Tag Archive: Goblin Shark

Humongous Megamouth Shark Caught Off Japan Coast







” A 13-foot long female megamouth shark weighing nearly 1,500 pounds caught off the coast of Japan was dissected before thousands of onlookers at the Marine Science Museum in Shizuoka City Thursday. The creature was caught by fishermen from a depth of 2,600 feet.

  The first specimen of a megamouth shark was caught off Oahu, Hawaii, in 1976, and megamouth sightings are extremely rare. According to the Japan Daily Press, this catch in Japan marks just the 58th occasion when a megamouth was actually seen by people.”



The Megamouth is the second rare shark caught recently , joining the Goblin shark caught off Key West last month .












The Most Frightening Water Creatures You Never Want to See While Swimming



” There are certainly some frightening creatures out there. Did you know that more than 90% of life on earth lives in the water? Much of it is still to be discovered, but we wanted to share a few pictures with you of some of the creepiest under water lifeforms to have been discovered so far. Most of them are completely harmless, but still, just one look at some of them might be enough to give you a heart attack.”



”  As frightening as this fish, the Fangtooth, appears, it is virtually harmless. It lives at depths greater than 16,000 feet below the surface, and due to the lack of light there, it is blind. It literally has to bump into its food to find it.”

You can see more at LibertyDigest