Tag Archive: Gun owners

U.S. States Most And Least Likely To Survive The Zombie Apocalypse





” Given the growing frequency with which zombies appear in movies, TV shows, and your worst nightmares, it’s inevitable the zombie apocalypse will soon be upon us. When it comes to surviving this inevitable showdown with the undead, location is everything. Do you live in a state populated with zealous zombie fighters capable of beating back hordes of brain-hungry walking dead? Estately answered this question with its Zombie Apocalypse Preparedness Rankings, which were determined using the 11 metrics below that measure fighting ability, knowledge of zombies, physical fitness, and access to weapons…

  Active Military Personnel: States with more soldiers per capita means states with more people who are physically fit, trained to fight, and have access to weapons (source).

  Military Veterans: Percentage of veterans per capita is a solid way of measuring fighting experience (source).

  Physically Active: States with residents who rarely get out of their Laz-E-Boy will not escape the zombie menace (source).

  Martial Arts Enthusiasts: Hand-to-hand combat is an important skill when the ammo runs out (source—percentage of Facebook users who listed “martial arts” as an interest).

  People with Survival Skills: In the long run, knowing how to survive without modern conveniences in a collapsed society will be critical (source—percentage of Facebook users who listed “survival skills” as an interest).

  People with Knowledge of Zombies: To know your enemy you must know their ways (source—percentage of Facebook users who listed “zombies, Resident Evil, Zombieland, and The Walking Dead” as interests).

  Laser Tag Enthusiasts: Yes, laser tag. Few things prepare you for a zombie attack in enclosed space (source—percentage of Facebook users who listed “laser tag” as an interest).

  People with Guns: Shooting a zombie in the head is really the best way to defeat a zombie, and to do that you need a gun (source).

  Obesity: The obesity epidemic will yield to the zombie epidemic because the obese will struggle with running away from zombies. It’s really very simple (source).

  Paintball Enthusiasts: Those who can slink around the woods unnoticed while splattering their enemies with paint will find success shooting zombies in nature (source—percentage of Facebook users who listed “paintball” as an interest).

  Triathletes: When everything breaks down, running, swimming, and bicycling will be ideal ways to escape zombies (source—percentage of Facebook users who listed “Ironman triathlon” as an interest).

Below is a complete ranking of the 50 states based on zombie apocalypse preparedness. Those at the top are the most likely to survive and those at the bottom are the least likely to. Scores are per capita rankings for each category.”










  Despite being physically fit, residents of Massachusetts are almost completely lacking in knowledge of zombies. Ignorance is not bliss, it’s very costly in a zombie apocalypse.


  The Tennessee Zombie Response Unit has its work cut out for it because the rest of state is ill prepared to battle the undead. Tennesseans should abandon their company softball teams and form paintball teams instead.


  For Louisiana, the downside of letting the good times roll is it makes it very difficult outrun the living dead. Lack of physical fitness and limited knowledge of zombies dooms the great state of Louisiana… once it runs out of ammunition.


  Here’s a plan—Alabama confronts its obesity by training for the Alabama Biathalon. It’s a variation of the winter sport, but instead of cross-country skiing you just run around the woods with a gun shooting at everything. It’s like hunting season, but you can’t bring a 24-pack of beer.


  Residents of Connecticut should either begin playing laser tag or start seasoning themselves because if the zombie apocalypse started today they’d get eaten up as appetizers.


  Even though The Walking Dead is set in Georgia, residents there have little interest in zombies. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, the undead will discover Georgia brains are as sweet as Georgia peaches.


  If there were New York travel brochure for zombies it would tout the state’s lack of veterans, limited enthusiasm for survival skills, and scarcity of firearms.


  Our nation’s capital has almost no knowledge of zombies, martial arts, or firearm ownership. It’s going to be an all-you-can-eat brain buffet for the zombies.


M-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-Die. Everybody is going to die. From zombies.


  If the zombie apocalypse began today, and you live in New Jersey, the odds are 100% that you’ve already been bitten and have become a zombie, unless you took a course from New Jersey’s own Zombie Survival Course. It’s real, and it could definitely save your life… even though they criticized our article (video proof).


Check out these articles about our zombie list…

CNET: When the zombie apocalypse hits, pray you’re in Alaska

Wall Street Journal: If a Zombie Epidemic Hits, New Jersey Is Screwed (Map)



Read the rest at Estately











Connecticut Gubernatorial Candidate Tom Foley Betrays Gun Owners – Supports Gun Grabber







” Tom Foley, the winner of the Republican Convention for governor in the state of Connecticut, gave strong support for Second Amendment supporters. However after doing so, Foley then turned his back on them and encouraged his delegates to vote for the number one Republican anti-gun politician, John McKinney. A last minute decision, according to video documenter Palin Smith, “put McKinney over the 15% threshold of primary election qualification.” This leaves gubernatorial candidate Joe Visconti as a possible Dark Horse in the race.

  Palin Smith has contributed many necessary videos documenting the fiasco that is going on in Connecticut. In this latest one, a delegate to the convention said that Tom Foley talks a good game, but it was his actions that were disturbing.”


More at DC Clothesline










Cult Of Firearms Incites Disobedience





” With the arrival this past week of the deadline for registering military style weapons in New York, our gun-carrying comrades appear to be more tightly bound to the code of the gun than to the laws that bind the rest of us in a civilized society.

  How startling to find that the cult of the firearm should monopolize the passions of this group over their responsibility to uphold and follow the law, the same as all others in society do — their wives and children, neighbors and friends and community leaders.

  How discouraging to hear various police chiefs and sheriffs declare they will not enforce the law to arrest those who fail to register their firearms. And how odd it is, as Christian churches prepare for Easter week celebrations with messages of mercy and forgiveness, that the gun lobbies grow more rowdy, preaching defiance and aggression instead.”

Read more

Cuomo, Amid Moreland Struggles, Realizes He Might Lose


cuomo arrogant




” After his worst week in office since becoming governor, Andrew Cuomo is now viewed for the first time by important Democrats as potentially vulnerable to Republican challenger Rob Astorino, The Post has learned.

  The changing sentiment results from the extraordinary criticisms Cuomo received last week from corruption-fighting Southern District US Attorney Preet Bharara — because of the governor’s summary dismissal of his anti-corruption Moreland Commission panel — and from an assortment of “good-government’’ over his transparently phony plan for a severely limited system of publicly financed elections.

“ It was a disastrous week for Andrew. He was being attacked all over town, and it appeared to be the culmination of not just weeks, but months, of eroding support for the governor from within his own Democratic base,’’ one of the state’s most influential Democrats told The Post.”

The NY Post has more

The Hartford Statehouse April 5, 2014




Protest 1 YouViewed_edited-1




   Since we are still traveling I’ve had no time to assemble any kind of story on the rally yesterday but thought that our readers would like to see a few now , before the story is forgotten . 




Crowd Protest 4-5-14_edited-1




    Here we present a few random shots of the crowd , speakers , signs etc . with the hopes of creating a coherent storyline when we return home . Enjoy these snaps for what they are .




Protest Crowd 3




Here are two videos (raw & unedited) that you can find on our Youtube channel 



David Codrea the keynote speaker




A view from the high ground , well a tree really as the high ground was occupied by the speakers











CT Governor Dannel Malloy To Gun Owners: “You Lost,” Get Over It





” As Connecticut is in the midst of a very serious situation regarding guns and gun registration, Governor Daniel Malloy attended a town meeting this week to address constituents at John Barry Elementary School in Meriden, Connecticut. During that event, a pro-gun citizen, who has opposed the legislation signed into law by Malloy, which requires gun owners to register their semi-automatic rifles and high-capacity magazines or be considered felons, asked how Malloy could push legislation that is against law abiding gun owners while abolishing the death penalty and offered early release for violent criminals. Malloy’s answer was not to point to the State Constitution, but to point to the people’s desire to “feel safe.” In that respect, he told the questioner that the legislation regarding gun registration had gone through each branch of government and “your side lost.” In essence, Malloy said, “Get over it.” “

Read more








WTF Wednesday Christmas Edition (38 Photos)



PUBLISHED by catsmob.com



Prefer tree pictures ? How about this ?








There are 36 more at Guns.com









Liberal Radio Pundit: Missile Strike On NRA Gathering Would End Obama’s Problems





” While appearing on the Stephanie Miller radio program on Monday, Lee Papa, a liberal pundit who goes by the name of the “Rude Pundit” suggested that a missile strike on theNRA convention in Houston would have “taken out” most of Obama’s problems,Newsbusters reported. Worse yet, Miller agreed.

“You know I was thinking this weekend, if Barack Obama is really as evil as everybody says he is just one errant missile shot in Houston would really have taken out most of his problem,” Papa said.

“Yeah,” Miller responded.

“Barack Obama isn’t just the greatest president ever, he’s also an especially kind man. After all, His Worship has every right to blow political opponents to smithereens, yet repeatedly declines the opportunity,” Newsbusters said.”













” So you weren’t able to get to the NRA convention in Houston this year? Luckily we were there for you. Below, we’ve compiled our favorite pictures from the first day. From guns to celebrities to just downright awesome it’s all here:” 







   We include this moment from the 2000 NRA convention  … just because !









Why Gun Owners Don’t Trust Obama—Even When They Agree With Him




” The latest New York Times/CBS News poll finds that about nine out of 10 Americans continue to favor “a federal law requiring background checks on all potential gun buyers.” But as President Obama has suggested, a lot of these people seem to think we already have such a law, because only 54 percent of respondents said they supported stricter gun control.

And despite the fact that Obama has been pushing a requirement that 88 percent of Americans say they support, only 41 percent approve of the way he has been handling gun policy, while 52 percent disapprove. That’s twice as high as the percentage who said they had an unfavorable view of the National Rifle Association, which Obama has sought to demonize at every opportunity.

Furthermore, even though Republicans in Congress opposed expanded background checks, more Americans trust them to “make the right decisions about gun laws” than trust the president (44 percent vs. 41 percent). A Republican respondent interviewed by the Times after the survey suggested a possible explanation for this apparent inconsistency.  “I was really ticked off that the law didn’t pass,” he said, “but I thought it was wrong of President Obama to get in front of the public and use people who had been damaged by gun violence as props.” 

Obama’s difficulty in winning the trust of gun control skeptics, even when they agree with him on the issue at hand, goes beyond his crass and insulting rhetoric. Although he frequently proclaims his support for Second Amendment rights, he has a very narrow concept of what they entail. He tellingly defended the constitutionality of the severe gun restrictions overturned by the Supreme Court in District of Columbia v. Heller and McDonald v. Chicagowhich barred law-abiding citizens from keeping handguns for self-protection even in their own homes. Obama argues that state and municipal governments have wide latitude under the Second Amendment to adopt gun controls that make sense in light of local conditions, even when those laws virtually eliminate the right to keep and bear arms. The D.C. law overturned in Heller, for instance, not only banned handguns but also effectively forbade the use of rifles or shotguns for self-defense. As Obama put it after Heller was decided in 2010, “What works in Chicago may not work in Cheyenne.” And vice versa, of course. In light of that position, Obama’s anecdote about how his wife came to empathize with rural gun owners is not as reassuring as it may seem on its face:

And so one of the questions we talked about was, how do you build trust? How do you rebuild some trust? And I told the story about two conversations I had. The first conversation was when Michelle came back from doing some campaigning out in rural Iowa. And we were sitting at dinner, and she had been to like a big county, a lot of driving out there, a lot of farmland.  And she said, if I was living out in a farm in Iowa, I’d probably want a gun, too. If somebody just drives up into your driveway and you’re not home—you don’t know who these people are and you don’t know how long it’s going to take for the sheriffs to respond. I can see why you’d want some guns for protection. That’s one conversation.”



Illustration by Dana Summers





Docs Show Janet Napolitano Thanked Missouri Governor For Breaking State Law






” Missouri Governor Jay Nixon repeatedly denied knowing anything about Missouri illegally sharing its citizens private CCW information with the federal government, even after his own head of Missouri Highway Patrol contradicted him in a public hearing. Now we’ve learned that Nixon not only knew about the violation of Missouri law, but he was thanked in a letter by Janet Napolitano:

DHS- Letter to Nixon- REAL ID Compliance — ongoing MO CCW Scandal

Missouri law — signed into effect by Gov. Nixon himself — prohibits full compliance with the Real ID Act. This includes sharing Missouri’s conceal carry list, which officials under Nixon did, with his full knowledge, according to this letter.

Missouri’s governor lied to his constituency when he said that no documents were being shared — Nixon even claimed that the lawsuit was dismissed, which it was not:

“First of all, the Department of Revenue has been very clear,” Nixon said.  “There are no documents being sent to some federal government magic database somewhere to do something.” “







CNN Article Admits Gun Accidents Among Children Are Literally 1 In A Million




” CNN ran an article on the front page of its website today in which the topic of parents asking about guns prior to playdates and sleepovers.

The article said more parents are asking the question about gun ownership and storage before letting children go to a friend’s home.

What is surprising is that CNN actually admitted the following in the article.

Despite incidents such as the recent death of a 6-year-old New Jersey boy shot in the head by a 4-year-old playmate, as well as the accidental shooting of a Tennessee sheriff’s deputy’s wife by a 4-year-old boy, accidental firearms deaths are rare among children.

According to the CDC’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, 703 children under the age of 15 died in accidental firearms deaths between 2001 and 2010, the latest year for which the agency’s statistics on fatalities are available. During the same period, 7,766 children under the age of 14 suffered accidental firearms injuries — about one injury for every million children.

Injuries (note, that is injuries, not deaths) occur at a rate of around 1 in 1,000,000.” 







The Rio Norte Line

In light of news reports that Guantanamo Bay may be closed with its occupants slated to be brought inside the borders of the USA, it is important to understand the POTENTIAL Definition of TERRORIST.  We now have official acceptance of a “Presidential Kill List” and indefinite DETENTION of terrorists “accepted” by OUR federal Government.  The ALLOWANCE of the suspension of habeus corpus WITHIN the borders of the USA during a time when WAR HAS NOT BEEN DECLARED, lays the groundwork for U.S. citizens to be “detained” and “held” by the mere addition of a name to some “security list” with NO RIGHT TO CONFRONTATION OF YOUR ACCUSER, OR EVEN BEING INFORMED OF THE CHARGES AND EVIDENCE AGAINST YOU !

What is a potential terrorist in the eyes of the current Administration?  The Homeland Environment Threat Analysis Division of the current administration’s Department of Homeland Security published their PERCEPTIONS…

View original post 981 more words

The Grey Enigma

Do you hate paying taxes? Are you fighting foreclosure? Do you feel like no one should be allowed to commit violence against you and don’t always blindly follow the commands of the authorities? Do you film encounters with police or believe gold makes better currency than Federal Reserve Notes? Well you might be part of a domestic terrorism movement and not even know it.

On Friday, the Los Angeles Times posted an article attempting to define a domestic terrorist movement consisting of as many as 300,000 Americans. Some are even labeled as non-violent “paper terrorists”.

Is there a more Orwellian term than “non-violent terrorist”?  If you can think of one please share it in the comments below.  They refer to this so-called terror group as “sovereigns, zealots who refuse to recognize government authority in virtually any form.”

When attempting to further define and identify individuals in this movement, some very…

View original post 919 more words






Here Is The Video From Carrey



” Carrey’s song, published at the reliably humorless Funny or Die web site, takes aim at Heston’s pro-gun stance as well as anyone who clings to the right to bear arms.

Heston isn’t around to answer Carrey’s insulting attack, but Gutfeld wasn’t afraid to respond. His retort, first heard on Fox News’ The Five, mocked both Carrey’s politically correct targets as well as the comedian’s past fear-mongering over vaccine use.”



Here Is Greg Gutfeld And The Five’s Response





” Now, just three short years later, a grassroots movement has been awakened again. But this time it’s not the Tea Party reacting to healthcare. Rather, it is a collection of the approx. 80 million gun owning Americans reacting to the federal government’s insistence on taking guns away.

It is the more than four million NRA members, and the hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of members of the Second Amendment Foundation and Gun Owners of America.

This movement is broad–encompassing Republicans for sure, but also Democrats, Independents, and Progressives like “Warren” who called into the Wilkow Majority on March 5 to talk about how sacrosanct guns are in this country. He talked of how his support for much of the progressive agenda does not include support for more gun control.”

We Are We The People

Time For Law Abiding Gun Owners To Stand And Fight For Their 2A Rights





” It’s no secret that the recent mass shootings are being used and manipulated to slowly erode, gnaw at and diminish the 2nd Amendment.

The Diane Feinstein’s and Mike Bloomberg’s of this country essentially want to neuter the 2nd Amendment so it’s essentially just a privilege in name only, not a Right as guaranteed by our Bill of Rights. President Barack Hussein Obama has initiated 23 Executive Orders, which potentially could put 2A rights on a very slippery slope and blur the lines of HIPPA laws and personal health information (PHI) as it relates to gun ownership.

Now more than ever, each and every law abiding gun owner needs to stand up and be heard. That action can take many shapes and forms. Recently there have been a host of states where Guns Across America rallies have been organized and citizens have exercised their 1st Amendment right to support their 2nd amendment right! Bravo!!

If you are reading this article and own one gun and are not a member of the NRA or any gun ownership supporting organization please join NOW! Listed below, are several organizations that all work to protect your rights under the 2nd Amendment and will fight for you to maintain that right. The enemies list of the NRA is long and deep, including Rosie O’Donnell which is a clear cut indication that they work hard to support you….the law abiding gun owner. More importantly they are very effective as are many of those listed below. JOIN NOW!

  1. NRA Membership
  2. Gun Owners of America
  3. 2nd Amendment Foundation
  4. Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep & Bear Arms – CCRKBA
  5. National Shooting Sports Foundation – NSSF
  6. Jews for the Preservation of Firearm Ownership – JPFO
  7. Armed Females for America “

Gun Backers Draw Bead On O’Malley Plan





” Second Amendment advocates flocked to Annapolis on Wednesday to rally and testify against a gun control proposal by Gov. Martin O’Malley, mounting a massive protest whose scale surprised some observers in the heavily Democratic state.

Mr. O’Malley, a Democrat, was among the first of more than 400 people scheduled to testify before the state’s Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee on the bill, which would ban assault weapons and require residents to obtain a license before purchasing handguns.

Before the hearing, more than 1,000 gun rights advocates gathered outside the State House to voice their disapproval, echoing scenes that have played out in other state capitals, where the push for gun control by Democratic leaders in the wake of last year’s school shooting in Newtown, Conn., is getting blowback from Republicans as well as many conservative and rural Democrats.

“It just seems to be rather punitive to the law-abiding citizens of this state like myself,” Tom Morris Jr., a Maryland resident and former correspondent for the TV series “America’s Most Wanted,” said during Wednesday’s hearing. “We can limit the capacity of magazines, but that’s not going to stop a criminal from putting in as many bullets as he can get.” “

HT/Guns Save Lives

Obama’s Traveling Gun Show




” His first stop was Minnesota. “I need everybody who’s listening to keep the pressure on your member of Congress to do the right thing,” said Mr. Obama, surrounded by uniformed officers at the Minneapolis Police Department Special Operations Center.

“Ask them if they support common-sense reforms like requiring universal background checks or restoring the ban on military-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.” Mr. Obama added, “Tell them now is the time for action, that we’re not going to wait until the next Newtown or the next Aurora.”

An extensive 2002 study by the Centers for Disease Control examined firearms laws from all across the country and concluded none were effective in thwarting violent criminals. Such facts can’t always stand up to the effect an all-out White House campaign can have on public opinion. A Pew Research Center Poll released Thursday shows that support for the “assault weapons” ban reached 55 percent. Two years ago, a Gallup poll put support for the ban at only 43 percent.”


Ted Nugent Destroys Piers Morgan One More Time in New Interview


Ted v Piers




“Ninety-nine point nine percent of the gun owners of America are wonderful people that you are hanging around with here today. Perfectly safe. Perfectly harmless. Wonderful, loving, generous, giving, caring people. Would you leave us the hell alone? Go after the nut jobs, go after the murderers, because I don’t know any.”


New York Gun Law Challenged in Court




” According to USA Today , the New York Rifle and Pistol Association filed a claim this Tuesday against the state, saying that the SAFE act violates fundamental constitutional rights. Among the plaintiffs are the Westchester County Firearm Owner’s Association and AR15.com , a well known gun owners’ forum based out of Farmington.

New York law enforcement officials have also spoken out against the law for feasibility reasons. Some police officials say they are not keen on harassing law-abiding citizens who just happen to own firearms.”


Gun Owners of America