more questions? Can I ask the same one?”

In the second part of the interview, Stewart kept going, calling the issues with Obamacare “frustrating” due to the “level of incompetence that’s larger than what it should be.” He pointed out that businesses are cutting worker hours to exploit a loophole in the law, but Sebelius said that’s not true. Stewart also wondered if they could actually run it well, pointing out the issues the government has had managing the VA.

And then, very briefly at the end of the show, Stewart expressed his exasperation with the non-answers, and even wondered aloud if Sebelius was lying to him.”