Tag Archive: Harvard

Oh-Oh: Students At Elite Universities Now Taking Up Arms






” The Washington Post is on the case:

  In between completing problem sets, writing code, organizing hackathons, worrying about internships and building solar cars, a group of MIT students make their way to the athletic center, where they stand side-by-side, load their guns and fire away.They are majoring in biological engineering, brain and cognitive sciences, aeronautics, mechanical engineering, computer science and nuclear science. Before arriving at MIT, nearly all of them had never touched a gun or even seen one that wasn’t on TV.


“ Which is strange because I’m from Texas,” said Nick McCoy, wearing a ­T-shirt advertising his dorm and getting ready to shoot.

  How weird is that? A guy from Texas, new to shooting! Truly, the flyover heartland is a strange and wonderful place. I wonder who — or what — has corrupted this poor lad? Let’s check the headline:


 Gun industry’s helping hand triggers a surge in college shooting teams

Aha! Big Firearms!

  McCoy is one of the brainiacs on MIT’s pistol and rifle teams, which, like other college shooting teams, have benefited from the largesse of gun industry money and become so popular that they often turn students away. Teams are thriving at a diverse range of schools: Yale, Harvard, the University of Maryland, George ­Mason University, and even smaller schools such as Slippery Rock University in Pennsylvania and Connors State College in Oklahoma.

“ We literally have way more students interested than we can handle,” said Steve Goldstein, one of MIT’s pistol coaches.

  The horror, the horror. I hate to break the news to Michael S. Rosenwald, but when I was in high school in Hawaii, we had a rifle team and mandatory Junior ROTC, as did many high schools across America back when it was a country of men instead of women and metrosexuals. But perhaps real men are making a comeback:

  Although some collegiate teams date to the late 1800s, coaches and team captains say there is a surge of new interest from students, both male and female, ­finally away from their parents and curious to handle one of the country’s most divisive symbols. Once they fire a gun, students say they find shooting relaxing — at MIT, students call it “very Zen” — and that it teaches focusing skills that help in class.

  Some also find their perceptions about guns changing. “I had a poor view, a more negative view of people who like guns than I do now,” said Hope Lutwak, a freshman on MIT’s pistol team. “I didn’t understand why people enjoyed it. I just thought it was very violent.”

  Anyone who’s ever shot knows that Zen is precisely the word we shooters use. Everything is focused on the target; in my experience, nothing clears the mind like successfully putting a few hundred rounds exactly where you want them to go. Nothing “violent” about it. But that darn gun industry…

  And that’s precisely what the gun industry hoped it would hear after spending the past few years pouring millions of dollars into collegiate shooting, targeting young adults just as they try out new activities and personal identities.

  Okay, Rosenwald, you got us. What Big Firearms is doing is akin to what Big Tobacco did, “targeting young adults just as they try out new activities and personal identities.” It wouldn’t be a Washington Post story without some pseudo-Freudian, au courant references to “personal identities,” now, would it?

  The rest of the story goes on in this vein, full of wonderment that otherwise sensible top-tier college students have been seduced by the Cult of the Gun. If there was ever a story that spoke to the division of the cultural weaklings in the media and the rest of us, this is it.

  Some students plan to continue shooting after they graduate, but others say it will depend on family situations and how tough regulations are wherever they wind up. And they acknowledge that many in society don’t think about firearms the way they now do — that it’s less about the gun, as one student put it, and more about who is using it.

  Amazing what a little actual experience will do for you.

  Be sure to read the comments at the link. There really are Two Americas, only one of which can shoot.”


Thanks to Michael Walsh and The Tatler














AlGore’s Warmist Origins Explained




Published on Mar 12, 2014

” A great scientist named Roger Revelle had Al Gore in his class at Harvard and the Global Warming campaign was born. Revelle tried to calm things down years later, but Gore said Revelle was Senile and refused to debate. John Coleman documents the entire story and shows how our tax dollars are perpetuating the Global Warming alarmist campaign even though temperatures have not risen in years and years.”









Harvard Feminist Says the Doctrine Of Academic Freedom Should Be Abolished Because It Fosters “Racism, Sexism, And Heterosexism”…


Our "best & brightest" Sandra Y.L. Korn


” A Harvard University feminist student writing in the campus newspaperThe Crimson recently posited this:

“ If our university community opposes racism, sexism, and heterosexism, why should we put up with research that counters our goals simply in the name of “academic freedom”?

  The column was titled  “The Doctrine of Academic Freedom – Let’s Give Up On Academic Freedom in Favor of Justice.” “


You can read more about that legendary liberal “tolerance” in the halls of higher learning at Rightwing News.








May The Force Be With US




” The report published by Nature magazine details how scientist has discovered a new way of binding photons together in order to form a new molecule which replicates almost exactly the nature of the iconic weapons favoured by both Jedi Knights and Sith Lords 

“Most of the properties of light we know about originate from the fact that photons are massless and do not interact,” said Harvard physics professor Mikhail Lukin. “What we have done is create a special type of medium in which photons interact with each other so strongly that they act as though they have mass, and bind together to form molecules.”

While this may not sound much like George Lucas’ vision of a galaxy far, far away, Lukin himself makes a Star Wars analogy:

“It’s not an in-apt analogy to compare this to lightsabers. When these photons interact with each other, they’re pushing against and deflect each other. The physics of what’s happening in these molecules is similar to what we see in the movies.” “











” Five Extreme Things the Professor
Won’t Mention in Her DNC Speech”

  “Harvard Law School professor and consumer advocate Elizabeth Warren will speak tonight before former President Bill Clinton at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Charlotte. Warren is running for a U.S. Senate seat in Massachusetts on a platform calling for between $1 trillion and $3.4 trillion in tax hikes, and an ideology that “there is nobody in this country who got rich
on his own.”

  Warren has a number of skeletons in her closet, including close links to
radical left-wing pressure groups and a record of helping corporate interests suppress asbestos liability lawsuits.

  “I’ll be talking about working families. That’s mostly what I’ll be talking about,” Warren told a reporter in Charlotte when asked about her upcoming speech.

  Here are five things Warren won’t be talking about: “

“See 2299 Exoplanets in One Video”

  “A couple huge data visualization projects are bringing the universe into your computer monitor.”

  “Finding it difficult to wrap your mind around the immensity of the universe? With thousands of known exoplanet candidates and billions and trillions of stars out there, things can get overwhelming. But a couple of new visualizations of space can help.”

Check out the videos … Very cool stuff .

   ” As you know, Elizabeth Warren has been caught in a series of at best misleading and at worst false responses since The Boston Herald first broke the story in late April that Harvard Law promoted her as Native American in the mid-to-late 1990s.

First she played dumb and said she didn’t know why.  But over the course of several weeks digging by bloggers and newspapers punctured Warren’s story, and revealed or forced Warren to admit she listed herself as Native American to get on a list of “Minority Law Teachers” in the mid-1980s to mid-1990s, that she informed both Penn Law and Harvard Law that she was Native American for federal reporting purposes, and that she was on a list at Harvard during her “visiting year” of “Women of Color in Legal Academia.” “

Not A Fan

So even his own leftwing professor sees the nightmare that is the Obama administration . What does that say ? He succeeded in teaching Obama about “Reinventing Democracy” now didn’t he ? 

  ” Harvard Law School professor Roberto Unger, who taught President Barack Obama classes such as Jurisprudence and Reinventing Democracy, said last month in a little-publicized video that his former student has betrayed liberals and should lose the presidency in November.

“President Obama must be defeated in the coming election,” Unger said in a sit-down video posted to his YouTube account in May, which also attacked the Republican party.

“If [The Republicans] had their way, inequality would be even greater than it is now,” Unger said, before acknowledging that a Romney win would lead to some undesirable “judicial and administrative appointments.”

But those costs, to Unger, pale in comparison to the risks of an Obama second term.”

   Yesterday Ann Althouse showed us a letter that she received that was an attempt to shame her into voting which produced a similar letter from one of her readers about using public info on political donations to shame , intimidate or silence voters .

Things are not sitting well with the progressives these days , considering the depths that they will sink to in order to try and win . I’ve followed politics for a long time and have never seen the likes of these tactics before . Reeks of desperation .

“A reader emailed me:

I got the same thing on donations about 2 weeks ago (see attached).  Ugh

A group of “researchers” using a Harvard University return address (108 Littauer Center – I checked and Harvard has that center.) is sending out campaign contribution information showing one Republican donor (me) and multiple (blinded) Democratic donors.  This reeks of intimidation tactics, i.e. “we have your name, etc and we will spotlight you”.  They claim this is information from “my neighborhood” – I know I live in a very Republican neighborhood so these names could be pulled from anywhere, e.g. the big UVA Democrat areas several miles from here.

Have others received similar notes?  They do it under the guise of “research” but the timing and tone seem very fishy if not illegal.  Is this research being funded by “stimulus” funds by the Federal Government?  I am sure there are other questions here.

I have not gone to their website for fear of tracking, etc.”

 “ADDED: In the Comments, The Drill SGT points to this article, from a couple days ago, in The Chronicle of Higher Education: “Hey, Here’s Who Your Neighbors Gave Money to. Sincerely, Harvard.” “

Harvard Knuckles Under

  Yesterday we posted a link to Legal Insurrection about planned protests regarding Eric Holder speaking at Harvard . Today we received word , again from Professor Jacobson that the university has succeeded in quashing the website spearheading to protest .

“This is an update to my post yesterday regarding the protest organized against Eric Holder’s visit to Harvard Law School tomorrow, specifically his stonewalling the Fast and Furious investigations.  The protest was organized by a website using the name Harvard Law Unbound which has been operating since early April.

Despite the fact that Harvard Law Unbound used a banner which specifically alerted readers to the fact that it was not affiliatied with “Unbound – Harvard Journal of the Legal Left,” the editors of that Journal along with the HLS administration alleged that the website misled people as to the source of the opinion.  (See link above for details on the threats and the involvement of the HLS administration) “

In Your Face , Holder

Now this man/woman/group has the courage and spine that our politicians seem to lack . 

  “Eric Holder has been selected as Harvard Law School’s Class Day Speaker.  I don’t remember if there was a Class Day when I was there, but I would not have attended anyway for reasons already known to readers.

Holder will be greeted with posters protesting Holder’s stalling of the congressional investigation into Fast and Furious.  The protest is being run by student(s) behind a website called Harvard Law Unbound.”

” But Indian in the sense of checking the “Are you Native American?” box on the Association of American Law Schools form,
which Elizabeth Warren did for much of her adult life. According to her, she’s part Cherokee and part Delaware. Not in the Joe Biden sense, I hasten to add, but Delaware in the sense of the Indian tribe named in honor of the home state of Big F—kin’ Chief Dances With Plugs.   How does she know she’s a Cherokee maiden? Well, she cites her grandfather’s “high cheekbones,” and says the Indian stuff is part of her family “lore.” Which was evidently good enough for Harvard Lore School when they were looking to rack up a few affirmative-action credits. ”


” Martin Luther King dreamed of a day when men would be judged not on the color of their skin but on the content of their great-great-great-grandmother’s wedding license application. “


  Major Sean Bielat USMCR , is working hard to spare us all another Kennedy in Congress . Please offer him your support in keeping the Kennedy’s in The People’s Republic of Massachusetts where they can’t do us any harm .
   Read his impressive bio here .