Tag Archive: Government Dependency

Black Marine Says Clive Bundy Is NOT A Racist







Charlie Delta
The media distorts information to the point of social division. This is a photo of myself and the resilient, often charismatic, and maybe not so tactful Cliven Bundy. He’s a cowboy and a helluva family man, not an orator. One thing he definitely isn’t – a racist. I found his comments to not only be NOT racist, but his own view of his experiences.”



   While Kevin Jackson of The BlackSphere has the entire letter from Charlie Delta , other black spokesmen have also stepped up to the plate in defense of Cliven Bundy’s ill-phrased but ultimately correct statement regarding the culture of government dependency that has managed to keep the black community from “fleeing the plantation” for over two generations .

 While personalities like Glenn  Beck and Sean Hannity have fled in terror from the Bundy remarks others with stronger spines have stepped up to explain Bundy’s poor choice of words and to re-iterate the important point that he was attempting to make , albeit in a decidedly insensitive way . Kyra Ann Davis went so far as to create a video that explains the import of Bundy’s point regardless of his ignorant , foot-in-mouth choice of words .

   Remember , Cliven Bundy is a simple rancher not a polished public speaker and Lord knows we’ve heard plenty of ignorant , racist statements from those who do have plenty of public speaking experience … Joe Biden , Al Sharpton , Jesse Jackson and others immediately leap to mind . 

Watch Ms Davis’s video below and make up your own mind . Remember that the MSM has a vested interest in protecting the powers that be and in no way reflect the interests of the public at large . They are to all appearances now nothing more than mouthpieces of the State .




    This is just another attempt to shout “Squirrel” and deflect attention from the larger point that the Federal government becomes more burdensome and overbearing by the day and the average citizen is becoming wise to that fact despite the MSM’s Herculean attempts to preserve the status quo .












Poverty has won the War On Poverty

” Here’s the real reason, folks: Government
welfare isn’t an effective method for fighting
poverty. In fact, it looks like welfare is
keeping poverty alive.
Check out the chart, from Economist Daniel
Mitchell’s International Liberty website.
LBJ’s War On Poverty was the equivalent of
spreading top-notch fertilizer on a weed
patch. Poverty was dying until Washington
D.C. got involved in killing it. Incredible,
isn’t it? ”


By all means read the whole thing .

 Government Dependence 

  “The leak of a video featuring former Governor Mitt Romney (R-MA) has sparked debate about government dependency and the number of people in the United States who do not pay federal income tax. The Heritage Foundation has published the Index of Dependence on Government for the past 10 years, and the Center for Data Analysis offers a preview of next year’s report.”


” It doesn’t matter what Obama meant . Here’s why.”

  “Conservatives suspect that President Obama sees government as the solution to everything. Only someone who thinks government is the answer would describe a stimulus program that cost at least $185,000 per job as successful. I can’t think of a starker difference between the liberal and conservative worldviews than the Life of Julia slide show. Liberals look at that video and see a woman
aided by a social safety net. Conservatives look at it and are creeped out by the fact that liberals
think the very-capable-seeming Julia can’t do anything without government help.

That same sentiment comes through in the “You Didn’t Build That” speech. Obama’s words
contain an undertone that business owners are selfish, that they are ungrateful toward those teachers who helped them along the way. And that is where Obama’s misunderstanding of small business, real or perceived, shines

Star Parker has more on the Obama drive to put us all on the government teat .

  “According to the Congressional Budget Office, 18 million Americans received SNAP benefits in 2000. By 2011, this had grown to 45 million, one in seven Americans.

Liberals tells us that this program’s mind-boggling growth is explained by our foundering economy.

But, as Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama points out, spending on this program increased 100 percent from 2001 to 2006, a period over which there was no increase in the rate of unemployment.”

HT/Glenn Reynolds

Doug Ross has a very interesting post on the dramatic climb in both people filing for disability ..



And those claiming food stamps ..


    that will give the freedom lover much pause … Check it out .