Tag Archive: Golfing

Parties, Golfing, ‘Casino Nights’ Part Of Energy Dept.’s $21M Conference Budget: Report




” Cruise-boat dinners, Super Bowl parties and golf tournaments were part of Department of Energy conferences that cost taxpayers more than $21 million over a 16-month span, according to a new report from the department’s inspector general.

  The report examined more than 300 Energy Department conferences held from April 2013 through September 2014 and found that, in at least some instances, work wasn’t the only thing on the agenda.

“ Our review also identified conference information regarding social events that in our view could lead to negative public perceptions. Existing guidance notes that participation in any associated social events should be limited and restrained to the greatest degree practicable to avoid the appearance of impropriety,” the inspector general said in the report.

“ Despite this admonition, we found that attendance at some conferences included associated social events. For example, [Energy Department documents] showed department-sponsored conferences that included a casino night, Super Bowl party, golf tournament, banquet on a dinner cruise boat, dinner at the NASCAR Hall of Fame and a tour and dinner at an aquarium,” the report said.”

   Washington Times has more on the lavish lifestyles of the Federal employee courtesy of our taxpayer dollars .

 …Because of His Schedule?

  “Woodhouse says Democrats are “trying to be realistic about expectations” because the president is “lucky to be able to devote three consecutive hours to debate preparation.” 

… Obama has held more fundraisers during his term by this past March than the five preceding presidents …combined. He completed his 100th round of golf as president by June. He’s met with 25 B-list Hollywood celebrities to prep them on how to campaign for him. He’s mingled with A-listers Jay-Z, Beyoncé, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Vogue Editor Anna Wintour. He’s set one night fundraising records with buddies George Clooney, DreamWorks Animations’ Jeffrey Katzenberg, Robert Downey Jr., Salma Hayek, Tobey Maguire, and Barbara Streisand. He’s spurned Israeli Prime Minister in favor of Late Night Bro David Letterman in the wake of Middle Eastern turmoil, which resulted in the death of the United States Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens…”