Tag Archive: Health Care

Shocker: Universal Orlando To Drop Part Time Health Coverage Because of ObamaCare




” President Obama confidently stated in 2009, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan,” …unless you are one of the 7 million people the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office is estimating that will lose their employment based health insurance. Fail.

Need some more concrete evidence? Check this out:

Universal Orlando plans to stop offering medical insurance to part-time employees beginning next year, a move the resort says has been forced by the federal government’s health-care overhaul.”

‘Hurry Up And Die’: Japanese Minister Bemoans Cost Of Prolonged Life


Taro Aso, appointed as Finance and Deputy Prime Minister (AFP Photo / Kazuhiro Nogi)




” Well known in Japan for his harsh mode of speech, Deputy PM and the head of the Finance Ministry Taro Aso told at the National Council on Social Security Reforms that the Japanese government pays for the meaningless enforced prolongation of lives of those whose days are numbered.


  Gee , we always thought that the Government paid with OUR money , who knew it is the State’s money


“The minister has reportedly been referring to “tube people” in terminal condition who cannot feed themselves. The minister gave them advice to “hurry up and die,” reports AFP, instead of burdening the state with prodigal end-of-life medical care.

Almost a third of Japan’s 128 million population are older than 60. Within next half century the number of pensioners will reach 40 per cent of the population.

Though his sharp remark has sparked a scandal, Aso has not resiled from his statement, explaining that this is his personal belief and it does not correlate with “what the end-of-life medical care system should be.” “


  Japan has gotten the jump on the Obamacare bandwagon … but never fear rationed healthcare is on it’s way .


  This just goes to show the attitude of the State . We are welcome as long as we are PAYING taxes but as soon as we start to receive some of our “investment” back then we become a liability that needs to just die so that we cease to drain the government coffers .



HT/ LoopyLoo


Sheriffs To Lawmakers: Target Mental Health, Not Gun Supply




“If lawmakers want to curb gun violence, they must begin not with laws aimed at limiting the use of weapons, but with the state of mind of the people who use them.

That was the message many state legislators took away Thursday from a Maine Sheriff’s Association training session held at the Senator Inn & Spa. The session aimed to provide an overview of issues at the heart of the ongoing gun control debate.

Randall Liberty, Kennebec County’s sheriff and the association vice president, singled out mental health — not guns — as the key to reducing violence related to shootings.

Sen. Roger Katz, R-Augusta, who held and examined a variety of rifles and guns with other legislators, said after the training that the Legislature must get beyond discussion about the danger of particular firearms to improve safety.

“The harder work is to take a hard look at our mental health system and see if we’re really getting at the root,” Katz said. ”




Mores ? What Mores ? 


 ” It’s true that the “good old days” weren’t always good, but we should also remember that our belief that we’re completely superior to previous generations of Americans doesn’t even remotely square with reality. It’s fine to pat ourselves on the back for being wealthier, more educated and considerably less racist than we used to be, but we shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that those less educated, backward people in their antiquated clothes were head and shoulders better than we are in a myriad of other ways. We should remember that the real problem isn’t having a problem; it’s having a problem and not even realizing that we have a problem. We have a problem and most Americans don’t realize it.

1) Dependency: Our ancestors were some of the most independent people on earth. They spent months traveling across an unforgiving landscape, fought off Indians, built their own houses, ate the food they grew and carved out a life for themselves. Today, a large number of Americans are claiming that they’re incapable of paying for their own birth control. There are 47 million Americans on food stamps, which is an all-time high. That’s more than 1 out of every 7 Americans. Since 2008 more Americans have gone onto Social Security disability than the net number of jobs that have been created in that same time period. Within the living memory of some Americans there was no Social Security or Medicare in this country; yet we’ve gone from 16 workers for each retiree in 1950 to 3.3 today to an estimated 2 workers per retiree in 2025.”