FBI Nabs Two Aspiring Ferguson Protesters With Guns, Explosives







” When I first heard about this story on Twitter and mentioned it, I was immediately shouted down by some left side tweeters who claimed that this was a “set-up” or a “mistake” or a report which had been “debunked” already. However, I’ve yet to find a single, reputable news outlet which is backing down on it, including not only NBC News and Reuters, but Talking Points Memo. (And if anyone was going to pull the plug, it would have been the latter.)

  What are we discussing? The FBI has nabbed two individuals heading for Ferguson who were allegedly engaged in straw purchases of guns, as well as explosives.

  Federal law enforcement officials say two men arrested Friday, now held on gun charges, are suspected of trying to acquire pipe bombs with the intent of using them during protests in Ferguson, Missouri…

  Court documents say the two men, Brandon Orlando Baldwin and Olajuwon Davis, were arrested after they made false statements while trying to buy two pistols at a sporting goods store in Hazelwood, Missouri. They currently face only the firearms charges, though officials say other charges are pending.

The story gets even more convoluted. “


Read the rest at Hot Air