Tag Archive: Health

Top 10 Health Benefits Of Going To A Shooting Range





” Whether you’re preparing for the military or police academy or just out for a recreational activity, going to a shooting range can be a stress-relieving adventure. Believe it or not, the benefits of participating in shooting sports can improve your health both physically and mentally.

  Here are the top 10 health benefits of going to a shooting range:

  Builds physical discipline: In an age of the “couch potato,” this sport can help build many physical disciplines that are not only healthy but enjoyable. Increased strength, stamina, hand-eye coordination, and fine motor skills are just a few of the physical disciplines acquired in the shooting sports that apply, not only to this sport, but to all of life.

  Arm strength: Shooting a gun requires strong, sturdy arms and hands; in order to aim and shoot your target you must keep your hands and arms steady.

  Focus: Keeping your eyes on the target while aiming a gun requires a lot of focus. Removing your mind from any other activities, you find yourself in the present moment in which there is only one thing at hand to do, and it straight in front of you.

  Eyesight: Practicing your shooting can’t fix any eye deficiencies, but it can exercise the eye capabilities that you already have. By giving your eyes a break from staring at computers, TVs, phones and tablets, you will be relieving this eye stress.”


Read the rest











Researchers Believe A Biological Revolution Enabling Humans To Experience Everlasting Youthfulness Is Coming







” It is likely the first person who will live to be 1,000 years old is already alive today.

  This is according to a growing regiment of researchers who believe a biological revolution enabling humans to experience everlasting youthfulness is just around the corner.

  At the epicentre of the research is Aubrey de Grey — a Cambridge gerontologist and co-founder or the California-based Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence(SENS) Research Foundation.

“ The first thing I want to do is get rid of the use of this word immortality, because it’s enormously damaging, it is not just wrong, it is damaging,” he told Motherboard.

“ It means zero risk of death from any cause — whereas I just work on one particular cause of death, namely aging.” “


Read more










How To Clear a Stuffy Nose In 1 Minute






” Over 85% of people can make their stuffy nose clear in less than 1 minute if their follow instructions correctly. This remedy was tested on more than 100,000 people.

  This simple breathing exercise of how to clear a stuffy nose or get rid of nasal congestion was developed by Russian doctors practicing the Buteyko breathing method.

Buteyko Nose Clearing Exercise
1. Sit back, upright and relaxed on a dining room chair.
2. During this Nose Clearing Exercise keep your MOUTH CLOSED at all times even after the exercise is finished, if you open your mouth you have ruined the exercise and you’ll have to start again.
3. Mouth closed !!!
4. Breathe OUT though your nose (recommended) or your mouth if you have to.
5. Now HOLD your breath by pinching your nose.
6. Gently move your head back and forward (nodding)
7. At this point your Mouth is closed, you’re holding on the out breath and you’re nodding your head.
8. Keep going until you feel a slight discomfort and the need to breathe (DO NOT keep going to you go blue in the face and fall off your chair, this is not good for you)
9. At this point, let go of your nose and take a in breath in through your nose keeping your mouth closed.
10. That’s it, one big breath in and then breathe a bit slower and calmer for the next couple of minutes sitting very upright in your chair.
11. Repeat if necessary keeping your mouth closed at all times.
These Nose Clearing Tips are for people just with a stuffy nose, not chronic sinus problems or Nasal polyps.

  You have our permission to reprint this article via creative commons license if you attribute us with a live backlink to this article.Organic Health “










Don’t Wash Raw Chicken, Health Experts Warn





” Health experts have urged people to stop washing chicken before they cook it to avoid food poisoning.

  More than two-fifths of cooks say that they wash chicken as part of their food preparations, but the Food Standards Agency has issued a call to the public to stop the practice.

  The FSA said that it can spread a type of bacteria around the kitchen through the splashing of water droplets.

  Campylobacter bacteria is responsible for the majority of cases of food poisoning – with around 280,000 people affected across the UK each year. The FSA said four out of every five cases are caused by contaminated chicken.”


The Telegraph has the complete story











So Much For The Mediterranean Diet — Greece & Italy Have The World’s Most Overweight Kids





” Most people know that the United States has a childhood obesity problem. Less well known is that according to the latest data from the OECD is that we are not actually the world leaders in experiencing this issue. It’s Greece and Italy who have the most overweight kids.”



    For the skeptics who grouse of the above table referencing only boys , the table below includes girls and America still comes in fifth , not first as the media continually trumpets .


Childhood Obesity Rates Worldwide





    Just another reminder of the constant stream of lies , falsehoods and propaganda foisted on the American public by the self-anointed “gatekeepers of the truth” in the Lamestream Media . Read more at Vox
















Here’s How Obesity Relates To Gender, Race And Income In The US

obesity, income, gender-01


” In developed economies the quantity of food available to people is less of a differentiator than the quality of food that’s available. While low-income people have access to food, they have less access to quality, healthy foods than high-income people do.

However, obesity might not be as closely related to poverty as it is to other factors, like race and gender.

In fact, a recent study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that for black and Mexican-American men, obesity rates actually increased with income.

For women, the correlation between obesity and poverty seemed to bear out the theory. However, there is still a higher correlation between race and obesity than income and obesity.”



Study Links Moderate Chocolate Consumption With Lower BMI



” Choco-holics rejoice! According to a new study in the journal Nutrition, higher consumption of chocolate is associated with a lower amount of body fat and less abdominal fat, regardless of regular physical activity, diet and other factors.

The study was performed using data from the Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence (HELENA) study, which included almost 1500 Europeans between the ages of 12 and 17. Study researchers found that higher levels of chocolate consumption was related to lower fat levels as determined through body mass index and waist circumference.

Study author Magdalena Cuenca-García noted that although chocolate is often rich in sugars and saturated fats, “recent studies in adults suggest chocolate consumption is associated with a lower risk of cardiometabolic disorders.”

She added that chocolate is rich in flavonoids, which “have important antioxidant, antithrombotic, anti-inflammatory and antihypertensive effects and can help prevent ischemic heart disease.” “


What’s not to like about this news ? We’re onboard with it . 










The Microbiology Of Zombies, Part I




” For Walking Dead fans and readers of this blog, you probably know why I was all excited about some of the plot elements that have been included thus far this season: possible zoonotic disease, and in particular, a potential influenza outbreak that may have originated in pigs. I muse about this and other infections in an article for Slate.com, and will have additional thoughts about zombies and infectious disease more generally in the coming days.”

See also:

Part II: ineffective treatments and how not to survive the apocalypse

Part III: “We’re all infected”

Part IV: hidden infections



Here are some links about the Doctor including her website , University Bio and blog .








New Jersey’s Disappearing Doctors


Doctor Drain


” New Jersey is experiencing a shortage of doctors. In fact, it’s projected that by 2020 the state will be about 3,000 primary care physicians short of what is needed to give optimal health care.

The top five reasons for physicians leaving are:

  • Better salary offered outside of New Jersey
  • Cost of living in New Jersey
  • Better job/practice opportunities in desired locations outside of New Jersey
  • Taxes in New Jersey
  • Affordable Housing “







There’s So Much Misunderstanding Around Marijuana. Here’s What’s Really Happening To People When They Smoke Weed



” Drug warriors have long tried to smear marijuana as a dangerous scourge, seeking to criminalize possession of a leaf they clearly do not understand. The key to comprehending its effects is by better grasping our physiology.

Marijuana is not magic. Marijuana (botanical name, cannabis) affects the human body because the plant-based cannabinoids in marijuana, once ingested, can “plug into” the cannabinoid receptors that are used by the cannabinoids made by our own bodies.

It’s not just people that have cannabinoid systems. All mammals have them. All creatures do, except bugs. Although cannabinoid systems can utilize the plant-based cannabinoids in marijuana, the cultivation and preservation of cannabinoid systems by the evolutionary process has nothing to do with pot. The cannabinoid receptor appeared on the planet at least 550 million years before marijuana.








‘Sharpshooter’ Cancer Drug Ready For Human Trials, Stops Cancer





” Cancer researchers from Toronto and Los Angeles combined research efforts and the result is a drug they call a “sharpshooter” for its ability to pinpoint enzymes and stop cancer, without harming healthy tissue. The drug is ready for human testing.

The Toronto group was lead by Dr. Tak Mak and the L.A group by Dr. Dennis Slamon and both researchers, and others from their teams, were on hand to announce the drug at a press conference in Toronto Tuesday.”










 Scientists Discover That Healthy Cells Follow Diseased Ones Around The Body, Paving The Way For A Cure



” Scientists believe they may have finally discovered why cancer spreads – a finding which could be vital in developing a cure.

In a major breakthrough which could save millions of lives, a study has identified a mechanism known as the ‘chase and run’ effect, where diseased and healthy cells follow each other around the body.

The discovery, by researchers at University College London, may lead to a revolutionary therapy that blocks the action and keeps tumours in one place.

The researchers claim it will be ‘relatively easy’ to stop the ‘chase and run’ effect.

Cancer claims more than 150,000 lives each year in the UK, but study spokesman Professor Roberto Mayor said: ‘Most deaths are not due to the formation of the primary tumour.”










   For those of you who would prefer not to give your money to Monsanto , Realfarmacy.com has thoughtfully provided a list of prepared food companies that use products manufactured by the conglomerate .




Original list from the Ascending Star Seed blog








New Drug Called Sisa Is Killing Austerity-Hit Greek Youths



” A new and very cheap drug is killing Greek youth who no longer can see a future for themselves. Sisa is a form of crystal meth being mixed with filler ingredients such as battery acid and engine oil. It makes users violent and kills within six months.

Ever since the austerity crisis has hit Greece, drug use and alcohol abuse have been rising sharply, as have suicides. The larger cities, and especially Athens, are filled with homeless and impoverished people who often seek to escape their misery by taking refuge in drug induced stupor.


Enter the relatively new drug called sisa (pronounced as shisha) that arrived on the scene about two years ago and soon became the drug of choice because it’s the cheapest of them all — a hit costs less than 2 Euro ($2.50).


Easy to make at home, sisa is a deadly mix of crystal methamphetamine filled with the most weird and dangerous ingredients: battery acid, engine oil, shampoo and cooking salt. The Greek independent press eNet English has called it “cocaine of the poor” and the UK edition of Vice says its the “the epitome of an austerity drug.”










Doc Rashid Malik

” Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, without help,the person whose heart is beating improperly and who begins to feel faint, has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness.

However,these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously. A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest.

A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let-up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again.

Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way, heart attack victims can get to a hospital. Tell as many other people as possible about this. It could save their lives!!

A cardiologist says If everyone who sees this post shares it to 10 people, you can bet that we’ll save at least one life..

Rather than sharing jokes only please contribute by forwarding this info which can save a person’s life..”

Breast Size Preferences May Reveal Men’s Attitudes Toward Women





” Sexist men are more likely to prefer women with bigger breasts, according to a new study.

new study published February in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior found that the more oppressive attitudes a man has towards women, the more likely he is to prefer bustier women. 

The latest study consisted of 361 white heterosexual British men aged 18 to 68 who were asked to look at five 3D models of virtual women before determining which one they found that most attractive.  The pictures used in the study were all identical except for the models’ breast sizes. 

Afterwards, the men were asked to complete questionnaire that determined their attitudes toward women. The questionnaire examined the men’s general attitudes, hostile and benevolent sexism towards women. Benevolent sexism is seemingly positive female stereotypes that may actually be damaging to gender equality.

The study revealed that the preference for larger breasts was significantly linked to hostile sexism, benevolent sexism and female objectification.”







Smaller Size? No Thanks To This Pledge








” The first report card for the food industry’s high-profile vow to cut a trillion calories from what it sells each year is coming in the next few months. But some nutrition and obesity experts already are giving the effort a grade of incomplete.

In 2010, 16 food and drink makers made the joint pledge to shave one trillion calories from the products they sell in U.S. stores and vending machines by 2012, and 1.5 trillion calories by 2015, both compared with 2007 levels.

Supporters of the pledge say it is an important step, and that already the North Carolina researchers’ progress in designing a system to count total calories sold marks a major advance in tracking eating habits.

But skeptics point out that the pledge’s big central number represents just 2% of all calories produced by these companies. And it looks a lot smaller on a per-person, per-day basis: just 14 calories, enough to lose just over a pound if permanently taken off the average adult’s diet and far short of the number of excess calories in the average American’s diet in the era of rising obesity rates, variously estimated at between 100 and 220 calories per day.”




Basic Errors Killing 1000 NHS Patients A Month



Iowahawk UK Healthcare Deaths




” The largest and most detailed survey into hospital deaths has revealed that almost 12,000 patients are needlessly dying every year as a result of poor patient care.

The researchers from The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine based the study on 1,000 deaths at 10 NHS trusts during 2009. The study revealed that basic errors were made in more than one in 10 cases, leading to 5.2% of deaths, which was the equivalent of nearly 12,000 preventable deaths in hospitals in England every year.

The research published in the British Medical Journal’s Quality and Safety publication found that errors occurred when hospital staff made an incorrect diagnosisprescribed the wrong drugs, failed to monitor a patient’s condition or react when a patient deteriorated. Errors in omission were more frequent than active mistakes.

The majority of patients who died were elderly suffering with multiple health conditions, but the study found that some patients whose deaths were preventable were aged in their 30s and 40s.”





Why Can’t America Care For The Mentally Ill ?


” Focusing on gun control does more than squander the time and effort of our public officials and state resources and town police forces, it distracts us dangerously from the real work that must be done.

America’s mental health care system is shattered and on its knees.

After decades of deconstructing our inpatient psychiatric hospitals and community mental health centers and after decades of insurance companies demanding that they pay only for  social workers and nurses to treat even the most extremely mentally ill and potentially violent individuals (rather than including psychologists and psychiatrists) we now have a mental health care system that simply ignores those among us who suffer with incapacitating symptoms of psychiatric illness and whose suffering can—only in a very, very small percentage of cases, thankfully—lead to terrible violence. “

HT/ RedFlagNews

The 25 Unhealthiest States In


The United Health Foundation just released their annual America’s Health Rankings for 2012.


See the list >


The good news: As a whole, Americans are living longer

The bad news: A growing number of unhealthy habits threatens our quality of life.


HT/Radio Freedom

20 Mental Barriers You Should Let Go Of





” 1. Let go of attachments: According to Buddhist Philosophy, attachment is one of the roots of all suffering. I can’t agree more. We attach ourselves to all sorts of things even the most self-slapping stupid notions in the universe. Are you attached to something? How much are you attached? Is it keeping you back from something? Is it making you suffer? Look at it straight through – break the illusion. Know that every attachment can be detached.

2. Let go of guilt: Guilt has absolutely no function whatsoever. Think about it – what could guilt possibly resolve? It just holds you imprisoned to self-mortification and sorrow.

3. Let go of Negative thinking: Pessimistic thoughts and negative attitudes keep you locked in a dark aura that permeates in everything you do. It’s a dangerous line to follow. Know that thoughts influence the world around us. Enough said

4. Let go of self-criticism: Many times we are our biggest pain in the neck. We criticize ourselves with the best of intentions but then go over the acceptable limit. Criticism then turns to disempowering messages. Let go of it and be kind and gentle to yourself.”

  Prepper Tips :How To Get Antibiotics Without Seeing A Doctor

 ” There are currently four ways to purchase antibiotics without first obtaining a prescription. You may drive to Mexico, buy them online, buy them in an ethnic market, or buy them in a pet store. Based on availability, this writer will focus on buying antibiotics in a pet store.

pharmacist explains that it is a bad idea for people to take veterinary medicines but that chemically the drugs are the same as what you would be prescribed by a doctor and purchase in a pharmacy. Amoxicillin, ampicillin, tetracycline, cephalexin, metronidazole and erthromycin are all available online to purchase without a prescription if you buy them as “fish antibiotics”. The aforementioned pharmacist visited numerous pet stores and located most of those antibiotics in the stores, although they were in liquid gel drops or powders. These antibiotics were available in pill form from the chain pet store’s websites “