Tag Archive: Hacktivism

‘Hacktivist’ Group Anonymous Says It Will Avenge Charlie Hebdo Attacks By Shutting Down Jihadist Websites





” Hacker group Anonymous have released a video and a statement via Twitter condemning the attacks on Charlie Hebdo, in which 12 people, including eight journalists, were murdered.

  The video description says that it is “a message for al-Qaeda, the Islamic State and other terrorists”, and was uploaded to the group’s Belgian account.

  In the clip, a figure wearing the group’s symbolic Guy Fawkes mask is seated in front of a desk with the hashtag #OpCharlieHebdo – which stands for Operation Charlie Hebdo – featured on screen.

  The figure, whose voice is obscured says: “We are declaring war against you, the terrorists.”

  They add that the group will track down and close all accounts on social networks related to terrorists in order to avenge those who have been killed.”


The Telegraph has more












Anonymous Take Down Ft. Lauderdale’s Site For Anti-Homeless Laws




” The hacktivist group Anonymous is no fan of Fort Lauderdale’s new laws targeting the Florida city’s homeless population, and they took down multiple city websites to prove it.

  Using a denial-of-service attack, Anonymous was able to crash two websites and the city’s email service on Monday, the Sun-Sentinel reported. The main city website, fortlauderdale.gov, was taken down for hours, as was the police department website.

  Mayor Jack Seiler told the newspaper that all systems were back online around 6:30 p.m. local time, though sporadic problems were reported. Residents looking to pay utility bills were also denied during the outage.”


We Are Anonymous

We Are Legion

We Do Not Forgive

We Do Not Forget

Expect Us


Russia Today



Update: Broward Circuit Judge Thomas Lynch has issued a stay on Ft Lauderdale’s anti-homeless feeding laws :


” A judge ordered Fort Lauderdale on Tuesday to temporarily stop enforcing a new law than restricts the feeding of homeless people, intervening in a controversy that has brought the city a storm of negative international attention.”












Anonymous – Exposing UK Pedophilia Ring In #OpDeathEaters








” Greetings world, We Are Anonymous.

  The biggest story of our generation is unfolding in the
UK to near complete silence in the international corporate media. The
UK media that cover it at all depict it as a ‘sex scandal’ committed by
‘child lovers’.

  What the UK media depicts as “child sex” has left
children missing the lower half of their bodies. These so-called ‘sex
scandals’ involve children provided for torture as bait to blackmail
political opponents in Northern Ireland. The UK has open files on 200
missing boys from 1977 and 1983 The investigation has so far involved a
huge circle of UK establishment from media, politicians, police and
intelligence, known to police as The Untouchables. There are
international ties being ignored.

  To the people of the UK, your ruling classes are
preying on you. Not just in the ways you always knew they were. Our
friends in the UK, just like our friends in Gabon, have a political
class that is torturing and murdering their children and mutilating
their bodies. Unlike in Gabon, the UK media is following the direction
of the Paedophile Information Exchange and telling you these people are
child lovers who need understanding and tolerance. They are telling you
this is sex. Who controls the words controls your thoughts.

  This is not sex.
These people feed off the agony of others. They cause
wars and destruction during their working hours and they torture and
murder children as recreation.
These are not child lovers.
These are death eaters.

  To the people of the world, this story is not limited
to the UK. Unlike us, death eaters have no borders. Human trafficking is
the biggest criminal industry in the world. Death eaters have global

 The CSA inquiry in the UK is an attempt to depict a
powerful cult as a string of isolated incidents of “sex abuse”. The
complicit UK media is running a huge propaganda campaign to conflate
torture and murder with “pedophilia” and call for understanding of
“pedophilia”. This is not a group of sad pedophiles who need help and
understanding. This is a torture and death cult with a powerful global
human trafficking network. We demand that torture and murder be called
torture and murder, not sex. This is an international cult and needs to
be investigated as one, not simply as an endless series of isolated
incidents confined to the UK. We call upon our comrades globally to help
us investigate and demand an end to to the trafficking networks with
arrests at the top not just the bottom. We demand an end to human
trafficking and abuse complicity worldwide.”






We Are Anonymous

We Are Legion

We Do Not Forgive

We Do Not Forget 

Expect Us


Anonymous Seizes Ku Klux Klan Twitter Account Over Ferguson Threats







” Two Twitter accounts belonging to American racial segregation org Ku Klux Klan, @KuKluxKlanUSA and @YourKKKCentral, have been seized by Anonymous as part of the hacker-activist entity’s new campaign, #OpKKK.

  At 6:31pm PST Anonymous said it has knocked the website belonging to “Traditionalist American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan” — the group responsible for the Ferguson threats — offline.

  ZDNet has also received an unconfirmed statement that Anonymous has compromised KKK member email accounts, and a phone harassment campaign is being conducted on KKK members. The message is in full at the end of this article. “


ZDNet has more










RedHack Leaks Contact Details Of US Embassy Staff In Turkey


View image on Twitter




” Turkish based RedHack hacktivist claims to leak personal information and contact details of US embassy’ staff in Turkey.

  The dumped data shows names, emails and phone numbers belonging to US consulate in Turkey. The first in the list is Francis J. Ricciardone, Jr., the United States ambassador to Turkey, whose phone number, name and email has been mentioned. Than comes the Acting Assistant Secretary, Politics Officer, Economic Officer and Consultant on Politics etc.”


More at Hackread







Dutch Digital Activist Discusses Anonymous In Depth





” As the Anonymous collective branches out into public street-level operations and gains momentum, a digital activist discusses some of the philosophy and strategy behind the online activities of the movement.


  Dutch Anonymous-affiliated digital activist, Jos de Mooij, answers questions lifting the veil on hacktivism. He shares his opinions on the Million Mask March, street activism under the Anonymous flag, some philosophical ideas inherent in Anonymous, and the Jeremy Hammond sentence. Meanwhile, he certainly does not speculate on the Anonymous response to that sentence.


The Interview:

  To start, if you could provide me with as much background information about yourself as you are willing to share with the public.
Indeed… Better dox myself before anyone else feels inclined to do so. I live in Holland and I am a mechanical engineer. I also did business education on top of that. Then I got attracted to information technology and landed in the field of business intelligence where I worked many years for top 100/500 companies (the big corporations) and for governments as well. This is crucial to understand what I do, why I do it and how I do it. Business intelligence is about combining raw data and information elements into “actionable” information. This is also true with regard to social media data.

But all alarm bells started ringing when I realized the de-humanization of vision and free choice into something weird as mathematical statistical expressions and the (abuse of) power that came with it. Our right to self determination is being replaced by numbers in a number game of a power abusing elite that controls these numbers by controlling the mechanics that underlie those numbers. This may sound a bit abstract, but the actual results are far from abstract. It is what is happening. It is this statistical matrix that controls most of us. It is this matrix that controls our freedom. Like a fly can still move a little bit in a spiders web.


We are humans and we need diversity and real choice. Humanity, and in a wider sense, all life on earth is under heavy attack by this statistically controlled matrix. In other words, the matrix is already here and it is expanding its reach and I don’t like that at all.


You aren’t a fan of the new public face of Anonymous, why?

We Are Anonymous

We Are Legion

We Do Not Forgive 

We Do Not Forget

Expect Us

    Read the whole interview . It is sure to offer the reader much information on the Anonymous movement that has yet to come to their attention . 









Why Syria Hacking Obama’s Twitter Account Is A Sign Of Things To Come





” Last week, the Syrian Electronic Army briefly hacked President Obama’s official Twitter account and claimed to have accessed some of his sensitive campaign emails. And this follows months of speculation that Chinese hackers have been doing everything from hacking into Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign to burrowing deep inside America’s most sensitive infrastructure. From an asymmetric warfare perspective, the Internet has tilted the military playing field once again. America has bombs, planes and tanks, the rest of the world has… free stuff on the Internet.

In other words, Syria couldn’t possibly attack the U.S. on our own soil (we hope), but it can mess with our Internet. As Syrian leaders have pointed out before, ever since the Syrian Electronic Army formed in 2011, these hackers have begun to comprise “a real army in a virtual reality.” Think of just some of the various attacks members of the Syrian Electronic Army have carried out over the past 18 monthsthey’ve hacked major media websites such as those of the New York Times and the Washington Post, they’ve defaced websites, coordinated denial of service attacks, sent false news accounts via social media accounts and used sophisticated phishing tacts to compromise the account information of potential opponents.

And they’re just getting warmed up. What if our national infrastructure is next? What if they decide to play a little game with our nuclear reactors (or, at least, those hooked up to computers and sensors), all while sitting thousands of miles away, playing around on the Internet?


    This is one reason that the State feels that it must “control” the internet . Hacking , Anonymous and the internet itself are the greatest “force multipliers” ever available to arm the people the power in their fight against tyranny and abusive government . 






#OpMaryville: Anonymous Targets Town For Refusing To Prosecute Man Who Confessed To Having Sex With 14-Year-Old And Leaving Her To Die





” On Sunday morning, the Kansas City Star published a horrific account of the rape and subsequent harassment of 14-year-old Daisy Coleman and her family. By early Monday morning, the hacktivist group Anonymous had taken up the cause on the Coleman’s behalf.

Barnett was arrested and charged with sexual assault and endangering the welfare of a minor, and while in custody confessed to having sex with the drunk 14-year-old, but insisted that it was consensual. He also admitted to leaving her “outside sitting in 30-degree weather,” and it was Barnett who informed police that the sex had been recorded on an iPhone. Police later executed a search warrant on the Barnett home, which yielded physical evidence including Coleman’s panties and a bottle of Bacardi Big Apple.

“Within four hours,” Sheriff White told the Star, “we had obtained a search warrant for the house and executed that. We had all of the suspects in custody and had audio/video confessions.”

Early this morning, in response to the Star‘s report, Anonymous posted a letter to the town of Maryville:

We demand an immediate investigation into the handling by local authorities of Daisy’s case. Why was a suspect, who confessed to a crime, released with no charges? How was video and medical evidence not enough to put one of these football players inside a court room? What is the connection of these prosecutors, if any, to Rep. Rex Barnett? Most of all, We are wondering, how do the residents of Maryville sleep at night?

If Maryville won’t defend these young girls, if the police are too cowardly or corrupt to do their jobs, if justice system has abandoned them, then we will have to stand for them. Mayor Jim Fall, your hands are dirty. Maryville, expect us.”










Anonymous Steps Up Attacks On North Korea




” Hacking group appears to have staged another round of attacks against North Korea.

Hacktivist group Anonymous claims to have launched yet another round of cyber attacks against North Korea, as part of their operation to free the country from online oppression.

The claims come as the group continues to challenge the authority of respective governments across the globe.

Last weekend, they threatened to disrupt Israel’s online access using Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, for having allegedly shut off web access to Palestinians in the Gaza strip.

According to The Financial Times, the mere threat of disruption from Anonymous prompted many Israeli websites to shut down for fear of infiltration.”







Anonymous Takes Control Of North Korea’s Twitter And Flickr Accounts, Defaces Websites




” North Korea’s official Twitter and Flickr accounts have been hacked and two of its main websites defaced, in hacker group Anonymous’s latest efforts to disrupt the communist county’s online presence.

Last week, hackers that purported to be part of the ‘hacktivist’ collective claimed to have swiped 15,000 passwords from North Korea’s Uriminzokkiri.com news and information site in response to the North Korean regime and its nuclear weapons program. While that feat remains unclear since the hackers posted details of just six of the accounts that they claimed to have gotten, there is no doubt about the latest efforts.

Here’s a screenshot of the hacked tweets from @uriminzok, which has around 15,000 followers. The first of which was sent at 22:45 PDT on Wednesday.”



northkoreatweethack 520x374 Anonymous takes control of North Koreas Twitter and Flickr accounts, defaces websites



” A Pastebin note from hackers claims that the group has members inside of North Korea who are helping with the efforts against authorities in the country:

We have a few guys on the ground who managed to bring the real internet into the country using a chain of long distance WiFi repeaters with proprietary frequencies, so they’re not jammed (yet). We also have access to some N.K. phone landlines which are connected to Kwangmyong through dial-ups. Last missing peace of puzzle was to interconnect the two networks, which those guys finally managed to do.”




Teens Prepare For Cyberwar

” Computer-savvy teens are putting down their game controllers — at least temporarily — for code writing and virus-sweeping. Call it “Red Dawn: Part Deux: Teen Cyber-Commandos.”

At events like the CyberLympics, CyberPatriot contest or just-announced “Toaster Wars,” sponsored by the National Security Agency, high school geek squads are competing to see who does the best job at preventing unauthorized computer intrusions.

This growing interest in cyberdefense comes at a time when the Pentagon officials are warning against damaging computer attacks from China and other nations, while stoking concerns that the United States education system hasn’t trained enough cyber-warriors to protect either military or civilian computer systems.

While the students are taught advanced computer skills, they also receive training in computer ethics, according to Scott Kennedy, assistant vice president and principal systems engineering manager at SAIC, a defense contractor and cybersecurity provider based in Northern Virginia. In fact, some students have been kicked out for getting into other team’s computers, or issuing denial of service attacks.”


Reuters Journalist Matthew Keys Indicted In Anonymous Hacks





” A US Department of Justice Department statement released Thursday says Matthew Keys, 26, a Thomson Reuters social media editor and former web producer for the Tribune Company, was charged in the Eastern District of Calif. for conspiring with Anonymous.

Key’s involvement with Anonymous was revealed by a former Anonymous collective member “Sabu” who became an informant for the FBI following arrest last year.

According to the statement by the US Department of Justice, the Reuters web producer was indicted in a California district court for conspiring with hackers affiliated with Anonymous and passing to them between December 10 and December 15, 2010, usernames and passwords to access the computer server of the Tribune Company after he was fired from his job at the Tribune Company owned KTXL Fox 40 in Sacramento, California.

After he had handed over the log-in credentials to the hackers, he urged them to “go f**k some s**t up.”

According to a federal indictment (PDF) obtained by The Huffington Post, Keys, under the username “AESCracked,” used a chat room “InternetFeds” to pass the information to the Anonymous hackers.”






Facebook Hit With ‘Sophisticated Attack’






” The social media site said its security team discovered the breach last month. It occurred when a small group of employees visited a mobile developer website that was compromised, Facebook said. The compromised website allowed malware to be installed on the employees’ laptops .”

Hacker Warns Of Zombie Apocalypse



Zombie Apocalypse Hacker




” A hacker apparently got into the emergency alert system in Maine and issued a warning of dead bodies rising from graves and attacking the living. People in the area called the police to make sure it wasn’t real, lol.

This message did not originate from KRTV, and there is no emergency,” the station said. “Our engineers are investigating to determine what happened and if it affected other media outlets.” ”




RT report:

Winnipeg free press:


Hackers Take Over Gov’t Website To Avenge Swartz



” The website of the commission, an independent agency of the judicial branch, was taken over early Saturday and replaced with a message warning that when Swartz killed himself two weeks ago “a line was crossed.”

The message read in part:

Citizens of the world,
Anonymous has observed for some time now the trajectory of justice in the United States with growing concern. We have marked the departure of this system from the noble ideals in which it was born and enshrined. We have seen the erosion of due process, the dilution of constitutional rights, the usurpation of the rightful authority of courts by the “discretion” of prosecutors. We have seen how the law is wielded less and less to uphold justice, and more and more to exercise control, authority and power in the interests of oppression or personal gain.”The hackers say they’ve infiltrated several government computer systems and copied secret information that they now threaten to make public.”