Tag Archive: Guerrilla Street Art

Brooklyn Hit With Anti-Hillary Street Art







” A source sends along these photos from Brooklyn today of anti-Hillary Clinton signs everywhere. Clinton is expected to announce her presidential campaign later today. The campaign’s headquarters are located in Brooklyn.”


Weekly Standard












Street Artist Sabo Blasts Lena Dunham, Bill Clinton In Fake Rolling Stone Covers




” The controversial artist papered L.A. early Monday with posters featuring a photo of Dunham and the headline “Rape Fantasies and Why We Perpetuate Them”

  Los Angeles’ most controversial street artist, Sabo, has struck again — this time papering the Westside early Monday with posters depicting a fake Rolling Stone cover featuring a Lena Dunham photo and the headline “Rape Fantasies and Why We Perpetuate Them.”

  The poster also includes headlines that dig at Bill Clinton, Bill Cosby and Rolling Stone magazine, which recently retracted a gang-rape account at a University of Virginia fraternity house.

  In an email, Sabo told The Hollywood Reporter: “Remember (Dunham) accused a Republican of raping her in college, and that story is falling apart. Then you have the politics of Hollywood with her, Cosby, the Rolling Stone article that is being detracted. Last but not least, our beloved Bubba Clinton’s blast from the past and the double standard of why Rolling Stone didn’t run with his rape allegations but they ran with the UVA false story.” “


The Hollywood Reporter has more and be sure to check out more of Sabo’s work on his website here.









Hillary Clinton Flying Monkey Signs Deface Brentwood Ahead Of L.A. Fundraiser



” The conservatives’ answer to Shepard Fairey is also working on a fake website designed to mock Clinton and the Democratic Party

  Guerrilla street artist SABO, who made headlines with his Gwyneth Paltrow”Obama Drone” poster, has struck again — this time ahead of Hillary Clinton’s upcoming Democratic fundraiser at Tavern restaurant in Brentwood.

  The Los Angeles artist early Friday hung signs depicting Wizard of Oz flying monkeys holding “Hillary 2016″ signs from traffic lights and pasted them on utility boxes near the San Vicente Boulevard restaurant.”


Glenn Beck interviews SABO here …



” Although, as SABO told The Hollywood Reporter on Friday, one poster near a Whole Foods had been “violently” torn down.

” All these leftists, I’m tired of their s—,” SABO said via email.

  The Louisiana native, who moved to Los Angeles in 1987 to attend the prestigious Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, has become the conservatives’ answer to liberal artists like Shepard Fairey — but much meaner. “


   Get your Flying Monkeys T-Shirts here and be sure to check out the rest of SABO’s works at his website , Unsavory Agents .

The Hollywood Reporter










More Political Street Art At Masters





“Sub Par” Indeed 


” The image can be seen in several places including at the main entrance of Augusta Country Club, on electrical boxes, on resident lawns, and near the local mall. Another similar poster around town shows the president in golf gear next with the words : “If you like your handicap you can keep your handicap.” “


Breitbart has video at the jump





Awesome Graffiti From Around The Globe Pt.2 [18 Pics]



Super Creative Street Art Graffiti Around World




Here’s another sample



Super Creative Street Art Graffiti Around World



See the rest at ILTWMT.com and while you’re there you can view part one .










In Defense Of Banksy And Guerrilla Street Art





” To be a brand name in guerrilla street art is to be in exclusive company. And no one has built a bigger brand imposing his stencils, spray paintings, and sculptures on the world than Banksy. His latest installation, a scattershot, month-long spree of works called “Better Out Than In,” proved that to anyone who pays attention to New York City. Every day, across the five boroughs, the secretive artist debuted a fresh piece in a new location, spawning excited Instagrams, an interactive street map, and, yes, grumbling critique: not just from nannyesque Bloombergians, but the kinds of property rights advocates who sometimes cross swords with the Mayor. That is art Banksy style: sticking it to the man, and maybe to you too.

Apart or together, his compositions aren’t hard to interpret—meditations on the hypocrisies and opportunities of city life. But inseparable from the art is the nuanced question of how we, the audience, can choose to respond. Here Banksy offers little guidance. He seems fully content to let critics decry him as a criminal, or worse, as a crass commercialist.”






   Read more at Reason.com and as fate would have it the New York Post has an article about Banksy in today’s Sunday edition . Here is a link to the artist’s page as well as his Wikipedia page for those that want more .








GOP targets president on gas prices with #Obamaonempty Twitter campaign

“The White House recently earned
accolades for its #40dollars Twitter
campaign, launched to help push through
a payroll tax cut extension.
Republicans are now running their own
campaign, #Obamaonempty, urging
Twitter users across the country to snap
photos of prices at the gas pump when
they fill up.
It’s part of a concerted effort by the GOP
to pin increasing gas prices on President
Obama after he trashed Republicans and
defended his energy record last Thursday,
POLITICO’s Darren Goode reported
The RNC Tweeted: “Today when you are at
the station, take a picture of the pump and
tweet us the photo- use the hashtag #
ObamaonEmpty. Great response so far!”
Twitterers from far and wide have sent in
pics: In Shreveport, La., regular hit $3.53 ,
in Virginia Beach it went to $3.63 , and in
New Port Richey, Fl., it was $3.75 ,
according to the submissions.
One Tweeter, @j_heals, pulled the two
campaigns together. Senate staffer Jeni
Healy Tweeted a photo showing a tank of
gas cost her $65.81 : “@RNC ugh @
whitehouse what $40 doesnt cover: A tank
of gas Payroll “tax break” wont help at the
gas pump #ObamaOnEmpty.”

As per the Politico .

Posted by John Galt

Courtesy of Bill Hobbs