Tag Archive: Harassment

Department Of Homeland Security Lies And Intimidates Over Filming And Identification Laws







” While I was filming in downtown Albany, at the Federal Building, a DHS officer came out to see what I was doing. This officer had no problem lying about the legality of filming in public. She also had no problem lying about the fact that I do not need to identify myself to a police officer who has no reasonable, articulable reason to think I am about to, have committed, or am in the process of committing a crime (the requirements for a legal detainment).”



CopBlock has more










Watch This Homeowner Shoot Down A Drone Flying Over His Property





” One video shows a drone hovering over a beautiful home in Southern California and you won’t believe what happened!

  The homeowner ran out of his front door with a shotgun!

  The drone flew away with the guy in hot pursuit. His friend was recording cell phone video of the wild chase.
  The homeowner ran around his house, spotted the drone again, took aim, and fired.

  Larry Breaux of Valencia, California, is the homeowner who shot down the drone. He told INSIDE EDITION he believes the drone was sent over his house in a deliberate act of harassment.”


Read more


   The whole thing is suspicious as hell when you take into account , the shotgun right at hand and the ground footage of Mr Breaux chasing the drone … Be sure to read the comments from many drone enthusiasts and you will wonder if this whole deal was nothing more than a publicity stunt .











Officer Framing Citizen On Camera



UK Cops Frame Pedestrian For DWI




    These UK cops fabricate a case for arresting a pedestrian , who is filming the police arresting protestors from a public sidewalk , for allegedly driving drunk even though none of the officers saw the man anywhere near a motor vehicle . Neither did the cops see anything to give rise to the suspicion that the cameraman was intoxicated  … other than the lying word of another cop .

    Shameful behavior really , with the police so brazen as to not even give pause to the fact that the entire incident was on tape . Watching it will make your “blood boil” , as the original poster said , and one cannot help but marvel at the restraint demonstrated by the video-cameraman .  








3 Arrested For Harassing ROTC Cadet At Phoenix Open




” Scottsdale police officers arrested three men after they allegedly harassed a woman dressed in her ROTC Battle Dress Uniform who was acting as a volunteer at the Waste Management Phoenix Open on Monday.

  Evan DiGiovanni, 31, Michael Allen Duran, 29, and Vincent James Hendren, 30, allegedly spit on, yelled at and sprayed a sports drink on the 19-year-old college cadet, according to a Scottsdale police report.

  Officers said they saw the three men harassing private security officers near the lot at the Tournament Players Club in Scottsdale and that all three appeared intoxicated.”









Angel of Woolwich ‘Threatened With Arrest’ For Facing Up To Thugs



” Ingrid Loyau-Kennett, 48, stepped in to confront the alleged killers moments after Drummer Rigby was attacked in May. But now she says she has been threatened with arrest herself after thugs pelted her house with eggs and stones.

She says she dialled 999 and went outside to “calmly” remonstrate with the gang but when police arrived she claims they “manhandled” her and threatened to arrest her for a breach of the peace — and that instead of dealing with the youths responsible, a policeman grabbed her arm and twisted it.

The teacher and former Girl Guides leader said: “I’ve had trouble with these youths from the moment I moved in here five years ago. Being on the television just made things worse. I became more of a target. I’ve never confronted them before but I’d had enough and decided to be brave.

“They’ve been throwing eggs and stones at my house for months. On Monday night, I heard something hit my wall and that’s when I caught them.

“I called the police as soon as the incident happened. They arrived after 20 minutes which was useless.”




This woman has more “cojones” than the entire London Constabulary Dhimmies .







Family Of Girl, 17, Who Killed Herself After Images Of Her Being ‘Gang Raped’ Were Posted Online By Her Attackers Speak Out About Their Grief


'Victim': She was labelled a 'slut' after she was allegedly gang raped by four teenagers in 2010


” The family of a 17-year-old girl who hanged herself after she was allegedly gang raped and bullied for being a ‘slut’ have spoken out about their grief and their determination to fight for justice.

Rehtaeh Parsons was found hanged in the bathroom of her Dartmouth, Nova Scotia home on April 4 – after nearly a year-and-a-half of torment – and her parents switched off her life support days later.

‘When Rehtaeh was born, I promised her the world,’ her mother Leah told People magazine, as she grasped a picture of her oldest child. ‘Now my beautiful girl is gone.’

She was allegedly attacked at the home of two brothers in Cole Harbour on November 12, 2011, when she was just 15.”



You can read more about Rehtaeh’s tragic story here , here and here








Demand An Independent Inquiry Into The Police Investigation

    Some months back we posted on a girl in Nova Scotia who was raped , bullied and harassed to the point of taking her own life . The incident in question took place nearly a year and a half ago and still no justice , nor peace for Rehtaeh or her family . You can read our posts here and here and you can sign a petition demanding an investigation into why nothing has been done even while the rape was filmed and witnessed by numerous students .

” I am horrified at what happened to Rehtaeh. She was a beautiful, caring person. She was a amazing artist. She loved animals.

While I haven’t seen her in a few years, I’m friends with her family and I can’t believe how our community and the authorities failed to protect her.

Seventeen months ago, she was raped. The rape was photographed and the photos were shared around her Nova Scotia community. Rehtaeh was destroyed by this. Any 15 year old would be. She was called a slut. She was bullied. She faced depression. And this week she took her own life.

After Rehtaeh’s rape, the RCMP investigated for a year but said there was not enough evidence to lay charges.”

   Unfortunately the below update is undated and thus don’t know if this is a new investigation or one that has already come and gone . Regardless , it will do the reader no harm to add the name to the above-linked petition . Please do so , so that there might be some measure of justice for a teen who lost her life to sexist pigs .

**UPDATE** Rehtaeh will finally have justice. Today I received a call from the Premier’s office saying they will be launching an “independent review of the actions of police and the Public Prosecution Service in the Rehtaeh Parson’s case.” They have yet to announce exactly who will review the case. Until the reviewers are announced and we know they are truly independent I will be leaving the petition page open for more people to sign. Holding authorities accountable is how we make sure tragedies like this don’t happen again, so thank you everyone!”

   Editor’s Note : A concerned reader brought this story back to our attention and we are more than happy to bring it to yours .


Update : below is a comment we received from “Concerned” that provides links to both Rehtaeh’s mother’s and father’s web pages . Comment is reposted with the express permission of the commenter and we were touched by their concern and hope that you are too .



” Concerned Jul 1, 4:22 pm

Thank you very much for bringing this to attention, again….

As mentioned, I am concerned this has been “dragged on” so to speak, so the family and concerned persons “just get worn out”…People get exhausted.

I have read the Father’s Blog
The Mother’s Facebook

and many news articles. It seems as if the school “investigation” (to my mind) was cursory and head patting.

I have found nothing to indicate any serious (or even any) effort to charge anyone. I know the comment posted on the petition page was posted months ago, and suspect they hoped it would bring results. So far all I can say, is “where did it go””?

in the meantime, across Canada, I have read in the news three cases of young males, one only 14, charged with child pornography, for taking consensual video or pics and posting same. All Good. BUT…— what about Rehtaeh????

I found your blog, discussing this previously, and right now, all I can hope is persons like yourself (bloggers and writers), might stir enough interest to bring results.

I don’t know any of these people, but to my mind it horrifies any thought there is law and justice. It is obscene. It is obscene that it appears justice is trying to exhaust family from this.

I hoped, at least if more signed the petition/sent it on/posted it, it may make authorites realize “folks want to know”.

https://www.facebook.com/angelrehtaehofficial “







TSA Creating New Watch List For Passengers Not Concerning Enough To Be On Bloated No-Fly List





” If Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and the government’s various lists weren’t ludicrous enough as is, the number of individuals harassed will be increased significantly thanks to a new list specifically for “low risk” passengers as revealed in a recently released Federal Register newsletter.

While this appears to be focused mostly on airline flights, one must wonder if such lists will also be used when the TSA invades locations outside of airports around the entirety of the United States. After all, at least one college student has been harassed, detained and interrogated when traveling via train simply for engaging in Islamic studies.

It must also be mentioned that the claims that this will increase security are simply laughable since the TSA really has no interest in security evidenced by airport employees being allowed to work without background checks and the fact that an illegal immigrant was somehow able to work as an airport security supervisor for a whopping 20 years without being caught.”


Who Dares Dissent ?


” Conservative radio host and Breitbart Editor Dana Loesch had her vagina groped during an advanced screening by the TSA at Phoenix Airport, with Loesch complaining that she is targeted for such treatment almost every time she flies. ”



” In the video, Loesch complains to the screeners that she is “subjected to this almost every time I fly.” In her You Tube blurb, Loesch links to a previous incident in Providence, Rhode Island, where her husband was molested and had his genitals groped after TSA workers claimed he was covered in “nitrates.”

“After concluding that I wasn’t a terrorist hiding weapons in my vagina, the TSA agents allowed me to go,” concludes Loesch.

Groping travelers’ genitals has now become a routine part of TSA screening procedures.

Hundreds of complaint letters about the TSA’s invasive security procedures which were released last month under the Freedom of Information Act include numerous horror stories about TSA screeners directly touching people’s genitals during pat downs. There have also been numerous cases of public figures having their “junk” touched.

Could Loesch be a routine target of TSA harassment due to her public criticism of the agency?

As we have documented, people who opt out of body scanners or those who simply fail to display the proper level of obedience to TSA screeners are routinely subjected to punishment by means of invasive grope downs or other forms of retaliation.

Journalists who are critical of the TSA have also been singled out for retribution.

CNN reporter Drew Griffin was also put on a TSA watch list immediately after he filed reports critical of the organization back in 2008. “

Another common sense attempt at shoring up our basic Liberties . Spread the word and make the call . 

  “Americans choose to take to the roads for vacations and to visit friends and family on Memorial Day. Often, they’ll bring their firearms with them for sport or personal protection, and it’s perfectly legal under federal law. This gets under the skin of a handful of anti-gun jurisdictions that have grown so out of control that they’ll jail an active-duty Afghanistanveteran who’s following the letter of the law. A growing, bipartisan movement in Congress is looking to stop the harassment.

Rep. H. Morgan Griffith, Virginia Republican, has sponsored legislation that would amend current law to make it clear that individuals who transport their guns from state to state may stop for food, gas and vehicle maintenance. They also may seek medical treatment, tend to an emergency, stay overnight and conduct other activities incidental to the transport. ”  


This is not even about a new law . It is just about stopping anti-gun jurisdictions from taking advantage of certain ambiguities . This bill aims to spell it out loud and clear . 


  “These things are legal already, but because the law does not spell it out in explicit detail, gun-grabbing areas take advantage of the ambiguity.Mr. Griffith’s language would force states and localities to pay the attorney bills for anyone who is arrested for illegal transport if they are exonerated based on this proposed law.”