Police Departments Hiring Immigrants As Officers





” Law enforcement agencies struggling to fill their ranks or connect with their increasingly diverse populations are turning to immigrants to fill the gap.

  Most agencies in the country require officers or deputies to be U.S. citizens, but some are allowing immigrants who are legally in the country to wear the badge. From Hawaii to Vermont, agencies are allowing green-card holders and legal immigrants with work permits to join their ranks.

  Some, like the Chicago and Hawaii police departments, allow any immigrant with a work authorization from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to become an officer. That means people in the country on temporary visas or are applying for green cards can join.”



    Read more about this despicable development at USA Today  … as if citizen cops killing our fellow citizens isn’t bad enough now we have armed non-citizens patrolling our streets and endangering our lives and liberties … more  “Hope & Change©” in Obamaworld .