Tag Archive: Gun law

High Capacity Magazine PSA (VIDEO)

” This is the first of several Public Service Announcements MB Studio Productions will be producing to demonstrate who gun laws really affect and why they don’t work.

Check out their website for more.

This is part of an Indiegogo.com campaign to raise funds for the production of Shoot To Thrill, an exciting television show that will promote the positive image of responsible gun ownership.”






NY State Supreme Court: Gov. Cuomo Must Prove New Gun Laws are Constitutional



” Do New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s new draconian gun laws pass constitutional muster?

n the lawsuit, Tresmond challenges the constitutionality of the NY SAFE Act on the grounds that it violates not one’s Second Amendment rights, but one’s Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment protections against government seizure of private property without “due process and just compensation.”

In an interview with the Utica Observer-Dispatch, Tresmond explained how his two plaintiffs, both gun owners who possess ‘assault’ weapons and ‘high’-capacity magazines will be forced to forfeit their property when the new laws take effect.

“If you can take somebody’s $20,000 gun or firearm without any compensation whatsoever, that’s criminal,” Tresmond added, noting that the case may be on its way to becoming a class action lawsuit. “






Brady State Anti-Gun Ratings



” The map seen above comes from the Brady Campaign, a group pushing for more stringent gun laws. Based on Brady’s scoring system, red states have the most relaxed laws when it comes to gun ownership. Green states are those with the toughest limitations for anyone hoping to exercise their constitutionally guaranteed gun rights.

The Brady group scores states on a variety of topics – things like state license requirements and background checks on all purchases. No state scores a perfect 100 with Brady, but California gets an 81, and that is before any new laws that will get put in place following the Sandy Hook massacre.”



Refuse Service



” Six gun companies have announced plans to stop selling any of their products to any government agency in states that severely limit the rights of private gun ownership.

Disappointed with New York State lawmakers and other jurisdictions around the country who have passed strict gun control legislation, the companies—composed of firearm manufacturers, gunsmiths, and sporting goods retailers—have announced these policies in the past week.

Their various statements emphasize that such laws create a class of government employees with rights and and a class of citizens without rights. Thus, they refuse to aid the enforcement of such inequality.

The announcements read: … ”



NRA Releases Shooting Game For Ages 4+




” The National Rifle Association, which has been critical of the gaming industry in the debate surrounding potential gun control legislation, has rolled out its own app where users can take target practice.

NRA: Practice Range, a new iTunes app released Sunday by the nation’s largest gun-industry lobby, offers users a shooting-practice feature, tips on safety training and a state-by-state gun law database.

The free app dispenses standard gun safety mantras before the user can begin to shoot: “Use only the correct ammunition for your gun;” “Never use alcohol or drugs before or while shooting;” “Know your target and what is beyond it.”


What Every Legislator – And Citizen – Needs to Know

” No one wants to ever again see anything like the senseless slaughter of 26 people – including 20 children – at a school. But as legislators turn toward creating new gun laws, here are five facts they need to know.

1. Violent crime – including violent crime using guns – has dropped massively over the past 20 years.

The violent crime rate – which includes murder, rape, and beatings – is half of what it was in the early 1990s. And the violent crime rate involving the use of weapons has also declined at a similar pace.

2. Mass shootings have not increased in recent years.

Despite terrifying events like Sandy Hook or last summer’s theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado, mass shootings are not becoming more frequent. “There is no pattern, there is no increase,” says criminologist James Allen Fox of Northeastern University, who studies the issue. Other data shows that mass killings peaked in 1929.”




Cuomo Calls For ‘Toughest Assault Weapon Ban In The Nation



  Who does he think he’s fooling ? The crime rates nationally have been steadily declining for the past TWENTY years even as the population has grown by over 20% . There is no problem that the State needs to step in and address . There is no crisis awaiting the curative hand of State intrusion . This is a power grab plain and simple . 


FBI Crime Stats 1992-2011

 New York already has some of the toughest gun laws and it certainly is one of the most intrusive of bureaucracies , witness the mass exodus of corporation departing the state due to sky high taxes , onerous regulation and this unending attitude coming from Albany that the only solution is the State solution .



“We need a gun policy in this state that is reasonable, that is balanced, that is measured,” Cuomo said. “We respect hunters and sportsman. This is not taking away people’s guns. I own a gun … that’s not what this is about.”

“It is about ending the unnecessary risk of high-capacity assault rifles. That’s what this is about,” he added. “


If this governor is really interested in helping the people of his state he should devote his attentions to the real problems that exist in New York , namely the economy and jobs . Help to create an environment that is conducive to business growth and that will lead to more jobs , more revenue and less crime .



NBC’s David Gregory Remains Free while Iraq Vet was Jailed for Breaking the same Gun Law (VIDEO)


Protects our rights and gets jailed


” Intrepid reporter Emily Miller of the Washington Times wrote an interesting article on Tuesday concerning the two systems of justice that exist in our Nation’s Capital.  That is, the justice system that applies to political elites and the justice system that applies to ordinary citizens.

To highlight the inequity in the DC legal system, Miller pointed to two different cases, one involving an Iraq and Afghanistan war veteran Adam Meckler and another involving NBC’s ‘Meet the Press’ host David Gregory.

Both men violated a subsection of this onerous gun law, DC Criminal Code 7-2506.01:

Unlawful Possession of Ammunition (UA): It is illegal to possess ammunition in the District of Columbia unless the person is:  (1) a licensed dealer, (2) a federal or city law enforcement officer acting within scope of duties, or (3) holder of a valid registration certificate of same gauge and caliber as ammunition in possession.  It is also illegal to possess, sell or transfer any ‘large-capacity ammunition feeding device.’

A person guilty of this charge can be sentenced to a maximum fine of $1000 and/or up to a year imprisonment.


In 2011, Army Specialist Adam Meckler, who spent 15 months in Iraq and 15-month in Afghanistan during his 9 year military career, was thrown in jail for being in possession of ‘unregistered ammunition.’ ”



Collaborates with the State to steal our rights and remains free


Gun Owners Like Me Are Not The Problem And Taking Our Guns Away Won’t Reduce Gun Crime




” Of course, the well meaning, but naïve, people who believe the problem lies in the private ownership of firearms are out there beating the drum, while those whose purposes are not as noble are leading the way and self-serving politicians are coming out of the woodwork just itching to pass another meaningless piece of feel-good legislation that will mean about as much to illegal gun owners as the ones already on the books now.

Our problem is not a lack of gun laws; we have enough now to paper the south wall of the Grand Canyon. We just need to enforce them.

How about we start at the top by forcing Eric Holder to tell the truth about Fast and Furious?

How about we bust the people who deal guns out of the trunks of their cars on inner city street corners?

How about the Obama administration setting an example about how it should be done by cleaning up his hometown of Chicago, a city with some of the toughest gun laws in the nation and one of the highest murder rates. Where law-abiding citizens can’t buy a handgun for protection, but street thugs have no problem at all.

I will be the first to admit that, like in every other business, there are unscrupulous gun dealers who do things they know are wrong and put guns in the hands of people who will either use them offensively or sell them to others who will.

They should be identified and put out of business, period.

I am aware there are areas that need cleaning up, but another unenforced law is not going to make any difference. ”






cuomo  confiscation



” Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo (D-N.Y.) during a radio interview with Albany’s WGDJ-AM said Thursday that all options, including confiscation and mandatory sales to the state, would be on the table for New York’s proposed semi automatic gun ban legislation”