In EPA’s Grip, Coal Industry Is Headed To Washington

” Besieged by the Obama administration and its host of new environmental regulations, the U.S. coal industry is beginning to fight back.”



” Thousands of miners and their families will descend on Washington on Tuesday for the “Count on Coal” rally, bringing with them a simple message for the Environmental Protection Agency and other arms of the federal government that seem intent on relegating the fuel to the ash pile of history.

“The message is that there’s a lot of people out there in states that not only mine coal, but rely heavily on coal. There’s a lot of frustration building up at people here in Washington that they aren’t really listening and looking out for them,” said Hal Quinn, president of the National Mining Association, one of the rally’s prime organizers. “It’s a way of life. [Coal miners] are very proud of what they do for this country.” ”



This post gives more detail regarding  the closing of power generating facilities and mines under the new Obama EPA regulatory scheme . The list is extensive and growing at an alarming rate :


” -fired power plants and   are going down across the U.S., according to SNL Financial analyses.

Facing tougher federal health-based standards for mercury emissions in 2015, utility companies have been steadily shuttering coal-fired units, with 8,800 megawatts permanently closed in 2012 and another 5,781 megawatts projected to be closed this year.”


Idled Mines



We were warned . This is one instance where Obama told the truth.




” Production data from the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration shows that mines idled in the first half of 2013 produced a combined 11.4 million tons of coal in 2012.”



   It’s only going to get worse , and as energy prices rise so does the cost of EVERYTHING else . It takes energy to produce goods and it takes energy to deliver goods .