Tag Archive: Greta Van Susteren

47 Inspectors General Accuse Obama Administration Of Stonewalling



” Inspectors general from a variety of different government agencies have testified before the House Oversight Committee, and new Chairman Jason Chaffetz, about the lack of cooperation and transparency from high ranking officials. In this first hearing of the 114th Congress Wednesday, 47 inspectors general were present from the Department of Commerce, Defense Intelligence, the EPA, the Equal Opportunity Commission, Homeland Security, NASA, and the Peace Corps.

  Trey Gowdy was a guest on Tuesday’s edition of On The Record with Greta Van Susteren to explain that these IG’s are independent auditors who work for the taxpayers to find government waste, fraud, and abuse. Gowdy said these IG’s discovered the GSA, Fast and Furious, and IRS scandals. The Inspector General Act of 1978 states, in Section 6, that each inspector general is authorized to have access to all records, reports, documents, and materials. Gowdy said that these IG’s are not getting requested materials from the departments.

“ The administration managed to bring all those different groups together, like they have never, not brought any other groups together; and they’re all in agreement that the administration is not giving them the documents they need,” the congressman said.” 

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From A Mexican Prison To The Spotlight: Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi Tells His Story



Andrew & Greta



” In his first and only interview since being released from a Mexican prison, Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi goes “On The Record” with Greta Van Susteren.

  Back in March, Tahmooressi — the most relaxed man in the country — took a wrong turn into Mexico while in possession of three guns and ended up spending 214 days in prison.”



Part two can be seen at Guns.com










‘His Wish Is Not Being Met’: Benghazi Victim’s Mom On Denied Death Benefit







” In her first national TV interview, the mother of Benghazi victim Glen Doherty went “On The Record” to discuss her son’s death and the action she’s taking against the CIA, State Department, and his insurance company.

  Barbara Doherty told Greta Van Susteren that the first time she heard that Glen was in Libya was when she learned that he had died. Barbara said that her daughter broke the news to her.

“ It’s the wrong order,” she said of her son dying before her.

  When asked whether the government gave her any information on the day she learned of Glen’s death, Barbara said, “That day was just filled with crying and tears. If they told me anything, I don’t remember it. It was like that for two or three days […] looking back, you’re in a fog and you’re just told what to do, and you do it.”

  It was “well over a month” before then-FBI Director Robert Mueller called Barbara. She said that he apologized for not calling sooner and said it was because he couldn’t find her contact number.

“ I said, ‘You are the FBI,’ he said, ‘Yes,’” she told Van Susteren. “


Fox News















Gowdy: Dem Rep. Complaints About Six-Figure Salary ‘Laughable’







” South Carolina Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy Friday called it “laughable” that lawmakers are underpaid, blasting veteran Virginia Democratic Rep. Jim Moran complaints about a six-figure salary for a job that’s “priceless.”

“ I know a lot of people in the world that are underpaid — in fact I live with one, who’s a schoolteacher,” Gowdy told FOX News host Greta Van Susteren in an interview posted by Mediaite.

“ But members of Congress are incredibly blessed … to have the jobs that we have. Nobody makes us run. Every two years we offer for public office, and if you don’t want to do it then don’t run.”

  Twenty-four-year veteran Moran, who is retiring at the end of the year, groused Thursday lawmakers are “underpaid” and that many cannot “afford to live decently.” 

  Gowdy called that hogwash. “The notion that you can make $174,000 in this country and be underpaid is laughable,” he added. “We are better off than 99.9 percent of the people we claim to work for. And I would be embarrassed to say that — given our job performance and our salary — that we are anything other than grossly overcompensated.” “

   Newsmax has the story on Jim Moran’s “laughable” notion that Congress is “underpaid” and Congressman Gowdy’s absolutely appropriate response .









Hollywood Hypocrites – Producer Vows To Destroy National Rifle Assoc – Sen Ted Cruz On The Record



” In an interview with Greta Van Susteren on Thursday, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) outlined the hypocrisy of anti-gun movie producer Harvey Weinstein, who has cashed in on countless films depicting graphic gun violence. Weinstein revealed earlier this week that he is making a “big movie” featuring Meryl Streep that will make the National Rifle Association “wish they weren’t alive.”

  Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, arrives at the Capitol as the Senate votes to approve a $1.1 trillion spending package, the Omnibus Appropriations Act, a bipartisan compromise that all but banishes the likelihood of an election-year government shutdown, at the Capitol in Washington, Thursday, Jan. 16, 2014.  (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

“ The Hollywood liberal elites, they have their view of things,” Cruz said with a grin after watching a montage of violent scenes from Weinstein films.

  The Texas Republican referenced a scene in “Kill Bill,” saying “you don’t see people wanting to ban knives.” “

Money For Nothing! – Fed Gov’t Spends Millions On Standby Workers! – On The Record

Colorado Sheriff Cooke: There Is No Doubt In My Mind That I’m Not Going to Enforce These Laws

” Published on Mar 19, 2013

Last week Colorado Sheriff John Cooke told reporters he would not enforce the new Democratic gun control laws.
Tonight Sheriff Cooke was on with Greta Van Susteren to discuss his comments.

“It’s an infringement of our rights. It’s not just the US Constitution but our state constitution… Plus, they are knee-jerk reactions, feel good bills to a tragedy and they’re not going to do anything for public safety and law enforcement. They are totally unenforceable… People down at the capitol, and I’m assuming the governor, are not happy with me for taking this stance. I believe there are a large number of sheriffs that are standing with me… I know there are several sheriffs that are going to do the same things I am and are not going to enforce these bills… There is absolutely no doubt in my mind I am not going to enforce these laws.” “