Tag Archive: Hacked

Hacker Breached HealthCare.gov Insurance Site




” A hacker broke into part of the HealthCare.gov insurance enrollment website in July and uploaded malicious software, according to federal officials.

  Investigators found no evidence that consumers’ personal data was taken in the breach, federal officials said. The hacker appears only to have accessed a server used to test code for HealthCare.gov. The Department of Health and Human Services discovered the attack last week.

  An HHS official said the attack appears to mark the first successful intrusion into the website, where millions of Americans bought insurance starting last year under the Affordable Care Act. It raised concerns among federal officials because of how easily the intruder gained access and how much damage could have occurred.”


Read more












Syrian Hackers Target Obama’s Twitter, Facebook Posts


SEA Hacks Obama


” The pro-Assad group Syrian Electronic Army claims it hacked the Twitter and Facebook accounts of U.S. President Barack Obama.

In an exclusive email to Mashable sent from an account believed to belong to the SEA on Monday, the group notified us of the hack, but would not provide details about how it accomplished it. It appears the SEA did not actually access Obama’s social media accounts, but altered the links in the posts by tampering with the URL shortener service for BarackObama.com.”


Earlier we published a report that the SEA claimed responsibility for hacking the donate.barackobama.com page .


” The group appears to have had some form of access to BarackObama.com since Sunday night, when a page on the site redirected to a page that read “Hacked by SEA,” as first reported by The Blaze.

In a past interview via the same email address, supposed members of the SEA provided us with information about their goals and past attacks.

The links had not been fixed at time of writing, around 1:20 p.m. ET. This is a developing story and we will update as we learn more.”



As of 3:30 ET the links appear to be back under the control of OFA . Gizmodo has more about the attacks .









” A page on President Barack Obama’s presidential campaign website appeared to have been compromised by a hacking organization Sunday evening. The page, donate.barackobama.com, temporarily redirected users to a website, sea.sy/indexs/, appearing to belong to hacking group Syrian Electronic Army. “Hacked by SEA,” the website that users were redirected to read.”








Oh , The Horror !




” The National Security Agency’s website has been down for at least 30 minutes. Officials have acknowledged the outage, but won’t say if it was hacked. At least a few Twitter accounts that sound like the elite hacktivist contingent, Anonymous, are taking credit.”


Here’s BuzzFeed’s take :

NSA Website Down Amid Reports Of Attack




” The outage came a day after former NSA Director Michael Hayden was overheard speaking in an off-the-record conversation with a journalist, allegedly “bashing” the Obama administration over recent revelations that the NSA had monitored the phone calls of at least 35 world leaders.”




NSA Website Hacked Ahead Of “Stop Watching Us” Rally



Did Hackers Just Take Down The NSA’s Website?



NSA’s Web Site Is MIA, Cause Unclear



NSA Website Offline, Anonymous May Be Claiming Credit










14 Official NASA Domains Hacked By BMPoC, Left With Messages Against NSA Spying And War On Syria




” Hackers left a deface page along with a message on all hacked websites against possible U.S strike over Syria and National Security Agency NSA‘s spying over Brazilian government and population. The deface message was expressed in following words:

  • NASA HACKED! BY #BMPoCWe!  Stop spy on us! The Brazilian population do not support your attitude! The Illuminati are now visibly acting!

    Obama heartless! Inhumane! you have no family? the point in the entire global population is supporting you. NOBODY! We do not want war, we want peace!!! Do not attack the Syrians!

All hacked domains belong to agency’s internal departments and missons such as, Kepler Mission, Arctic Mars Analog Svalbard Expedition (AMASE), NASA Events domain, Ames Academy for Space Exploration, NASA’s Office of Planetary Protection, Virtual Astrobiology, NASA recruitment domain, NASA Lunar Science Institute, Moon Fest 2009 and domain of International Lunar Network (ILN).”











Reddit Slammed By Massive Online Attack





” Reddit suffered a massive distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack Friday that stretched into the afternoon.

At 6:02 A.M., the Reddit status twitter account tweeted that the website was working to recover from what appeared to be a DDoS. A DDoS is when a botnet is sent out to cripple a server or to steal information from it. The source of the attack has not yet been announced.

A Reddit admin that goes by the username Alienth stated on an AskReddit thread that the person or people attacking the site have “a lot of time and bandwidth on their hands.” Alienth posted a graph a of Reddit’s server load, claiming that none of the admins had ever seen an attack at this scale.

“All we know is it is blatantly malicious,” says a Reddit representative, according to the Huffington Post.”








Anonymous Takes Control Of North Korea’s Twitter And Flickr Accounts, Defaces Websites




” North Korea’s official Twitter and Flickr accounts have been hacked and two of its main websites defaced, in hacker group Anonymous’s latest efforts to disrupt the communist county’s online presence.

Last week, hackers that purported to be part of the ‘hacktivist’ collective claimed to have swiped 15,000 passwords from North Korea’s Uriminzokkiri.com news and information site in response to the North Korean regime and its nuclear weapons program. While that feat remains unclear since the hackers posted details of just six of the accounts that they claimed to have gotten, there is no doubt about the latest efforts.

Here’s a screenshot of the hacked tweets from @uriminzok, which has around 15,000 followers. The first of which was sent at 22:45 PDT on Wednesday.”



northkoreatweethack 520x374 Anonymous takes control of North Koreas Twitter and Flickr accounts, defaces websites



” A Pastebin note from hackers claims that the group has members inside of North Korea who are helping with the efforts against authorities in the country:

We have a few guys on the ground who managed to bring the real internet into the country using a chain of long distance WiFi repeaters with proprietary frequencies, so they’re not jammed (yet). We also have access to some N.K. phone landlines which are connected to Kwangmyong through dial-ups. Last missing peace of puzzle was to interconnect the two networks, which those guys finally managed to do.”




Experts Suspect North Behind South Korea Computer Crash




” SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — Computer networks at major South Korean banks and top TV broadcasters crashed simultaneously Wednesday, paralyzing bank machines across the country and prompting speculation of a cyber-attack by North Korea.

Screens went blank at 2 p.m. (0500 GMT), the state-run Korea Information Security Agency said, and more than seven hours later some systems were still down.

Police and South Korean officials couldn’t immediately determine responsibility and North Korea’s state media made no immediate comments on the shutdown. But some experts suspected a cyber-attack orchestrated by Pyongyang. The rivals have exchanged threats amid joint U.S.-South Korean military drills and in the wake of U.N. sanctions meant to punish North Korea over its nuclear test last month.”




Prominent Celebrities and Political Figures – Including Eric Holder – Hacked, Finances Exposed



” The Los Angeles Police Department and FBI are said to be investigating an apparent hacking incident involving several celebrities and prominent political figures.

TMZ reported earlier today:

A website — we’re not disclosing the name — has posted social security numbers, mortgage amounts, credit card info, car loans, banking and other info of major celebs.  In addition to Beyonce and Jay-Z … the site has snagged financial dossiers of Kim Kardashian, Paris HiltonMel GibsonAshton KutcherJoe BidenRobert Mueller, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder and LAPD Chief Charlie Beck.” “





Facebook Hit With ‘Sophisticated Attack’






” The social media site said its security team discovered the breach last month. It occurred when a small group of employees visited a mobile developer website that was compromised, Facebook said. The compromised website allowed malware to be installed on the employees’ laptops .”