Tag Archive: Glenn Beck

Daily Comedy 11.11.14

HILARIOUS: Beck On Obama Insincerity On Veterans Day – Montage Of Obama’s Past Vet-Related Gaffes




Published on Nov 12, 2013

” From the Monday, November 11 edition of “The Glenn Beck Program” “














 Why Hillary Clinton Would Be A One-Term President, According To Peter Thiel





   The genius behind PayPal , Peter Thiel , speaks with Glenn Beck on the foolish monetary policy bankrupting America and the likelihood of a Clinton presidency being a one term affair .





Daily Video 7.26.14

Napolitano/Beck – The Future Of The Republican Party


Published on Jul 23, 2014

” Glenn Beck and Andrew Napolitano converse about big government, foreign entanglements and the future of the Republican party. http://www.LibertyPen.com “

Daily Video 6.27.14

Beck-Napolitano – The Right To Be Left Alone




Published on Jun 23, 2014

” Andrew Napolitano and Glenn Beck discuss how the federal government exceeds its power to impede the individuals right to self-determine. http://www.LibertyPen.com “













Daily Video 2.9.14

Ex-CIA Officer: Government’s ‘Fusion Centers’ Enable Obama ‘Turnkey Tyranny’



Published on Feb 8, 2014

” A caller identifying himself as a former law enforcement officer asked Glenn Beck’s radio audience on Thursday to look into fusion centers.
“The center is responsible for the collation of local data about citizens, and it’s forwarded to the national database,” the caller said. “Google it. Dear God, tell your audience to Google it. They need to understand what they are up against.”
Beck admitted that he had “never even heard” of fusion centers, but would look into the issue.
On his television program Thursday, Beck brought on former CIA officer and TheBlaze’s national security adviser Buck Sexton to shed more light on the matter. “









Cruz: 4 Reasons Obama’s Use Of Executive Orders ‘Ought To Concern Everyone’






” “We are ruled by laws and not men. And no man is above the law — especially the President.”

  This was the theme of Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) conversation with Glenn Beck on The Blaze’s radio show Tuesday, and the same message Cruz has vocalized since the President’s State of the Union address one week ago.

If a president can pick and choose which laws to follow, he is no longer a president,” Cruz said. “And that is dangerous.” 

  In the 25-minute segment (listen in the Sound Cloud above) Cruz gives several reasons he’s frustrated with the Administration. Here’s four: “










Glenn Beck’s Open Letter To Gov. Cuomo: Are We Welcome In New York?





” Dear Gov. Cuomo:

  In light of your comments this past Friday, in which you declared that those “…extremist conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault weapon, anti-gay” have no place in the state of New York, we would humbly request a written explanation as to whether or not we are welcome to do business in this state. For many of our employees are pro-life and believe strongly in the Second Amendment. All of us will stand against any group being discriminated against.

  But if we are not welcome, we will leave.

  To give you some background on who we are and what we believe, Mercury Radio Arts and TheBlaze Inc. is a multimedia news, opinion and entertainment company, dedicated to delivering high-quality programming 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Through our Mercury One non-profit organization, we have also raised and given away for emergency relief over $14 million since its inception.

  We were the first responders to Coney Island during Superstorm Sandy, not the federal government and not the state government, but Mercury One. We are good neighbors. We employ approximately 200 people in the State of New York and well over 300 people nationally from Washington D.C. to Dallas, Texas.

  We don’t see things as left and right. We see things as right and wrong.

  And we believe that the only moral position is to stand up to bullies and fascists of all kinds. We believe in equal rights for all and special privileges for none. We believe it’s our duty to dedicate our life and sacred honor to all American citizens, and every last one of us deserves and has a right, not from our government, but from our Creator, to be heard.

  If the majority tramples on the rights of the minority we all lose.

  And the most important minority is the individual – whether he or she be an “extreme conservative” or an “extreme progressive.” “

The whole letter can be read at The Blaze

Counting Down The Top Glenn Moments Of 2013: Celebs Making Headlines For The Right Reasons





” We’re kicking things off with one of the biggest stories on TheBlaze.com this year – a story that ended up being quite surprising to Glenn and most viewers – Ashton Kutcher’s acceptance speech at the Teen Choice Awards. Wait… why is THAT the biggest story of the year? In front of a crowd of adoring teens, Kutcher gave a stirring speech about the value of hard work, kindness, and generosity. The message went far beyond the teeny bopper crowd in attendance and ended up setting the internet on fire.”



Read more 











More At The Right Scoop









‘Miracles And Massacres’ By Glenn Beck – Sean Hannity – Complete – Fox News – 12-2-13


Published on Dec 2, 2013

” Best Selling Author, Glenn Beck joins FNC’s Sean Hannity for a first time interview appearance to discuss the current state of the GOP, and his recent book ‘Miracles and Massacres’. “












… This Is How He Responded


Photo: Turns out Glenn Beck loves the Work Smart and Hard poster. He invited me to Dallas to talk about it. In fact, our conversation is airing now on TheBlaze. I think the guy just helped me raise a boat load of money for the Foundation by plugging the posters. He also wrote a check that left me speechless. Almost. Check out the show to see for yourself.Mike http://profoundlydisconnected.com/



” Shannon K. Walsh wrote, “Mike – How could you associate with such a horrible and psychotic person that is Glen[n] Beck? I wouldn’t accept a dime off that hateful, nasty racist. Very disappointed to see this post.”

Well, hi there, Shannon – and a pleasant good morning to you too!

As for your personal characterization of Glenn Beck, I can only assume you have information not available to me. In my time with him, I saw nothing “horrible, psychotic, hateful, or nasty.” I smelled no burning sulphur, no smoldering brimstone, and saw no sign of cloven hooves.

To be clear, I’m not here to tell you what to think or whom to hate. Like everyone else, you’re free to pick your devils, choose your angels, and attach the horns and halos accordingly.

But the guts of your question – even without all the name-calling and acrimony – reveal the essence of what’s broken in our country. You want to know “how I can associate” with someone you don’t like? The short answer is, how can I not? How are we ever going to accomplish anything in this incredibly divisive time if we associate only with people that we don’t disagree with? “

Read the whole brutal takedown. Mike Rowe talks sense .








… Q&A with Freedomworks’ David Kirby

Published on Oct 5, 2013

” “We’ve noticed in the last fifteen months an uptick in the number of people who are actually self identifying as libertarian,” says Freedomworks’ David Kirby.

Kirby sat down with Reason magazine’s Editor-in-Chief Matt Welch to talk about why more people describe themselves as libertarian, how politicians like Senator Rand Paul and Congressman Justin Amash have come to think of themselves as libertarian and whether Glenn Beck calling himself libertarian is a good thing. 

Held each July in Las Vegas, Freedom Fest is attended by around 2,000 limited-government enthusiasts and libertarians. Reason TV spoke with over two dozen speakers and attendees and will be releasing interviews over the coming weeks. Go here for an ever-growing playlist of this year’s interviews.

About 6:16 minutes.

Produced by Paul Detrick. Camera by Detrick and Tracy Oppenheimer.

Subscribe to Reason TV’s YouTube channel and get automatic notifications when new videos go live.”










Tea Party Rally Draws Modest Crowd On Capitol Hill



” A modest crowd of Tea Party enthusiasts descended on Washington in this afternoon’s “Audit the IRS” rally on Capitol Hill.

“There’s some people who want to write the obituary for the Tea party,” Mike Needham, CEO of the Heritage Foundation’s Heritage Action for America group, told the audience.

“But the Tea Party is alive and well. We are going to write the obituary for big government,” Needham said.”











” Glenn Beck today on his show stated that he plans to break news within 24 hours that could take down the entire power structure of the government.

He said a short time ago, “This country, I believe is going to be rocked… um, in the next 24 hours, with some things going on in Washington and beyond, that we found out yesterday and we will be telling you in great detail in the next 24 hours.”

“And it is… it will show you how dire the situation is and we will be greatly divided as a nation.”

Beck stated that they have a whistle-blower and that this guy is so afraid, he is afraid for his life.

The news that Beck said he will break within 24 hours comes on the reports of the NSA spying scandal when NSA contractor, Edward Snowden exposed the vast spy network that covered every single communication apparatus in America.”



     While we like and admire Mr Beck , it seems to us that we’ve heard this claim before some months back and that the resulting “exclusive” was not exactly earth shaking news . We hope that we are wrong . Lord knows , given the steady stream of scandalous affairs emanating from the corridors of power in Washington these days , perhaps another shoe dropping should not be ruled out . 










Hundreds Of Gunowners Show Up In Temple, TX With Loaded Guns At The “Come And Take It” March





” A week ago this notice was posted by concerned gun owners in the state of Texas:

We will be gathering for a legal armed open carry march to raise public awareness of gun laws in Texas. It is partially in response to the Temple Police Department violating the Second and Fourth Amendment rights of Active Duty MSGT Christopher J. Grisham HERE. Please join us all. We will be exercising our rights as free men and women. Be part of the solution. All permits and armed march route has been approved and coordinated with the city and local authorities. Come out for music, great speakers, food and a march around the police station and town square.

When: June 1st
Where: Temple, TX
Venue: Community Market 212 S. Main St.
Time: 10:00am-4:00pm”







As you can see from the videos , the response was peaceful , successful and meaningful . As one of the titles says “Rights not defended are rights lost”







You can read more about Sergeant Grisham’s ordeal here:


Ft Hood Soldier Arrested For “rudely displaying” A Rifle …

The Latest On Sgt Grisham And His “Rudely Displayed Rifle”

Master Sgt CJ Grisham Gets New AR Free From Black Rain Ordnance



 Here is a Glenn Beck interview of MSGT Grisham


” Army Master Sergeant Christopher J. Grisham was stopped and arrested March 16th while hiking with his son in Temple for carrying his semi- automatic gun.

He says, “I had my son record the arrest because it just became so egregious to me. It was wrong to begin with and I wanted people to see what was going on.”

Since the video has been up, it has gotten thousands of views and comments from supporters. “




Beck Explains New Information on Alharbi, Saudi National Once Person of Interest in Boston Bombings

” “While the media continues to look at what the causes were of these two guys, there are, at this hour, three people involved,” he said.  “The first one is the one we are going to address.”

Beck proceeded to highlight the background of the Saudi national first identified as a “person of interest” in the Boston bombings, Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi, noting that the the NTC issued an event file calling for his deportation using section 212, 3B which is proven terrorist activity.

“We are not sure who actually tagged him as a ’212 3B,’ but we know it is very difficult to charge someone with this — it has to be almost certain,” Beck explained.  “It is the equivalent in civil society of charging someone with premeditated murder and seeking the death penalty — it is not thrown around lightly.”

Beck continued, noting that after Secretary of State John Kerry met with Saudi Foreign Minister Saud on Tuesday, the FBI began backtracking on the Saudi national from suspect, to person of interest, to witness, to victim, to nobody.

Then, on Wednesday, President Obama had a “chance” encounter with Saudi Foreign Minister Saud and Saudi Ambassador Adel al-Jubeir.

Congressman Duncan has detailed information about the Saudi national in his possession, and he and other members of the House Homeland Security Committee have sent a formal letter of request (which we have a copy of) to Napolitano for a classified briefing on the Saudi national and the deportation order. 

Beck proceeded to highlight more key points: The Saudi national was allegedly once flagged on a terror watch list and granted a student visa without being properly vetted.”


BREAKING NEWS: Obama Boston Bombing & Benghazi Cover Up Linked!

” Is this what Patriot Glenn Beck is going to expose on Monday? There seems to be a massive cover up of the truth about both Benghazi and The Boston Bombing and they appear to both be Linked! The common connection besides Obama is Saudi Arabia. Read about it here and watch the video and pass it along please…”

Beck Gives Obama Till Monday to Admit Boston Bombing was Inside Job

” Glen Beck claiming he has proof the federal government carried out the Boston marathon bombing as a false flag operation. He said that Obama has till Monday to admit it or his show will reveal the evidence for his conspiracy theory! “

HT/Chicks On The Right








‘Conservative Hero’ Ben Carson To Beck: You Have No Right To Semi-Automatic Weapons In Large Cities





” Appearing on Glenn Beck‘s radio show this past week, Dr. Benjamin Carson took a vastly different stance from most conservatives on the issue of gun control, claiming you shouldn’t be able to own semi-automatic weapons in large cities.

Asked by Beck for his thoughts on the Second Amendment, Carson gave the popular pro-gun argument: “There’s a reason for the Second Amendment; people do have the right to have weapons.”

But when asked whether people should be allowed to own “semi-automatic weapons,” the doctor replied: “It depends on where you live.” “






Glenn Beck: How Do We Bring Libertarians Together ?



disarmed rape survivors

” Included on the panel was Amanda Collins, who was raped at gunpoint in a garage situated on her college campus. Her attacker, James Biela, had already raped two other women and murdered a third. He is now serving his sentence on Death Row.

It can and has certainly been argued that Collins, who was trained in the proper use of guns from childhood, could have stopped her attacker had she been carrying a weapon, and perhaps even saved other lives Biela would target next. According to Beck, Collins did in fact own a gun and had a concealed carry license but it was illegal to carry the firearm on her college campus.

“I was denied the one equalizing factor that I had,” she said.

Another panelist, Kim Corban Weeks was attacked and raped in her own home by an intruder. She escaped after convincing her attacker that she would not report the crime, but eerily, he remained at her residence to speak with her for an hour after the incident. Eventually he was apprehended and is now serving 24 years to life. Weeks is now an avid supporter of gun rights and is married to a police officer.”

Sheriff David Clarke: I’m Going To Defend The Constitution ‘Tooth & Nail’

Glenn Beck Sheriffs



” Four sheriffs sat down with Glenn Beck, which he referred to as the “bravest sheriffs in all of America,” and they spoke about their stand against an ever growing Federal government and its threats of tyranny. Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke confirmed what all of sheriffs were there to affirm and that is they would defend the Constitution “tooth and nail.”

Beck had Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, Grant County, Oregon Sheriff Glenn Palmer, Livingston County, Missouri Sheriff Steve Cox and Linn County, Oregon County Sheriff Tim Mueller as guests.”

… Putting Him In The Pee Pee Only Seems Fair … He Is All About ” Fairness ” After All  


Photo -



 ” A jar of what appeared to be Blaze media mogul Glenn Beck’s urine with a President Obama toy in it is already going for $11,300 on eBay – and bids are rapidly rising.

According to Beck the jar is “art,” his reaction to reports of a painting of President Obama as Jesus Christ. The auction was posted on eBay with bidding beginning at $5.00. “