Tag Archive: Gold

Part 1 From Victor Wendl At Seeking Alpha






” Ayn Rand wrote an influential book, Atlas Shrugged, in the ’50s that seems to resurface in popularity with each new wave of government intrusion on the lives of our overregulated, overtaxed citizens. The book describes a world that was on a slow but steady path toward ever more central planning by meddling bureaucrats interfering with the entrepreneurial class who relied on one another for their production of output. As the pages of the book are turned, this “road to serfdom” (a phrase I borrow from Friedrich Hayek) reaches a peak with the last of a small subset of productive entrepreneurs dropping out of their respective professions and sealing themselves off in a secret location created by John Galt. Their isolation from government interference in Galt’s secret hideaway was designed to allow this subset of creative, hard-working individuals to pursue their dreams and live in a rational way, trading value for value with one another. The vision of Galt in his hidden refuge is consistent with the Ayn Rand objectivist philosophy that she advocated her entire life as an immigrant to America from the Soviet Union.

  Rand never wrote a sequel to Atlas Shrugged, but I wonder where she would pick up after the first novel ends. We’re left with John Galt and his band of entrepreneurial cohorts waiting to eventually reenter the failed utopia created by central planners. Taking a peek out of his libertarian lair, I wonder what Galt would think of America today. Some of the current dismal economic statistics seem consistent with the world Ayn Rand created in her fictional novel. The latest Census Bureau figures show a larger percentage of people receive some form of means-tested public assistance than work full-time. Would this be a rock-bottom entry point where Galt and his band of entrepreneurial cohorts can once again return to the world and begin rebuilding America based on principles of limited government and free markets? Not quite yet. One last worn-out shoe has yet to drop: the U.S. stock market.

  Unlike the beaten-down real economy, activity on Wall Street continues to flourish. Large banks and their institutional clients have benefited from the artificial stimulation promulgated by the Federal Reserve. By keeping interest rates near zero percent for the last five years, middle-income families receive next to nothing off their life savings, while institutional clients can borrow money at bargain rates from large banks. In a classic example of crony capitalism, banks have rewarded their institutional clients with cheap loans, enabling them to use borrowed money and speculate on stocks, driving valuations to levels not seen since before the bank bailout in 2008. The governor of the Bank of England recently commented that “banks operated in a privileged heads-I-win-tails-you-lose bubble.[i] I believe Galt would be disgusted at this unintended consequence of government intervention that is driving a wedge between the elite on Wall Street and the average American struggling to make ends meet on a beleaguered Main Street. If Galt were a stock investor, would he trade in some of his gold for fiat currency, cozying up to this collection of institutions buying large-cap stocks on margin? At these nosebleed valuation levels, Galt would probably “flip the bird” at Mr. Market before sliding back into his hidden sanctuary until greener pastures emerged in the equity investment arena. Galt strikes me as the kind of independent investor that would keep his libertarian powder dry until the current statist experiment ran its complete course, waiting patiently to scoop up the right kind of stocks at a great price. Assuming the skeleton infrastructure of an organized stock exchange still remained on the day of Galt’s return to the investment arena, what stocks would he select from the rubble left on the corner of Broad and Wall? A review of the character’s profile might give us a few clues. Let’s go through a few stock categories I believe John Galt would avoid. Buying large company stocks would probably be out of the question for Galt. In the recent past, these stocks were the economic football the large institutions speculated on with borrowed money. As already mentioned, savers deposited hard-earned money in their bank accounts and received close to a zero percent interest rate, while money was loaned out in a speculative frenzy to the bank’s institutional buddies. Adding insult to injury, not only do retirees earn about the same interest rate as preppers get off of canned goods stored in their bomb shelters, their principal is being debased from continuous quantitative easing by the Federal Reserve. The stench coming off this large-cap football used by highly leveraged institutions in stock speculation would be too much for Galt to muster a bid order. “



Read it all











D-Day Edition


The Longest Day














The beach







For 140 , yes , one hundred and forty more historic photos of the invasion of Normandy go to The Brigade











June 6th 1944





” In Dennis Sullivan’s photograph above, a landing craft from HMCS Prince Henry carries Canadian troops toward Juno Beach in the early hours of D-Day. Many years ago, I spoke to someone who’d been aboard the Prince Henry’s sister ship, HMCS Prince David, who talked about the subtly different dynamic among the guys on those landing craft. The Royal Canadian Navy men at the front are concerned to make their rendezvous on time: They’re in the middle of the mission, and they want to complete it. The infantrymen behind them are waiting for theirs to start. As the Prince Henry recedes behind them, they know they’re leaving the best-laid plans, and that what awaits them on shore is about to go agley.

  A lot went wrong, but more went right – or was made right. A few hours before the Canadians aboard the Prince Henry climbed into that landing craft, 181 men in six Horsa gliders took off from RAF Tarrant Rushton in Dorset to take two bridges over the river Orne and hold them until reinforcements arrived. Their job was to prevent the Germans using the bridges to attack troops landing on Sword Beach. At lunchtime, Lord Lovat and his commandos arrived at the Bénouville Bridge, much to the relief of the 7th Parachute Battalion’s commanding officer, Major Pine-Coffin. That was his real name, and an amusing one back in Blighty: simple pine coffins are what soldiers get buried in. It wasn’t quite so funny in Normandy, where a lot of pine coffins would be needed by the end of the day. Lord Lovat, Chief of the Clan Fraser, apologized to Pine-Coffin for missing the rendezvous time: “Sorry, I’m a few minutes late,” he said, after a bloody firefight to take Sword Beach.

  Lovat had asked his personal piper, Bill Millin, to pipe his men ashore. Private Millin pointed out that this would be in breach of War Office regulations. “That’s the English War Office, Bill,” said Lovat. “We’re Scotsmen.” And so Millin strolled up and down the sand amid the gunfire playing “Hieland Laddie” and “The Road To The Isles” and other highland favorites. The Germans are not big bagpipe fans and I doubt it added to their enjoyment of the day.”


Mr Steyn continues











Welcome To Yakutsk – Coldest City On Earth

Yakutsk World Map

     Located just a few hundred miles south of the Arctic circle , Yakutsk has the distinction of being the coldest city on Earth . In fact from November to March the temperature can be counted on to be in the -20 to -50 degree fahrenheit range continuously . Now that’s cold .




” Yakutsk, Russia is generally considered the coldest city on earth. During the winter the temperature averages -30 degrees Fahrenheit and lower. In fact, besides June, July and August, it doesn’t get warm at all, but that doesn’t slow life down. Patrick Jones (@Patrick_E_Jones) has the rest.”




Yakutsk Siberia



   For the adventurous among you Lonely Planet offers a collection of links and travel tips should you decide to make the trek to witness real cold .



” For somewhere that’s over 1000km from any- where much, Yakutsk comes as a pleasant, and sometimes surreal, surprise. Over half of its inhabitants are Yakut – and a good portion of the remainder are Chinese immigrants – so it feels (despite the Lenin statue) less Russian than many places across the Far East. Most of its buildings stand on stilts above a cruel permafrost that never thaws. It’s most isolated when the weather’s misbehaving – as winter frozen-river highways thaw, and earth turns into an unnavigable slop.

  People are particularly friendly in Yakutsk. Visitors often find themselves quickly connected with the local scene. “





Here is a little research for those of you considering the journey …




” Yakutsk was founded by Pyotr Beketov in 1632. A detachment of cossacks under his command founded the city as the Lenskii fort, on the right bank of the Lena River (the tenth longest river in the world), which grew into (and changed its name to) Yakutsk in 1647.

  As one of the most important Russian outposts in eastern Siberia, Yakutsk became the economic and administrative center of the region—a base for probes (and later scientific expeditions) into the Far East and the extreme North.

  In 1822, Yakutsk was officially designated a city, and in 1851 became the official administrative capital of the Autonomous Republic of Yakutia. Today Yakutsk is a major administrative, industrial, cultural, and research center—standing out as one of the most dynamic and fast-developing cities in the Russian Far East.”






” Yakutsk is situated at the extreme latitude of 62°N. Its climate is definitively continental, leading to summer highs in the 90s (+32° Celsius), and extreme winter lows in the negative 80s (-64° Celsius)—that’s a range of over 100° Celsius! The average temperature in January is around -45°(-42°C); in July—+66° (19°C). The ideal time to visit (unless you’re traveling here purposely to experience the extreme cold) is from March to July. The sunny spring months will allow you to enjoy winter sports like skiing, ice-skating, dog sledding, ice sculptures, etc., under temperatures permitting outdoor human life. The average March temperatures, of course, are still cold at an average of -8.5° (-22.5°C). The summer months of June-July are great for the opportunities to see the Northern wilderness in its full glory, to enjoy the White Nights when the sun never sets, to set off on adventures along the Yakut rivers, and to experience the Yakut national holiday “Ysyakh.” “



    For those of you that wonder what would make people choose to live in such an inhospitable environment , the answer might be found in the fact that Yakutsk is also known as the City Of Gold And Diamonds



” Siberia is a living museum, a testament to more prosperous times. Buildings crumble where they stand. Roads wind through villages long deserted. Everything is a relic.

  Not in Yakutsk. Yakutsk is the capital city of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia), a region unimaginably wealthy in diamonds, gold, oil and gas. Sakha is the world’s second largest producer and exporter of diamonds, and around 30 tons of gold are mined within its borders yearly. The area’s vast mineral wealth got to the head of Mikhail Nikolaev, Sakha’s former president, who made noises about seceding from the Russian Federation. Yakutsk, with its population of slightly over 200,000, would be too tiny to make it on to a map of China, Russia’s southern neighbor. In north-eastern Siberia at 61.5° N, it is a megalopolis, and a wealthy one.”




” Signs of Sakha’s wealth abound. Brand-new, modern buildings such as the Polar Star Hotel are sprouting up around the city. Many, like Polar Star, are financed by Alrosa, the region’s diamond interest. The sheer number of hotels – 11 – speaks to Yakutsk’s status as a regional center. In contrast, Birobidzhan, the 90,000-person capital of the nearby Jewish Autonomous Republic, is home to a single, lone hotel, which certainly does not match the “money” look of the Polar Star.”



    Irregardless of the wealth , there is always the ever-present cold looming in the background in the coldest city on Earth as witnessed by the current 5 day forecast … 



5 Day Forecast Yakutsk



No matter how you feel , life in Siberia and Yakutsk is not for the feint of heart . The people of Yakutsk probably wouldn’t object to a little global warming .








Daily Video 11.14.13

Jim Sinclair: Gold Will Be $50,000 Per Ounce, Gold Confiscation, Dollar Gets Hammered And More



Published on Oct 29, 2013

” http://usawatchdog.com/jim-sinclair-5… – According to Jim Sinclair of JSMineset.com, by 2016, “Gold will be $3,200 to $3,500 an ounce.” By 2020, Sinclair predicts, “Emancipated gold will be $50,000 per ounce.” As far as gold confiscation goes, Sinclair says that Its not going to happen, but a windfall tax could definitely be in the cards. Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with renowned gold expert Jim Sinclair.”








Gold In Tree Leaves Could Reveal Location Of Deeply Buried Ore Deposits



” On a quest for buried gold? Leave the compass behind and let the trees guide you. Scientists in Australia have found the first nanoparticulate proof that, unlike money, gold actually does grow on trees, and could indicate the locations of underground gold deposits.

A team of researchers from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, or CSIRO, Australia’s national scientific research body, found that Eucalyptus trees in two separate locations contained particulate Au embedded in the cells of the trees’ leaves. The nanoparticles of gold measured up to 8 microns wide – about ten times thinner than the human hair, Live Science noted.

Scientists believe the gold in the trees’ leaves indicates there are gold deposits underneath. As Science Mag noted, trees absorb whatever nutrients are in the Earth beneath it. That means any bits of gold dissolved in underground water reserves could be sucked up by the vegetation above it.

“The tree is a conveyor belt bringing gold to the surface,” Clifford Stanley, a geochemist at Acadia University in Wolfville, Canada, told Science Mag.” 








Is Bitcoin The Future Of Money ?





” You may have seen in the press recently that the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has shut down drug website Silk Road.

With this news many commentators have tied in the fact that many customers of Silk Road use Bitcoins to make transactions. Some have even suggested that now the FBI potentially has a grasp on Bitcoin it will mean the end for Bitcoin and all other private digital currencies.

But from what I can see, the Feds shutting down Silk Road is evidence Bitcoin will survive and be a permanent fixture in the global economy, whatever shape or form it might take in the future.

The biggest issue with Bitcoin is the insane price volatility and people using it in a way not suited for its intended design. Most people see Bitcoin as an investment.

Because Bitcoin is so new, people are confused about what it is and how to use it.

And that’s half the issue, people are trying to pigeon-hole it into a definition, ‘Oh it’s like gold. Oh it’s like cash. Oh it’s like a stock.’ In fact, it’s all of the above and more.

It’s a whole new medium of economic exchange.

It’s most similar comparison is to gold. But it’s as flexible and liquid as cash…with the potential to appreciate in value like a stock. You can’t define it as anything other than Bitcoins.

You need to also remember its history to appreciate its actual current resistance to turmoil.”










Why Gold Will Make A Comeback

Published on Jul 9, 2013

” You might be tempted to think that the global economy is recovering, the dollar strengthening and gold will finally sink into obscurity. Think again.

Central bankers like Ben S. Bernanke may tell you that banks hold gold bullion only for sake of “tradition,” but gold traders know otherwise — gold is real money, and despite what bankers, economists and mainstream investors have been saying, their actions show they are terrified of a coming currency crisis.

This Daily Reckoning video will show you exactly what is going on under the radar at some of the world’s biggest central banks, and how it is destined to affect gold prices.

Follow The Daily Reckoning on Facebook and Twitter @dailyreckoning!”










Gold Is Flooding Out Of London To Switzerland At An Alarming Rate




” This is one of those stories about the gold market that almost seems too wild to be true since the numbers are so extraordinary. According to a Reuters article from earlier today, Australian bank Macquarie has reported that gold is flooding out of London and into Switzerland at a mind-boggling rate. Specifically, 240 tons were exported in May alone and 797 tons during the first half of 2013. That means gold is being exported at a annualized run rate of 17x the 92 tons exported for all of 2012. That’s insane.


From Reuters:


Aug 19 (Reuters) – Britain’s gold exports to Switzerland surged in the first half of this year, Australian bank Macquarie said on Monday, suggesting bullion being sold out of exchange-traded funds may be heading for Swiss refineries before being sold on in Asia.

The UK exported 240 tonnes of gold to Switzerland in May alone, while its exports over the first half of this year totalled 797 tonnes, Macquarie said in a note.

In contrast, Britain exported just 92 tonnes of bullion to Switzerland in the whole of last year, it said.

“The UK does not have gold mines, so where has it all come from? The obvious source is the gold exchange-traded funds (ETFs), most of which hold their gold holdings in London vaults, and which saw huge outflows in 1H 2013,” Macquarie said.

It added: “But a bigger factor, we think, is that the gold bars from ETFs have gone to Switzerland, where most of the world’s gold refining capacity is, to be remelted into different size bars and coins and then sold on end consumers, predominantly in Asia, specifically China and India.” “


Read On




UNPRECEDENTED Shortages Of Ammo, Physical Gold And Physical Silver






” Recent events have helped fuel a “buying frenzy” that threatens to spiral out of control.  Gun shops all over the nation are reporting that they have never seen it this bad, and in many cases any ammo that they are able to get is being sold even before it hits the shelves. 

The ammo shortage has already become so severe that police departments all over America are saying that they are being told that it is going to take six months to a year to get their orders.  In fact, many police departments have begun to trade and barter with one another to get the ammo that they need.  Meanwhile, the takedown of paper gold and paper silver has unleashed an avalanche of “panic buying” of physical gold and physical silver all over the planet. 

In the United States, some dealers are charging premiums of more than 25 percent over the spot price for gold and silver and they are getting it.  People are paying these prices even though they are being told that delivery will not happen for a month or two in many cases. ”







Gold Investors Exit Amid Price Collapse







” The biggest story on global financial markets today is the collapse of gold and silver prices. Gold is down more than $90 an ounce since Friday – a fall of about 7 percent. The price drop comes on top of last week’s 4.7 percent  tumble. Silver prices tumbled 8 percent, or $24 an ounce. Copper is also falling. The reasons for the plunge are linked to the recent rise in the stock market, the slow, steady improvement of the US economy and the recent strength of the dollar. Crude oil futures have tumbled on global markets, down to less than $89 for West Texas crude, the lowest price since December, 2012. For years gold bugs have predicted economic apocalypse with hyper-inflation and a collapse of stock prices. That simply hasn’t happened, and many investors have given up on gold, shifting funds out of precious metals. Last week Goldman Sachs issued a report, predicting gold prices would tumble. More volatility is expected in the days to come.”










Nullify the Fed! Arizona House Passes Constitutional Tender Bill, 36-22





” Today, the Arizona House passed Senate Bill 1439 by a vote of 36-22.  (roll call here)

The Constitutional Tender bill allows businesses and the state government to accept payments in gold or silver.    It specifies that legal tender in Arizona consists of all of the following:

1. Legal Tender authorized by Congress.

2. Specie (containing gold or silver) coin issued at any time by the U.S. government.

3. Any other specie that a court of competent jurisdiction rules by a final, unappealable order to be within the scope of state authority to make legal tender.

Currently all debts and taxes in Arizona and the rest of the United States are either paid with Federal Reserve Notes (dollars) which were authorized as legal tender by Congress, or with coins issued by the U.S. Treasury — very few of which have gold or silver in them.

The United States Constitution states in Article I, Section 10, “No State shall…make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.” The Constitutional tender act is a big step towards that constitutional requirement which has been ignored for a long time in every state of the country. Such a tactic would achieve the desired goal of abolishing the Federal Reserve system by attacking it from the bottom up – pulling the rug out from under it by working to make its functions irrelevant at the State and local level.

Passage of the Constitutional/Legal Tender Act would introduce currency competition with Federal Reserve Notes. Professor William Greene explains further:

“Over time, as residents of the State use both Federal Reserve Notes and silver and gold coins, the fact that the coins hold their value more than Federal Reserve Notes do will lead to a “reverse Gresham’s Law” effect, where good money (gold and silver coins) will drive out bad money (Federal Reserve Notes). As this happens, a cascade of events can begin to occur, including the flow of real wealth toward the State’s treasury, an influx of banking business from outside of the State – as people in other States carry out their desire to bank with sound money – and an eventual outcry against the use of Federal Reserve Notes for any transactions.”

Once things get to that point, Federal Reserve notes would become largely unwanted and irrelevant for ordinary people. Nullifying the Fed on a state by state level is what will get us there.

Without a single act of Congress, the Federal Reserve system can be brought to its knees by passing such bills in states all over the country.”





The Assault On Gold: The Fed’s Attempt To “Scare People Away” From Gold And Silver




” For Americans, financial and economic Armageddon might be close at hand. The evidence for this conclusion is the concerted effort by the Federal Reserve and its dependent financial institutions to scare people away from gold and silver by driving down their prices. 

The Federal Reserve is creating $1 trillion new dollars per year, but the world is moving away from the use of the dollar for international payments and, thus, as reserve currency. The result is an increase in supply and a decrease in demand. This means a falling exchange value of the dollar, domestic inflation from rising import prices, and a rising interest rate and collapsing bond, stock and real estate markets.

The Federal Reserve’s orchestration against bullion cannot ultimately succeed. It is designed to gain time for the Federal Reserve to be able to continue financing the federal budget deficit by printing money and also to keep interest rates low and debt prices high in order to support the banks’ balance sheets.

When the Federal Reserve can no longer print due to dollar decline which printing would make worse, US bank deposits and pensions could be grabbed in order to finance the federal budget deficit for couple of more years.  Anything to stave off the final catastrophe.

The manipulation of the bullion market is illegal, but as government is doing it the law will not be enforced.

By its obvious and concerted attack on gold and silver, the US government could not give any better warning that trouble is approaching. The values of the dollar and of  financial assets denominated in dollars are in doubt.

Those who believe in government and those who believe in deregulation will be proved equally wrong. The United States of America is past its zenith.  As I predicted early in the 21st century, in 20 years the US will be a third world country. We are halfway there.”






Largest Dutch bank defaults on physical gold deliveries to customers


” Last week, a rubicon was crossed in the precious metals market as one of the largest banks in Europe defaulted on their gold contracts, and informed their customers there was no physical gold available for delivery.

  ABN AMRO, the largest Dutch bank in the Eurozone, issued a letter to their gold contract customers of failure of delivery, and instead will pay account holders in a paper currency equivalent to the current spot value of the metal.

   ABN AMRO, the biggest Dutch bank, has sent a letter to its clients stating that they will no longer be able to take physical deliveries of the gold they have bought through ABN. Instead they are offered money at the current market rate for gold. Basically, instead of owning a risk free, physical asset (a gold bar or a gold coin), the bank’s clients now own a monetary claim on ABN AMRO, being exposed to the bank’s credit risk. – Voice of Russia”

Tiny Gold Bars Latest Rage For Jittery Investors



” Private investors in Switzerland, Austria and Germany are lining up to buy gold bars the size of a credit card that can easily be broken into one gram pieces and used as payment in an emergency.

Now Swiss refinery Valcambi, a unit of U.S. mining giant Newmont, wants to bring its “CombiBar” to market in the United States and build up its sales presence India – the world’s largest consumer of gold where the precious metal has long served as a parallel currency.

Investors worried that inflation and financial market turmoil will wipe out the value of their cash have poured money into gold over the past decade. Prices have gained almost 500 percent since 2001 compared to a 12 percent increase in MSCI‘s world equity index.

Sales of gold bars and coins were worth almost $77 billion in 2011, up from just $3.5 billion in 2002, according to data from the World Gold Council. “



HT/Tyler Cowen

It’s A No-Brainer If You’ve Been Paying Attention 



 ” If you can’t read the tiny lettering above, the asset class is the barbarous relic, gold.


Why is gold out performing?


Could it be that Europe continues to implode and Germany now looks like it will confront a fairly nasty recession?


Could it be that the “fiscal cliff” is now just a bit too close?


Could it be that Obama was reelected?


Could it be that with the Obama re-election Bernanke will be that much freer to continue operating with abandon?”


Take It From Someone Who Knows 


The ” People’s ” Housing 


  ” Twenty-four years ago, I was a political refugee exiled from communist Romania to freedom in America.  But today, America is in need of freedom.  Socialism is spreading in America like a horrible sickness.  It is time for those of us who experienced socialism to speak up.

Socialism is a false ideology and is contrary to the American capitalism system.  American capitalism promotes free-market and individual freedom, while the Socialist system replaces the free market with government control and eradicates private property, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, religious rights, and national self-determination.

Romania was once a rich capitalist country, with a free-market economy, good health care, and a great school system.  Bucharest, the capital, was called “Little Paris.”  But soon after Nicolae Ceausescu was elected president in 1965, everything changed.

Socialism is against wealth.  It confiscates and distributes its citizens’ wealth, destroying productivity and individual self-worth.  In the name of promoting “fair share,” “justice,” and “equality,” socialism turns most of its people equally into poor people, while the elite leaders enjoy a lavish lifestyle. “