Tag Archive: HDR22@ClintonEmail.com

Saturday Steyn

Will The Real Hillary Diane Rodham Please Stand Up?


A F Branco




” Yesterday I kept my regular Thursday date with Hugh Hewitt. Wracked by laryngitis, Hugh’s voice had been relocated to a private server and he was reduced to a husky whisper as he brought me up to speed on the news of the day:

  HUGH HEWITT: I want to begin by telling you that ISIS attacked the archaeological site at Nimrod today, and Libya says their oil fields are in the hands of the militants, and ISIS is believed to have 46,000 Twitter accounts. These are all front page stories. But we’re going to talk about email instead, if you don’t mind, because that is the biggest story of the day. And I want to know what you make first from 30,000 feet of Hillary’s intentionality from the beginning of her tenure at State of avoiding scrutiny.

  MARK STEYN: Yes, I think there’s no doubt that it was deliberate. This is why the usual spin isn’t going to work – because she essentially set up a shadow operation to supplant the normal exchange of information within a cabinet department. At midnight last night, I posted a story that a friend of mine, a diplomat, tipped me off – not an American diplomat, interestingly enough, but a non-U.S. diplomat – about how the American ambassador to Kenya was fired just three years ago during Hillary’s term for precisely this, for using commercial email systems instead of secure government ones for official business. Hillary Clinton’s State Department fired the U.S. ambassador for Kenya for doing that in 2012. The story’s now been picked up by the Weekly Standard and Drudge and people, and I’m glad, I’m very glad of that, because I think it actually gets to the heart of the matter here – that this country is decaying from a republic into a banana republic, where if you’re an inconsequential person the rules apply to you, but if you’re a select few, at the Hillary Clinton level, then the laws and the rules don’t apply. This should be a disqualifier. She essentially freelanced – and presumably with the knowledge of the President and other people – she essentially, in defiance of the law, she essentially freelanced an entire cabinet department to Clinton HQ for four years.”


Saturday’s must read













Email Eruption: Hillary Hidden Emails Multiply By Ten





”  When Hillary Clinton tweeted yesterday in the midst of her latest scandal “I want the public to see my email,” did she mean all ten hidden accounts, or just hdr22@clintonmail.com, the only account to be outed before that tweet?  Now, thanks to a hacker, who seems not to have done anything illegal but use a piece of software, things have gone, shall we say, a little haywire:


  A prominent hacker tells Fox News’ James Rosen that Hillary Clinton appears to have established multiple email addresses for private use.

  Aides to the former secretary of state say she only used one private email while in office — hdr22@clintonemail.com. That domain name has been traced to a private Internet server in Clinton’s hometown of Chappaqua, N.Y. The server was registered in the name of Clinton’s former aide Eric Hothem a week before the Obama administration assumed office.

  Rosen’s hacker source employed a tool called “The Harvester” to search a number of data sources to look for references to the domain name Clintonemail.com. The source says it appears Clinton established multiple email addresses, including hdr@clintonemail.com, hdr18@clintonemail.com, hdr19@clintonemail.com, hdr20@clintonemail.com, and hrd21@clintonemail.com.

  Other email addresses include h.clinton@clintonemail.com, Hillary@clintonemail.com, contact@clintonemail.com, and mau_suit@clintonemail.com.

  It’s not clear whether Clinton used any or all of these email addresses. It’s also unclear whether her aides used them. “


Read more












Top Clinton Aides Used Secret Email Accounts At State Dept.






” Hillary Clinton is defending her use of a private email address, hosted at ClintonEmail.com, to conduct official State Department business by claiming that her emails were captured by official @state.gov accounts that other agency employees were instructed to use to contact her. But according to a knowledgeable source, at least two other top Clinton aides also used private email accounts to conduct government business—placing their official communications outside the scope of federal record-keeping regulations.

“ Her top staffers used those Clinton email addresses” at the agency, said the source, who has worked with Clinton in the past. The source named two staffers in particular, Philippe Reines and Huma Abedin, who are said to have used private email addresses in the course of their agency duties. Reines served as deputy assistant secretary of state, and Abedin as Clinton’s deputy chief of staff. Both rank among Clinton’s most loyal confidantes, in and out of the State Department.”



     Read our stories on Hillary’s breaking of the law here and here and read more on her aides doing the same here at Gawker.