Tag Archive: Gun Rights

Concealed Carry Without A Permit: Will Crime Go Up Or Down?




” This week, lawmakers in New Hampshire, Kansas, Mississippi, and Montana advanced bills that, if made into law, would no longer require special permits to carry concealed weapons in public. Five states already have no concealed permit requirement – part of a broader trend toward so-called constitutional carry.

  Also this week, Sen. John Cornyn (R) of Texas introduced federal legislation that would turn concealed weapons permits into something like state driver’s licenses, which are legal anywhere in the United States. The measure nearly passed a Democrat-controlled Senate last year, meaning it could well end up on President Obama’s desk in 2015.

  With about one gun already in circulation for every American, critics, including many in law enforcement, say constitutional carry will only make life more dangerous. However, so far, studies have failed to conclusively prove or disprove another correlation – between expanded gun carry and the decline in general and violent crime rates that has occurred in the US over the past two decades.

The operative idea for many gun owners: It’s law-abiding citizens, not the state, who should make the decision as to when carrying a gun is reasonable, or necessary. At least anecdotally, a lot of people who proclaim to be open or concealed carriers actually holster a gun only rarely, or arm themselves only for nighttime commutes or journeys into what they perceive as dangerous areas.

“ What I’ve seen is, for many people it’s more about, ‘I want to be the one to make the decision [about whether to carry], and I have that right,’ ” says Brian Anse Patrick, a professor at the University of Toledo in Ohio, concealed-carry instructor, and author of the upcoming book, “Propagunda.” “While the doors to gun carry are opening more and more, it all still comes down to practicality. A lot of people with permits, who have gone to classes, don’t follow through [with carry]. You have to be a really determined person to go through this whole thing.” “



Read the rest of this surprisingly even-handed , given the source , article at the Christian Science Monitor















Bill Would Allow Concealed Weapons Across State Lines






” Gun owners would be allowed to carry concealed weapons around the country under new legislation introduced in the Senate.

  The Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act would allow gun owners who have a concealed carry permit in their home state to bring their firearms in any other state with concealed-carry laws.

” This operates more or less like a driver’s license,” Sen. John Cornyn (Texas), the second-ranking Republican in the upper chamber, told The Hill. “So, for example, if you have a driver’s license in Texas, you can drive in New York, in Utah and other places, subject to the laws of those states.” 

  Cornyn, a Texas Republican, said this would “eliminate some of the ‘gotcha moments,’ where people inadvertently cross state lines” with guns they are legally allowed to carry in their home state.

  The National Rifle Association endorsed the bill Thursday, calling it a “much-needed solution to a real problem for gun owners.” “

Read more about the latest attempt to institute reciprocal carry here

In Illinois, Concealed Carry Of Guns Has Quiet First Year; Expansion Sought



Concealed carry in Illinois (infographic)

Click pic for interactive map of concealed carry holders



” Keith Hearn was getting out of his car in front of his home in Chicago’s South Shore neighborhood when, as he tells it, police pulled up and told him he had committed a minor traffic offense.

  Hearn, 34, has a concealed-carry license and said he voluntarily told the officers he had a handgun on him. Nonetheless, he said officers arrested him and took him to their station, claiming his gun was partly showing. After checking, he said, police found the concealed-carry law allows a gun to be “mostly” concealed, and let him go without charges.

” I was disgusted,” Hearn said. “Why was I arrested, handcuffed in front of my neighborhood, when I didn’t break any laws?”

  Hearn is among about 92,000 people who got licenses to carry a hidden gun in public last year in Illinois — the last state in the union to legalize “concealed carry,” as it’s called. Since it went into effect more than a year ago, the law has prompted neither the rash of shootings that opponents feared, nor a wave of crimes prevented through the intervention of armed citizens.

  Instead, there are ongoing disputes over who should be allowed to carry a gun, and where. Those battles are being played out in the courts and occasionally, on the streets, as in Hearn’s account, which Chicago police would not comment on or confirm.

  Some citizens who were turned down for concealed-carry permits say they are being denied their constitutional right by a secretive state licensing board. Yet some law enforcement officials warn that dangerous people are being allowed to walk around with loaded weapons.”


Read more from the Chicago Tribune














New York Flags 278 Gun Owners As “Mentally Unstable”





” New York State’s tough new SAFE Act gun control law has flagged 278 gun owners who could lose their weapons because they have been deemed mentally unstable, a new report shows.

  Gov. Andrew Cuomo urged lawmakers to pass the SAFE Act quickly after the 2012 mass shooting at the Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, Conn.

  The Syracuse Post-Standard reported last week that since the law’s enactment, the state has collected 38,718 names in a database of individuals who have been found at-risk for owning guns by psychiatrists and other health professionals.

  The paper said when the database was checked against a list of pistol permit holders in the state, there were 278 matches, less than 1 percent.

  Monroe County had the most matches at 36, followed by Westchester, 17, Suffolk, 16 and Dutchess, 14. “


Fox News












Gun-Friendly Texas Prepares To Roll Back Ban On Open Carry Of Firearms






” Long depicted as the capital of American gun culture, Texas is actually one of the few states to ban outright the open carrying of handguns.

  That could change in 2015, when the Republican-dominated state legislature and governor-elect Greg Abbott are expected to push for expanded gun rights.

“ If open carry is good enough for Massachusetts, it’s good enough for the state of Texas,” Abbott said the day after his election, last month.

  If Texas, which allows concealed handguns, embraces open carry – rolling back a 140-year ban – it would be the largest state to have done so.

  Open carry drew wide support in the 2014 statewide election, and at least six bills have been filed for the upcoming session, which starts in January. Abbott has pledged to sign one into law if sent to his desk.

  Coni Ross, a 63-year-old rancher in Blanco, carries a handgun in her purse for personal protection and said she would like the option to carry it openly on her belt if she could. She already does when she is on her ranch and feels comfortable with her gun by her side.

“ In one-and-a-half seconds, a man can run 25ft with a knife in his hands and stab you before you get your gun out,” Ross said. “If your weapon is concealed you’re dead.” “


The Guardian










How Current Events Might Play Into America’s Shift In Favor Of Gun Rights


Two Years After Newtown, A Shift in Favor of Gun Rights



” For the first time, a Pew survey found more support for gun ownership than gun control among Americans. Current events like the Michael Brown case may be accelerating the trend, a gun control advocate says.

  A dramatic swing in public opinion when it comes to guns and gun control may be driven by current events – particularly high-profile police killings in Staten Island, N.Y., and Ferguson, Mo., a gun control advocate says.

  In 2012, 48 percent of Americans in a Pew survey said guns do more to protect people than place them at risk. According to a survey released Wednesday, that number has increased to 57 percent.”



More Conservative Republicans, African Americans Say Gun Ownership Protects People From Crime



” The shift was even more substantial among African-Americans, going from 29 percent in early 2013 to 54 percent now (though with a margin of error of almost 10 percent due to a small sample size). 

  In addition, Pew said that for the first time, it found more support for gun ownership than gun control in more than two decades of conducting the surveys.”



Pew Gun Control



Read it all at the Christian Science Monitor  . Of particular note is this telling paragraph: 



The shift in views makes for grim reading for gun control advocates, who, according to Pew, have lost support among every demographic except Hispanics and liberal Democrats. City-dwellers, women, and blacks moved particularly hard toward a view put forth by pro-gun rights researcher John Lott: that an armed society is a polite society.”



The poll itself , which The Monitor did not see fit to provide a link to , is even more informative than the article and  can be read here . Needless to say , it is not good news for the Statist gun-grabbers among the Democratic party .












New Texas Governor Says He’ll Sign Open Carry Bill







” The Lone Star State’s new governor-elect, Greg Abbott (R), fresh from his landslide victory, promised that he would sign an open-carry bill into law if it reaches his desk.

  Abbott, former state attorney general, bested his Democratic opponent Wendy Davis this week and is slated to take office in 2015. A repeated promise he had made while campaigning for his new job in Austin would be to approve an open carry bill if given the opportunity.

“ Throughout the campaign I announced my support for open carry in Texas,” Abbott told the San Antonio Express-News.  “If an open carry bill is passed by the House and Senate and arrives at my desk I will sign it into law.”

  Citing that many states already have similar legislation enacted, his should not be an exception, saying, “If open carry is good enough for Massachusetts, it’s good enough for the state of Texas.”

  Since the 19th century, it has been illegal for Texans to carry modern handguns outside of their home, which was only modified in 1995 when the state adopted a concealed carry statute. This leaves lawful gun owners in the state who do not carry concealed with a permit the option of either arming themselves with a primitive black-powder handgun or a long arm such as a rifle or shotgun.”


Guns.com has the details










How Sheriff Clarke’s Pro-Gun Message Shaped Opinions In Milwaukee







Published on Oct 17, 2014

” In the coming weeks after the Sandy Hook school shooting, the American public was flooded with commentary about gun ownership, but one message in particular stood out: a public service announcement by Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke. It encouraged and inspired many on the pro-gun side — turning Sheriff Clarke into a gun rights hero — but what affect did his message have on his community?

For more, check out We The People Book by Ben Philippi here:https://www.facebook.com/wethepeoplebook

And for more gun news and reviews, check out http://www.guns.com “










Louisiana Restaurant Offers Heat-Packing Incentive: Way To Weed Out Gun-Grabbers!







” While a number of businesses are welcoming customers carrying firearms, a Louisiana restaurant has taken it a step further – offering an incentive to gun-toting diners.

  Bergeron’s Restaurant, located in Port Allen, is offering a 10 percent discount to any patron packing heat, according to local affiliate NBC33.

“ I just need to see a weapon,” owner Kevin Cox said. “I need you to be carrying a gun.”

  Cox first only offered law enforcement officers the discount, but other gun-toting customers wanted similar consideration, NBC33 reported.

Cox said he was only too happy to oblige.

“As long as everybody has a gun, we’re all the same size,” he told NBC33. “



Read more












Moms Demand Action Asked To Leave Kroger





” Refusing to bow to Moms Demand Action, Kroger asked 12 women protesting outside one of their stores to leave the premises. 

“You don’t need a gun to buy a box of cereal,” said Linda Brundage, MDA’s mid-Michigan leader outside the store. “Kroger would not be breaking any laws by saying to their customers, ‘Leave your guns locked in the car.’”

Even though Kroger knew about the protest, they still will not budge on their stance allowing patrons to carry guns into their stores.”


Read more











Seven Months Later, Orange County Concealed Carry Permits Have Doubled







” Last February, the Ninth Circuit Court Of Appeals, which has jurisdiction over most of the Western United States, ruled that California’s concealed carry law was unconstitutional. The provision in the law stating that one must give “good cause” for a concealed carry permit was deemed too burdensome–and they’re right!

  After the ruling, Orange County saw a spike in concealed carry permits. It got to the point where the county had to spend an additional $1.6 million–and hire 14 part-time staffers–to process all the applications.

  At the time, Orange County Sheriff Sandra Hutchens said she wasn’t going to add more scrutiny to the concealed carry permit process. If you’re a law-abiding citizen and apply, you’ll get your permit. “


Read more







“The Heroes Of The Right Of Self Defense”






” It’s a blog post by Prof. Nick Johnson of Fordham Law. He discusses Otis McDonald and Shaneen Allen (who faces a mandatory three year jail term for having driven into NJ with a firearm for which she had a PA permit to carry concealed).

” So another rhetorical question: Why have the nominal champions of civil rights ignored Otis McDonald and the self-defense interests of the sober, mature members of the Black community he represented?

  The search for answers highlights priorities wildly out of whack. Compare the relative non-acknowledgment of Otis McDonald with the broad consternation over how Black criminals are treated. Michelle Alexander’s acclaimed book calling the state of Black incarceration the “new Jim Crow” illustrates this….

  A final question, and this one is not rhetorical: Will the people who invoke the power and rhetoric of civil rights to condemn the disparate treatment of heroin and crack dealers, come to the rescue of a law-abiding Black woman whose crime was misunderstanding the multilayered bureaucracies that restrict the federally-guaranteed constitutional right to arms? “


David Hardy continues at Of Arms And The Law











Beretta USA Announces Decision To Move Its Entire Maryland Manufacturing Capabilities To Tennessee








From the Beretta USA press release:



” Beretta U.S.A. Corp., located in Accokeek, Maryland, announced today that it has decided to move its manufacturing capabilities from its existing location to a new production facility that it is building in Gallatin, Tennessee.  The Gallatin facility is scheduled to be opened in mid-2015.  Beretta U.S.A. had previously planned to use the new Gallatin, Tennessee facility for new machinery and production of new products only.

“ During the legislative session in Maryland that resulted in passage of the Firearm Safety Act of 2013, the version of the statute that passed the Maryland Senate would have prohibited Beretta U.S.A. from being able to manufacture, store or even import into the State products that we sell to customers throughout the United States and around the world.  While we were able in the Maryland House of Delegates to reverse some of those obstructive provisions, the possibility that such restrictions might be reinstated in the future leaves us very worried about the wisdom of maintaining a firearm manufacturing factory in the State,” stated Jeff Cooper, General Manager for Beretta U.S.A. Corp.

“ While we had originally planned to use the Tennessee facility for new equipment and for production of new product lines only, we have decided that it is more prudent from the point of view of our future welfare to move the Maryland production lines in their entirety to the new Tennessee facility,” Cooper added. “



While the Washington Post had this to say …



” The Italian company had disclosed a $45 million plan this year to expand operations to a new factory near Nashville. But Beretta has decided to go beyond that plan because, a senior executive said, the company is “very worried about the wisdom of maintaining a firearm manufacturing factory” in Maryland.

  Maryland’s new gun restrictions, pushed by Gov. Martin O’Malley (D) after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Conn., bans 45 types of assault rifles and put in place tough fingerprint, photo identification and training requirements. Magazines are limited to 10 rounds.

  A version of the legislation that passed the state Senate “would have prohibited Beretta ­USA from being able to manufacture, store or even import into the State products that we sell to customers throughout the United States and around the world,” the company said.

  Jeff Reh, a spokesman for Beretta USA, said in an interview that executives had become increasingly worried that future legislative sessions could end more “disastrously” for the company. “We wanted to control our own destiny,” he said. “



     It never ceases to amaze us that the politicians always seem to believe that they operate in a vacuum , that there is no alternative save to do as they command , even while the market continues to demonstrate endlessly that foolish , naive , “feel good” legislation comes with a price tag … that of lost jobs , lost revenue and lost taxes . Good for Tennessee , good for Beretta …







  This Texas gun shop has taken to the sign-waves to provide the public with a new pro-self defense message on a weekly basis . Below are just a couple of the clever examples to be found on Tactical Firearms Twitter feed . Check them out and give them a follow .





Criminals Follow Gun Laws





Here’s another …


Know Guns Know Peace





They are also offering free shooting for members of the military today , Memorial Day , from 10am to 7pm .








Embedded image permalink



If you are a shooter or lover of liberty visit their page and show your support .



HT/Young Conservatives










Sarah Palin NRA Stand And Fight Rally 2014




Published on Apr 26, 2014

” INDIANAPOLIS — Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin fired up a crowd of thousands inside Lucas Oil Stadium Saturday night to kick off the National Rifle Association’s “Stand and Fight Rally,” saying Americans’ constitutional rights as envisioned by the founding fathers are under attack and policies like gun-free zones constitute “stupid on steroids.”

” They knew that if the Second Amendment goes, the rest of the constitution is not far behind,” she said of the country’s founders.

  In her approximately 12-minute address, Mrs. Palin also derided what she argued is akin to a ‘blame the messenger’ attitude on gun violence many Americans take today.

” Gun stores are an accomplice to crime,” she said, “and that fork made me fat.”

  Mrs. Palin, plucked from relative political obscurity to be the 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee, still enjoys significant support among elements of the party’s base, and was at times received like a rock star inside the complex adjacent to the Indiana Convention Center, where much of the gun rights group’s annual meeting has taken place.

  After 2008, she returned to Alaska and soon after quit her job, citing “frivolous” ethics probes and the associated legal costs. Her latest venture is a new show, “Amazing America,” on the Sportsman Channel.

  A handful of potential 2016 GOP presidential contenders spoke or appeared in videotaped messages that aired Friday at the conference.

  In addition to haranguing former New York City Mayor Michael I. Bloomberg’s gun control push and lampooning Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.’s recent testimony on Capitol Hill, she also tsk-tsked Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s suggestion last year to fire off shotgun blasts into the air to scare off would-be intruders.

” Just aim up in the air – that was his directive, his advice,” she said. “Well, fine, Joe Squirt Gun, if your rapist is a bird.”

  She also derided those who she said place an emphasis on political correctness in handling the country’s adversaries “instead of putting the fear of God in our enemies.”

  She said later in her address that if “I were in charge” — a line that drew applause from the crowd — “they would know that waterboarding is how we baptize terrorists.”

© Copyright 2014 The Washington Times, LLC. Click here for reprint permission. “

Nathan Deal Signs Broad Gun Rights Expansion






” Gov. Nathan Deal signed legislation today that would vastly expand where Georgians can legally carry firearms, a proposal that has drawn heaps of praise and scorn from outside groups.

“ People who follow the rules can protect themselves and their families from people who don’t follow the rules,” said Deal, adding: “The Second Amendment should never be an afterthought. It should reside at the forefronts of our minds.”

  House Bill 60, which passed in the final hours of this year’s legislative session, allows Georgians to legally carry firearms in a wide range of new places, including schools, bars, churches and government buildings. A recent analysis also said it could let felons use the state’s “stand your ground” rules to claim self-defense if they feel threatened.” 


AJC has more








Stockman Touts Bill Defunding Gun Registries





” Conservative firebrand Rep. Steve Stockman (R-Texas) on Wednesday touted his bill to dock federal funding to states with gun registries, amid controversy over New York’s newly passed gun control law.

” In states like New York, gun grabbing politicians are using gun owner registries to hunt down law-abiding gun owners and demand they surrender their personal firearms,” Stockman said. “My bill ends anti-gun tyranny by cutting off the funds gun grabbers use to implement their tracking and confiscation schemes.

  Stockman’s legislation, introduced earlier this month, would withhold National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) or Community Oriented Policing Services Program funding to states that maintain gun registries or confiscate guns from people who are not legally allowed to own firearms.”


Read more









Haslam’s ‘Policy Maneuver’ Kills Tennessee’s Open-Carry Bill







” Last week the Tennessee Senate passed SB2424 by a landslide vote of 25-2 last week. The bill would allow Tennesseans to openly carry handguns without a state-issued permit.

  It’s reported the governor’s administration attached what was called a “$100,000 anchor” to the pending open-carry bill that’s stalled the legislation.

  The reason for the cost would cover the state’s vendor to modify the design of the handgun permit cards. They would remove the open-carry language from the layout of the card. State permits currently allows Tennesseans to either carry openly or concealed. It’s reported the state has already pretty much finalized it’s budget and ”shoehorning the extra expenditure into its ledger is unlikely.

  Haslam’s move goes against the apparent stance he took while campaigning for governor in 2010. Knoxnews.com reports:

“ The final days of that campaign were dominated by the furor created by candidate Haslam after he told the Tennessee Firearms Association that he would sign legislation into law to eliminate Tennessee’s requirements for carrying handguns in public.”

Read more

Gun Rights Group Protests San Antonio Law



Open Carry Texas Protests SAPD




” Dozens of armed San Antonians gathered outside the San Antonio Police Department’s west substation Sunday to protest the treatment of one of their members by officers and to take aim at a controversial city law.

  On March 31, Henry Vichique was walking home with his loaded rifle slung over his shoulder. Someone called 911 and when police arrived they asked the 19-year-old to put his weapon down. Vichique did not comply with the order and officers used a Taser to subdue him.

“ I kept (the rifle) on me. I did not want to make any attempt to look like I may be aggressive because they could have shot me on site,” Vichique said. “I just told them I was within my rights. I didn’t argue with them.”



    This is a continuation of Mr Vichique’s story and brings to light a widespread problem that is being addressed in some states like Kansas and needs to be dealt with nationwide . 


   For readers unfamiliar with Mr Vichique’s run-in with the San Antonio PD we invite you to view our post from last week and view the video of the arrest made by Mr Vichiques which is posted below …








Read more










Kansas Lawmakers OK Bill To Void Local Gun Rules






” Kansas legislators gave final approval Saturday to a bill that would nullify city and county gun restrictions and ensure that it’s legal across the state to openly carry firearms, a measure the National Rifle Association sees as a nationwide model for stripping local officials of their gun-regulating power.

  The House approved the legislation, 102-19, a day after the Senate passed it, 37-2. The measure goes next to Republican Gov. Sam Brownback. He hasn’t said whether he’ll sign it, but he’s a strong supporter of gun rights and has signed other measures backed by the NRA and the Kansas State Rifle Association.

  Kansas law doesn’t expressly forbid the open carrying of firearms, and the attorney general’s office has in the past told local officials that some restrictions are allowed. The Unified Government of Wyandotte County and Kansas City, Kan., has prohibited the practice, but the bill would sweep any such ban away, except to allow cities and counties to prevent openly carried weapons inside public buildings.”



Read more









Some Videos From The Web From CCDL Rally @Hartford Statehouse Saturday April 5th


   We are still trying to process our large collection of photos from the pro-gun rally in Hartford this weekend . WordPress does not seem to like our high resolution photos very much as it takes in excess of twenty minutes to upload a single photo . We are thinking that perhaps we should host the pictures elsewhere and just post a link to them . Does anyone have any helpful hints to offer ? Should we use Imgur , Instagram , photobucket ? 

   Any advice would be very welcome as up to this point we have not tried to post many of our own original photos at one time . We are open to all suggestions as we have a couple hundred photos from the event and while many are similar we would prefer to post them all and let our readers decide which to view . 

   Another question for the masses: We are starting to photoshop and desire to label our original photos with a YouViewed tag . Up til now we have put text on each photo individually and this is very time consuming . Does anyone know if we can save our “YouViewed.com” layer in Photoshop and simply add it to each photo instead of having to type it out and arrange the type size and location on each photo ?




Gun Rights Rally Hartford Connecticut 4 5 2014




2014 CCDL Hartford 2nd Amendment Gun Rally


Hartford Gun Rights Rally April 5, 2014


2014 CCDL Gun Rights Rally in Hartford Connecticut


CT Gun Rights Fight (Update)


    We hope these videos will keep your interest as we try to put together our collection of photos of the event . Again , if anyone has some tips for us to deal with our large collection of pics please leave a comment . Thanks , hope to have more for you all soon . 




Raw video of David Codrea’s Address


    Posting will be light this afternoon folks as we are off to support the Second Amendment in Hartford today and will hopefully be able to offer our readers some original video , commentary , pictures and perhaps interviews from the Connecticut statehouse . We hope that any of our readers that are in the Connecticut area make an effort to attend as well . See our sticky post at the top of the page for details , directions and parking info … Molon Labe !

Warning Shot Bill Passes Senate Floor







” The Florida Senate has approved the so-called ‘warning shot’ bill, which now heads to Gov. Rick Scott to be signed into law.

The bill passed 32-7 on Thursday.

  Sponsored by Sen. Greg Evers, a Republican from Pensacola, the bill has garnered attention due to the Marissa Alexander case in Jacksonville. Alexander is out on bail and awaiting a new trial after originally being sentenced to 20 years in prison for firing a gun near her estranged husband during an altercation.”


Read on