Tag Archive: HealthCare.gov

ObamaCare: Young Adults, Unsubsidized Shun Exchanges






” One number stands out from ObamaCare’s second enrollment season: Among those signing up for coverage via Healthcare.gov, 87% have qualified for subsidies.

  That’s even higher than the 85% subsidized share of the 8 million people who signed up for ObamaCare exchange plans during the first enrollment season that wrapped up last April.

  The data are early and lack key details, but suggest that the unsubsidized may be shunning the exchanges.

  That’s a surprise: The Congressional Budget Office had projected that 1 in 3 of this year’s new enrollees will earn too much to qualify for premium subsidies.

  Another red flag is the lagging participation among young adults: Just 24% of the 3.4 million new and renewing sign-ups via Healthcare.gov through Dec. 15 are in the 18-to-34 age group. That’s down from 28% among the first 8 million to sign up for coverage for 2014, and far below the 40% that is consistent with the young-adult share of the potential exchange population.”


Investor’s Business Daily











ObamaCare’s Numbers Game






” It seems the administration had been exaggerating the number of people enrolled in ObamaCare to the tune of about 700,000. We’re shocked! Shocked!

  At a hearing Thursday, Marilyn Tavenner, head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, finally confessed that 7.3 million were enrolled in ObamaCare plans as of mid-August.

 In other words, the administration had been inflating the “enrollment” number nearly 10% by counting anyone who had completed the application process, not those who paid their premiums.

  Now, they say it’s no big deal, because everyone expected some attrition. But even this new, lower number is likely to be inflated.

  As many as 115,000 could lose their coverage this month because they haven’t validated their citizenship or legal status. Another 360,000 or so could lose their ObamaCare subsidies because of discrepancies over income, which will likely drive many of them to drop their now overpriced health plans.

  And these are just people enrolled through the HealthCare.gov site. California reported in late August that 100,000 of those who enrolled through its state-run exchange were at risk of losing their coverage over citizenship issues.”


This is a perfect example of the fact that this administration finds it acceptable to lie about everything it does .


Investor’s Business Daily












Hacker Breached HealthCare.gov Insurance Site




” A hacker broke into part of the HealthCare.gov insurance enrollment website in July and uploaded malicious software, according to federal officials.

  Investigators found no evidence that consumers’ personal data was taken in the breach, federal officials said. The hacker appears only to have accessed a server used to test code for HealthCare.gov. The Department of Health and Human Services discovered the attack last week.

  An HHS official said the attack appears to mark the first successful intrusion into the website, where millions of Americans bought insurance starting last year under the Affordable Care Act. It raised concerns among federal officials because of how easily the intruder gained access and how much damage could have occurred.”


Read more












Over $5 Billion And Counting For Obamacare Websites






” You thought Healthcare.gov had problems?

  A handful of state-run exchange websites—which cost nearly half a billion dollars to build—still don’t work, nearly seven months after they first went live.

  Largely inoperable state exchange websites in Maryland, Massachusetts, Oregon and Nevada have racked up $474 million federal tax dollars so far, Politico first reported. The costs will continue to climb as states scramble to salvage the flailing websites or transition onto the federal exchange.

  Maryland will spend an additional $40 million to save its website, which has already cost $90 million. Nevada has spent $50 million to date and will decide in the coming weeks how much more it will spend on repair efforts. Massachusetts will pour an additional $121 million into fixing its severely troubled state portal, while also using the federal portal as a back up plan.

“ Taxpayers will have to pay whether their state-based exchange fails or not,” said Josh Archambault, a senior fellow at the conservative Foundation for Government Accountability.

  Meanwhile, Oregon’s website, which already cost $259 million, is so troubled that the state has opted to scrap the site entirely and spend an extra $5 million to use Healthcare.gov instead.

  The Obama administration had intended for states using the federal portal to gradually transition away from HealthCare.gov and onto their own exchanges. However, since so many states had issues with their websites, it appears that the opposite is happening. Minnesota, Nevada and Rhode Island are all considering following Oregon and switching to HealthCare.gov. Not one of the 36 states using the federal exchange intends to set up their own exchanges.”


Fiscal Times













Jimmy Fallon Mocks Obamacare Sign-Up Numbers



Jimmy Fallon Mocks Obamacare




” Jimmy Fallon mocked President Obama‘s victory lap on Obamacare on Tuesday, after the president proudly announced that the healthcare.gov website received over 7 million sign-ups.

” It’s amazing what you can achieve when you make something mandatory and fine people if they don’t do it and then keep extending the deadline for months,” Fallon said, as his audience applauded. “It’s like a Cinderella story. It’s just a beautiful thing. You make everyone do it.” “


See The Examiner for more







New Technical Woes Hobble Health-Insurance Sign-Ups At Zero Hour






” New problems in the federal health-insurance website stymied some of the hundreds of thousands of Americans trying to sign up at the last minute, prompting health plans and officials to brace for the complex task of enrolling people after Monday’s official deadline.

  The HealthCare.gov site for 36 states that have about 33 million uninsured people went down shortly after midnight Sunday and remained unusable until about 7:45 a.m. EDT Monday, a person familiar with the matter said. It was hit by a second problem around noon EDT that prevented new users from creating accounts, while some people who already had accounts were unable to log in, this person said.

  A spokesman for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which oversees the exchange, said the computer team monitoring the site identified an issue with users creating accounts that was behind the second problem, but declined to be more specific.”


Read more at WSJ







Healthcare.gov Meeting Cold Open



SNL Cold Open 3.29 Obamacare





” S39 | Highlight | Post Date: 03/30/14 | 5:03 “

Watch GOP Senator Take Harry Reid To Task For Arrogant Comments



Sen Thune Calls Out Dingy Harry











Reid’s Justification For New Obamacare Signup Delay: ‘People Are Not Educated On How To Use The Internet





” It’s not that HealthCare.gov is a nightmare. Instead, it’s the fault of incompetent Americans.

  That’s the jist of what Senate majority leader Harry Reid (D–Nev.) said today, when asked by a reporter about the Obama administration’s decision, which was reported on last night, that people could claim they had tried to sign up before the March 31st deadline and still enroll in Obamacare in April.”



Read more of Dirty Reid and the Idiot Americans at Heritage.org . What an arrogant , condescending , lying POS .










Billions Wasted On Flawed Obamacare Exchanges





” The federal taxpayers have spent over $5 billion to build Obamacare’s exchanges. Unfortunately for taxpayers, these investments have not delivered a good return and are ongoing.

  Despite the muddled launch of many exchanges, the federal government is still doling out grant money, giving out over $200 million to nine states last month. Fourteen states and the District of Columbia are running their own Obamacare exchanges and they all received federal grant money to help build them—a total of over $4 billion. California alone received $1 billion to set up its exchange.

  Many state-based exchanges have struggled with similar website problems as the federal healthcare.gov site, and some are still barely operational despite being four months into the open enrollment period.”


Heritage.org has more







Hacking Expert Reveals How He Cracked Obamacare Site In Under 4 Minutes


” David Kennedy, the hacking expert that shook the country this week with his congressional testimony about the security failures of HealthCare.gov, explained Sunday how he was able to penetrate the site.

“ There’s a technique called, what we call ‘passive reconnaissance,’” Kennedy explained to “Fox News Sunday” host Chris Wallace, “which allows us to query and look at how the website operates and performs.”

“ And these type of attacks that I’m mentioning here, and the 70,000 [personal records Kennedy found] that you’re referencing, is very easy to do,” Kennedy continued. “It’s a rudimentary type attack that doesn’t actually attack the website itself. It extracts information from it without actually having to go into the system.” “









Obamacare Doc Reveals ‘Drop Dead’ Date For Back End Fixes



” Apparently, Obamacare is in a lot bigger trouble than anyone has let on — or anyone has imagined.

  A document given to the contractor who replaced CGI in December shows how truly desperate is the position of the government.

  Accenture has been tasked with finishing the construction of the healthcare.gov website — specifically, the back end of the site which will allow the transfer of subsidies directly to insurance companies.

  The document makes it clear that the reason CGI was let go was because the government had no confidence that the company could affect the changes necessary to get the payment system up and running in time to avoid disaster.

The Hill reports:

  The document said officials realized in December that the need to bring on Accenture was so urgent that there was no time to go through the “full and open competition process” before awarding them with a $91 million contract.

There is limited time to build this functionality and failure to deliver…by mid-March 2014 will result in financial harm to the government,” the document says.”


Read on







Who’s Buying Obamacare, In Three Charts



” More than 2.1 million Americans selected private health plans through healthcare.gov and state-run websites through Dec. 28, the Obama administration announced today. Another 1.6 million were judged eligible for Medicaid, the federal-state insurance program for the poor. Most of the new enrollees in private health plans—1.8 million—signed up in December, after the White House relaunched the Affordable Care Act’s stuttering website on Dec. 1.

  Most of the people who bought coverage on the exchanges this fall got subsidies to help them afford the premiums. That’s in contrast to the first month of the program, when less than one-third of buyers were subsidized. People earning up to four times the poverty rate—as much as $96,000 a year for a family of four—can get help buying coverage.”


Business Week has more











” The White House appears to have dropped a bombshell when it explained to the press why White House staff in Washington enrolled President Obama in Obamacare instead of Obama himself.

  Officials said it was because HealthCare.gov could not verify Obama’s identity.

  Here is what Ed Henry, Fox News White House correspondent, reported on air:

“ Somebody who’s not waiting in line to enroll is the president of the United States. We learned today from the White House. Initially, they said he signed up for what they called a bronze plan, paying about four hundred dollars a month in premiums. But, then they came back to us and said – ‘Well, wait. He didn’t actually enroll. They said his staff did it and that’s because of his unique circumstance obviously, as commander-in-chief, that his personal information is not in various government databases, so Healthcare.gov could not actually verify his identity, oddly enough. So, he had to do it in person this weekend, so he was signing up for the D.C. exchange, but his staff did it.”



Read the whole thing








Three 20-Year-Olds Fix Obamacare Website In Days



” To illustrate how incompetent CGI’s attempt at building a healthcare exchange website was, three 20-year-old programmers working in San Francisco built their own website. 

  In just a few days, Ning Liang, George Kalogeropoulos and Michael Wasser build healthsherpa.com. This website launched two weeks ago and already solves the main problem with healthcare.gov.”





 “ They got it completely backwards in terms of what people want up front—they want prices and benefits, so that they could make the decision,” Liang said.”
















Daily Video 12.11.13

Obamacare Wasteland: 20,000% Markup For Website That Barely Works




Published on Dec 10, 2013

” Taxpayers were charged $1 billion for the Obamacare website, and it is barely working. Some experts argue that the real cost of the Obamacare website should have been closer to $5 million. How did the Obama Administration bilk taxpayers out of a billion dollars for a useless product? Find out on this Trifecta.”












Al Sharpton SNL


Click pic to play video



” Late night comedy show “Saturday Night Live” used a skit this week to poke fun at Al Sharpton’s MSNBC show.

  The skit featured an “unpaid contributor to The Huffington Post” as a guest on the “Politics Nation” show to discuss President Barack Obama’s signature health care law.”

HT/The Blaze

Mr. President, The Clock Is Ticking – Judge Jeanine 

Opening Statement – 12-7-13

Published on Dec 7, 2013

” In her opening statement on ‘Justice’ this week, Judge Jeanine Pirro continues to verbally assault the Obama administration on the total fiasco of the Obamacare rollout as deadline after deadline goes by and still there’s new problems discovered daily. “

Healthcare.gov Pricetag Was $1 Billion And Counting ..As Of September 30th








” If you asked ten people how much U.S. taxpayers spent on the embarrassingly non-functional Healthcare.gov website and exchage, you’d probably get ten different answers.  The official number offered by the Government Accountability Office is $394 million.  While that’s an awful lot of money, nobody believed it was anywhere close to an accurate figure. The more popular estimate was in the $600 million range but, now, even that seems downright reasonable.

   Bloomberg Government has an analysis which claims that the total cost of federal ACA implementation has easily topped $1 Billion and that it happened way back on September 30th. 

  Although the Affordable Care Act has been law for three and a half years, one third of the funds going to the top contractors working on the federal exchanges were awarded in the six months before the new insurance marketplaces opened Oct. 1, a Bloomberg Government Analysis has found.

  The torrent of late spending — almost $352 million of $1 billion in awards to the top 10 contractors — indicates the magnitude of the work still to be done as opening day approached, and helps explain the information technology problems that have dogged the exchange system since its launch. In a typical IT project, spending ramps up to a peak, then trails off during the final phase.”



   A billion dollars spent and nothing to show for it but enriched cronies and 404 messages . Now that’s Hope & Change®











No Security Ever Built Into Obamacare Site: Hacker





” It could take a year to secure the risk of “high exposures” of personal information on the federal Obamacare online exchange, a cybersecurity expert told CNBC on Monday.

” When you develop a website, you develop it with security in mind. And it doesn’t appear to have happened this time,” said David Kennedy, a so-called “white hat” hacker who tests online security by breaching websites. He testified on Capitol Hill about the flaws of HealthCare.gov last week.

” It’s really hard to go back and fix the security around it because security wasn’t built into it,” said Kennedy, chief executive of TrustedSec. “We’re talking multiple months to over a year to at least address some of the critical-to-high exposures on the website itself.”



    The most interesting quote from the security expert in the video reveals that because HealthCare.gov is a Federal program if your personal information is compromised the government has NO OBLIGATION to inform you of that fact . Think about that before you sign up with the help of that convicted felon Navigator from ACORN .








Obama Too Busy For Gettysburg Anniversary Because Of ‘Whole Website Thing’


Whole Website Thing


” Barack Obama adviser Dan Pfeiffer says the president won’t be attending the Gettysburg address anniversary today because the “whole website thing.” He appears to be talking about the ongoing problems with the Obamacare website, Healthcare.gov.

Pfeiffer made the comments today in a Twitter exchange with a couple reporters:”


Read on at the Weekly Standard



    It should be obvious after the initial rollout mess that if Obama wants something done right he has to do it himself . I’m sure all that code writing is keeping him very busy and just think , we are already paying him so this is a twofer . With him fixing the site we won’t have to pay hundreds of millions more to his cronies to fix their own screw-ups .

But seriously , what could possibly be a valid reason for ANY sitting president to miss an anniversary of such monumental significance to his own country ?








The Incompetence Of Our Neo-Monarchy




” It is a condition of my admission to this great land that I am not allowed to foment the overthrow of the United States government. Oh, I signed it airily enough, but you’d be surprised, as the years go by, how often the urge to foment starts to rise in one’s gullet. Fortunately, at least as far as constitutional government goes, the president of the United States is doing a grand job of overthrowing it all by himself.

On Thursday, he passed a new law at a press conference. George III never did that. But, having ordered America’s insurance companies to comply with Obamacare, the president announced that he is now ordering them not to comply with Obamacare. The legislative branch (as it’s still quaintly known) passed a law purporting to grandfather your existing health plan. The regulatory bureaucracy then interpreted the law so as to un-grandfather your health plan. So His Most Excellent Majesty has commanded that your health plan be de-un-grandfathered. That seems likely to work. The insurance industry had three years to prepare for the introduction of Obamacare. Now the King has given them six weeks to de-introduce Obamacare.”


As always Mr Steyn is required reading








Obama’s Stumbling Bumbling Fumbling News Conference



” We learned a few interesting things from President Barack Obama’s rambling, analogy-filled news conference Thursday.

We learned that there was a fumble. We learned that technology is hard. In fact, the president went on for an extended period of time explaining government’s historical struggles with IT issues. Considering that the entire backbone of the law is dependent on this technology and expertise, how can anyone truly believe that the Nov. 30 deadline set for HealthCare.gov to work properly is going to be met? And why should anyone trust that IT will work better in the future?

We also learned, despite this traditional technology deficit, the president was not “informed directly” about the challenges facing the website, because he would never be “stupid enough to say this is going to be as easy as shopping around on Amazon or Travelocity.” “


    We’ve included above the complete press conference from Obama on the HealthCare.gov “fixes” in case you have the stomach for nearly an hour of his buck-passing and excuse-making .









Health Law Rollout’s Stumbles Draw Parallels To Bush’s Hurricane Response



” Barack Obama won the presidency by exploiting a political environment that devoured George W. Bush in a second term plagued by sinking credibility, failed legislative battles, fractured world relations and revolts inside his own party.

President Obama is now threatened by a similar toxic mix. The disastrous rollout of his health care law not only threatens the rest of his agenda but also raises questions about his competence in the same way that the Bush administration’s botched response to Hurricane Katrina undermined any semblance of Republican efficiency.”


    Earning back a trust that was non-existent in nearly half of the population is an impossible task  , especially given the fact that the Obamacare fiasco is just one small part of the complete loss of trust in our Dear Leader . If he has been consistent in one thing it’s been in his ability to screw up virtually everything he touches and then look us right in the eye and say ” I didn’t do that ” , or “I didn’t know that ” . A more shameful liar has never occupied the White House and that includes Tricky Dick and Slick Willie .


” But earning back the confidence of Americans, as he pledged to do, will require Mr. Obama to right more than just the health care law. At home, his immigration overhaul is headed for indefinite delay, and new budget and debt fights loom. Overseas, revelations of spying by the National Security Agency have infuriated American allies, and negotiations over Iran’s nuclear arsenal have set off bipartisan criticism.”


    While the Times is correct in acknowledging Obama’s loss of trust and should be lauded for admitting it , being the partisan hacks that they are they just can’t resist trying to place a share of the blame for the Obamacare disaster at the feet of the Republican Congress comparing how during Katrina Bush got some assistance from the Democratic side of the aisle  , yet all Obama gets from the Right side of the aisle is an obstinate refusal to help.


” But unlike Mr. Bush, who faced confrontational but occasionally cooperative Democrats, Mr. Obama is battling a Republican opposition that has refused to open the door to any legislative fixes to the health care law and has blocked him at virtually every turn.”


    There’s only one problem with the Grey Lady’s comparison of Katrina to Obamacare … while Katrina was a natural disaster that no one brought about and thus was easily a non-partisan issue resulting in bi-partisan co-operation , Obamacare is a self-inflicted wound that was created in the most partisan fashion against the will of ALL republicans in congress and a majority of the American public so it should come as no surprise that no one of the opposition party would be anxious to help it be salvaged .

 But maybe even more to the point of why the MSM is suddenly so interested in in-depth analysis of the flies in the Obamacare ointment is not that they want to save the public … they could give a s**t about us peons in “flyover” country … no , their only concern is to try and stave off a potential massacre of Dems at the polls in November of 2014 . The Times itself is nothing if not a loyal partisan propaganda machine .


Heck of a job Sebelius .


Read more


Illustration by Nate Beeler