Tag Archive: Germany

Horrifying Video Of VLN 1 Crash That Killed A Spectator At Nurburgring Race Track Released




” A horrifying incident took place yesterday at the VLN1 endurance race held at the iconic Nurburgring Race Track. British driver Jann Mardenborough was involved in an accident that resulted in the death of one spectator and the injury of two others.

  The moment that Mardenborough’s Nissan flew over barriers into an unsuspecting crowd was caught on tape. In the video we see Mardenborough’s vehicle coming around a corner with the front end lifted from the ground. The car seems to ride on its back wheels for a moment before flying over a spectator barrier. The vehicle can be seen landing on its back. The video cuts away for a moment and then we see driver Mardenborough able to exit the vehicle on his own.”

Inquisitr has more

Topless Sledding Championships Attracts 14,000 In Braunlage, Germany




” It may not be the Winter Olympics but this topless tobogganing tournament has certainly got fans nipping out for a better view.

  These busty babes braved freezing temperatures to compete in a brrr-illiant TOPLESS tobogganing tournament. 

  More than 14,000 spectators turned out to watch the eye-popping event where 30 male and female competitors bounced along a 100 metre track on sledges. 

  One lucky onlooker said: “It was very cold and because of that some of those girls would definitely have had a bit of an advantage in a photo finish.”



   Lest anyone think that this is a new occurrence , a search of Youtube uncovered the fact that this tournament got it’s start in 2009 . Below is a news report on the second annual event from 2010 .





See more , much more here












Willie Dixon & The New Generation Of Chicago Blues 1977 – Germany




Published on Jul 20, 2014

” 01.Introduction by Host Willie Dixon
02.’My Baby Done Changed The Lock On The Door’ – Mervyn ‘Harmonica’ Hinds (vcl,hca) ,William ‘Bom-Bay’ Carter (g)
03.’Billy’s Blues’ – Billy Branch
04.’I’m A King Bee’ – Johnny B. Moore
05.’How Long’ – Freddie Dixon
06.Unid. Instrumental – Mervyn ‘Harmonica’ Hinds
07.’I Am The Blues’ – Willie Dixon
08.’All Your Love’ – Vernon Harrington
09.’Don’t Start Me To Talkin’ ‘ – Billy Branch
10.’All Because Of Your Love’ (truncated) – James Kinds
11.Unid Instrumental – Mervyn ‘Harmonica’ Hinds
12.’Somebody Loan Me A Dime’ – Dead-Eye Norris
13.’I’m Ready’ – Lurrie Bell
14.’Going Back To Iuka’ – Johnny B. Moore
15.’Hoodoo Doctor’ – Freddie Dixon
16.’Berlin Wall’ – All Performers Grand Finale
17.’Got My Mojo Working’ – All Performers Grand Finale

Lurrie Bell,
Johnny B. Moore,
Freddie Dixon,
Harmonica Hinds,
Billy Branch
and Vernon Harrington.

Berliner Jazztage – Philharmonie Hall – Sunday 6 November 1977 “












Thousands In Dresden Rally Against Islamization, Call For Western Values





” Thousands took to the streets of Dresden, Germany, to protest the Islamization of their country. Their opponents also rallied at the same time warning about spreading xenophobic ideas in Europe.

  At least 10,000 people joined the march of Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of Europe, or PEGIDA, a German right-wing organization. The protesters say they want to preserve Germany’s Judeo-Christian Western culture, and curb the spread of Islamic State and Al-Qaeda activities in the EU.

“Political refugees are very welcome. But look at our asylum seekers’ homes here. There are only men living there. Where are their families? They are criminals who left their families behind in the war,” one PEGIDA activist told Euronews. “












German Far-Left Party Takes State Parliament







” Germany’s far-Left party has returned to power in a state government for the first time since the Berlin Wall fell 25 years ago, stoking heated debate about its communist roots.

  The Left Party, widely seen as the successor to the Socialist Unity Party (SED) that once ruled East Germany, will head the government of Thuringia after the state parliament narrowly voted to approve a new coalition.

  The new state prime minister, Bodo Ramelow, used his first speech in parliament to apologize to victims of the former communist regime, and said he wanted to “reconcile rather than divide”.

  Thousands of people braved sub-zero temperatures on the streets of the state capital, Erfurt, on Thursday night to protest against the expected result of the vote.

  Angela Merkel predicted the decision would be “bad news” for Thuringia, while the German President, Joachim Gauck, broke with the traditional neutrality of his role to speak out against it.”


The Telegraph










World’s Biggest Christmas Tree Stands In Dortmund, Germany





Published on Nov 24, 2014

” Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/ODNsubs
At a massive 45 metres high, the world’s biggest Christmas tree lights up in Dortmund, Germany. Report by Sarah Kerr. “










Muslims In Germany Take Machetes, Knives, And Brass Knuckles, And Attack People In The Name Of ISIS






” Muslims in Germany, loyal to ISIS, took up machetes and knives, and other weapons, and attacked a peaceful anti-ISIS protest organized by Kurdish nationals. One report:

  Peaceful protests against IS in Syria and Iraq organized by Kurdish nationals in several German cities ended with serious clashes with pro-jihadist Muslims in Hamburg and Celle. Police had to request reinforcements to restore order.

  Police in Hamburg, a port city of 1.8 million people, used water cannons, batons and pepper spray late Tuesday to disperse crowds of warring Kurds and pro-jihadist Muslims, armed with knives and brass-knuckles, following a protest against Islamic State militants who are attacking the Kurdish town of Kobani in Syria near the Turkish border.

  At first, on Tuesday afternoon about 80 Kurdish protesters occupied Hamburg’s central train station for an hour, NDR.de reported. The Kurdish protesters left the railways voluntarily after 6pm, a police spokesman said. “


Continue reading













Steve Bucci On The Rise Of Antisemitism In Europe




“ They’ve had major riots, that have not just been anti-Israeli policy, but are blatantly anti-Jewish. … They’re predominantly the immigrant Muslim populations in Germany and France, for instance, but there are significant numbers of German citizens, native German citizens and native French citizens, either from the far right or the far left, who blame Israel and who are turning it into anti-Jewish campaign.”

Saturday Steyn

Boots On The Ground






” I mentioned this 2002 column of mine last week in connection with the Saudi Ambassador’s idiosyncratic response to it. But it seems appropriate to give it a full-blown rerun today, Thursday, as the US footie team – or “soccer”, as they call it here – prepares for its samba-sultry rendezvous with destiny and a rematch with Germany, the team that did for them 12 years ago.

  I’d been thinking that this time round there was more interest in the World Cup than back then. But then I went on John Oakley’s show yesterday morning and the soccer banter ahead of my appearance reminded me that even Canada has an entirely different level of engagement with the sport. At any rate, that’s what caught my fancy three World Cups ago, when the American team looked at one point in danger of making it to the semi-finals, and maybe beyond, despite total lack of public interest – while in England and Ireland there were millions of fans in search of a team. This essay is anthologized in The Face Of The Tigerpersonally autographed copies of which are exclusively available from the SteynOnline bookstore, and proceeds of which go towards my pushback against “hockey stick” warm-monger Michael E Mann and the Big Climate enforcers:

  And so the dream dies. The boys gave it their best, they played well, but it wasn’t to be. They’re out of the World Cup, to the bitter disappointment of their supporters.

  I refer, of course, to the United States team, the first in World Cup history with more players than fans. Across America yesterday, all nine of them gathered in bars to watch the big match, only to find that the other patrons preferred to see the Golden Girls re-run dubbed into Spanish on Channel 173 or the last half of Plastering Idol on the Sheetrock Channel. Twiddling my own dial in New Hampshire, I couldn’t find the game on anywhere except a French-language station from Quebec.”


Read the rest











From Germany To Mexico: How America’s Source Of Immigrants Has Changed Over A Century



Where US immigrants come from, state by state today and a century ago




” With more than 40 million immigrants, the United States is the top destination in the world for those moving from one country to another. Mexico, which shares a nearly 2,000-mile border with the U.S., is the source of the largest wave of immigration in history from a single country to the United States.

  But today’s volume of immigrants, in some ways, is a return to America’s past. A century ago, the U.S. experienced another large wave of immigrants. Although smaller at 18.2 million, they hailed largely from Europe. Many Americans can trace their roots to that wave of migrants from 1890-1919, when Germany dominated as the country sending the most immigrants to many of the U.S. states, although the United Kingdom, Canada and Italy were also strongly represented.”

Percentage of U.S. population that is foreign born

” In 1910, Germany was the top country of birth among U.S. immigrants, accounting for 18% of all immigrants (or 2.5 million) in the United States. Germans made up the biggest immigrant group in 17 states and the District of Columbia, while Mexico accounted for the most immigrants in just three states (Arizona, New Mexico and Texas). Behind Germany, the second-most number of immigrants in the U.S. were from Russia and the countries that would become the USSR (11%, or 1.6 million).”


Lots more detail at Pew Research













Russia Tightens Grip On Crimea As Markets Tumble


Russia tightens grip on Crimea as markets tumble



” Russia cemented its control of the flashpoint Crimean peninsula without firing a shot as markets plunged on Monday and world leaders held a series of crisis talks over the worst standoff between Moscow and the West since the Cold War.

  The price of oil surged on fears of an all-out conflict as Russia looked set to send troops into eastern parts of Ukraine, an area with close ties to Russia that the Kremlin has vowed to protect from “ultranationalist forces”.

  British Foreign Secretary William Hague opened talks with Ukraine’s Western-backed but untested interim leaders a day after the world’s top industrialised powers threatened to strip Russia of its coveted seat at the Group of Eight for menacing its ex-Soviet neighbour.

  Germany offered a rare glimmer of hope by announcing that Russian President Vladimir Putin had agreed in telephone talks with Chancellor Angela Merkel late Sunday to set up a contact group on Ukraine.

  Western allies in the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation also said they wanted to send international observers to Ukraine while engaging Moscow in direct talks.”


Yahoo News has more









Muddy Waters Live From Germany 10.29.1976




Published on Jun 30, 2013

” 01. Intro & After Hours
02. Soon Forgotten
03. Howlin’ Wolf Blues
04. Hoochie Coochie Man 
05 Blow Wind Blow
06 Can’t Get No Grindin’
07 Long Distance Call 
08 Got My Mojo Workin’
09 Got My Mojo Workin’ (First Encore)
10 Theme
11 Got My Mojo Workin’ (Second Encore)”









Topless Feminist Interrupts Christmas Mass In Pro-Abortion Protest [NSFW]








” The “FEMEN” Twitter account celebrated the interruption of Christmas mass in Cologne, Germany, by a topless feminist extremist, who wrote “I AM GOD” on her body and climbed atop the altar before shocked worshipers.”


Soopermexican says it all :


” Ok then. I doubt these kind of offensive displays actually advance their cause, but they definitely annoy and anger believers.”










US Moving Forces In Response To South Sudan Violence





” Three of four U.S. Navy SEALs wounded after coming under fire during rescue efforts in South Sudan on Saturday are being evacuated to Germany for treatment at the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, the U.S. hospital near Ramstein Air Base, military officials said Monday.

  The fourth servicemember who suffered more serious injures cannot be moved at this time and remains in Kenya for treatment, Defense officials said.”


Why are we in South Sudan , President “Peace Prize” ?









Supreme Court Orders Obama Admin to Respond to Romeike Homeschooler’s Petition





” The U.S. Supreme Court has ordered the Obama administration to respond to a petition by the Home School Legal Defense Association to hear an appeal in the Romeikes deportation case.

 The Obama administration has sought to deport the Romeikes, a German family that fled to the United States to protect their right to homeschool. If they had stayed in Germany, they risked fines or having their children taken from them, as recently happened with another homeschooling family in Germany.

 An appeals court agreed with the administration, which argued that the freedom to determine the education of one’s children is not a fundamental right. The administration also agreed with a German court’s argument that banning homeschooling teaches tolerance of diverse viewsHSLDA petitioned the Supreme Court to review that appeals court decision.”

    If the determination of our children’s education is “not a fundamental right” then nothing is . That line of reasoning leads only to servitude and subjugation and slavery . If we are not free to best decide the future of our children whether it be educational or medical then our children are nothing but future servants of the State .



” The fact that the Supreme Court wants the administration to weigh in on the petition increases the likelihood that it will hear the case, but it is no guarantee.

” We are pleased by the Court’s interest in the issues we have presented in our petition,” HSLDA Chairman Michael Farris wrote in an email to HSLDA supporters. “Romeike v. Holder gives the Court an opportunity to address important religious freedom and human rights issues. We hope that after due consideration of the government’s brief they will agree to hear our case.”



    Here’s to hoping the Supreme court decides to hear this case . We the people need a ruling once and for all regarding the limits to the State’s power to indoctrinate . If our children are not ours , then they are not their own either … that leaves nothing but serfdom with the State as our Lord of the Manor . 



 World Beard and Moustache Championships



Published on Nov 2, 2013

” The annual World Beard and Moustache Championships were held in Germany on Saturday, with trophies in competitive categories including Best Dali Moustache, Best Freestyle Moustache, Most Fashionable Beard, Best Goatee and Best Sideburns. 

The event attracted 300 hirsute entrants from 20 countries to the small village of Leinfelden-Echterdingen near Stuttgart. 

“I saw this online on Facebook and a few other sites about a year or so ago and thought 
I’d come and have a look, maybe grow a beard and see what happens,” said Nick Thomas from New Zealand. 

Brandon Biggins, who heads the Philadelphia Beard and Moustache Club, was taking the event more seriously, with carefully curled and waxed facial hair. 

“I’ve won some competitions in the States so I decided to take my beard globally and see if I can do anything over here,” he said. 

Organiser Juergen Burkhardt said he was overwhelmed by the response. 

The championship has taken place every two years since 1990, and especially rewards elaborately styled beards and moustaches. “

Get the latest headlines http://www.telegraph.co.uk/ “









NSA Internet Spying Sparks Race to Create Offshore Havens for Data Privacy




” Three of Germany’s largest email providers, including partly state-owned Deutsche Telekom AG, teamed up to offer a new service, Email Made in Germany. The companies promise that by encrypting email through German servers and hewing to the country’s strict privacy laws, U.S. authorities won’t easily be able to pry inside. More than a hundred thousand Germans have flocked to the service since it was rolled out in August.”

Why Gold Will Make A Comeback

Published on Jul 9, 2013

” You might be tempted to think that the global economy is recovering, the dollar strengthening and gold will finally sink into obscurity. Think again.

Central bankers like Ben S. Bernanke may tell you that banks hold gold bullion only for sake of “tradition,” but gold traders know otherwise — gold is real money, and despite what bankers, economists and mainstream investors have been saying, their actions show they are terrified of a coming currency crisis.

This Daily Reckoning video will show you exactly what is going on under the radar at some of the world’s biggest central banks, and how it is destined to affect gold prices.

Follow The Daily Reckoning on Facebook and Twitter @dailyreckoning!”










‘United Stasi of America’: Light Artist Wanted by Berlin Police



Berlin police believe that this message, projected onto the wall of the US Embassy in Berlin on Sunday night, could be a violation of laws against insulting representatives of foreign states.

Oliver Bienkowski/ Caveman Guerilla Marketing



” Berlin police are investigating a light artist for projecting the phrase “United Stasi of America” onto the the US Embassy in Berlin. The phrase refers to the former East German secret police and was meant as a protest against American spying. But can the artist really be prosecuted?

It was meant to be a publicity stunt — a political prank aimed at voicing displeasure over vast US Internet surveillance and spying activities. But Oliver Bienkowski, the light artist who projected the words “United Stasi of America” onto the US Embassy late Sunday night now finds himself in hot water with the Berlin police after authorities opened an investigation.”







 World’s Largest Private Yacht Takes To The Sea After £400m Three-Year Construction Project To Build 590ft Behemoth



World beater: The yacht Azzam is 590 feet long and cost a staggering £400million



” This is the moment the world’s largest private yacht took to the sea. 

Azzam, which was built by German firm Lurssen, is a staggering 590 feet long – a £400 million floating palace which has knocked Roman Abramovich off the owners’ top spot.

It was officially unveiled for the first time in April following three years at the shipbuilder’s docks in Bremen.”



” Peter Seyfferth, from TheYachtPhoto.com, said: ‘During the three days of trials, Azzam reached an amazing top speed of 31.5 knots, making her not only the longest but also by far the fastest megayacht in the world.

‘Such a speed is absolutely exceptional for a yacht of this size.

‘Her elegant, sleek lines are another feature which distinguish Azzam from all the other yachts above 150 metres.’

Mubarak Saad al Ahbabi was the engineer behind the megayacht, and assembled a team to work on the ultra-sophisticated project.”




Cost: £400 million

Length: 590 ft

Speed: Over 30 knots – it hit 31.5 in trials

Horsepower: 94,000 









One-Time ‘Superstar’ Obama Returns To Berlin As A Mere President





” President Barack Obama may still have the kind of popularity ratings that any politician would envy, but some Germans say the president’s ‘superstar’ status has been slightly tarnished.

His arrival last night in Berlin on a 24-hour trip culminates in a speech at the city’s iconic Brandenburg Gate.

Last time he was in Berlin, in 2008 as a presidential candidate, expectations were high.

But Obama is now well into his second term and German critics claim he has failed to deliver.

Most recently, an issue to rile a country which holds individual privacy dear is the PRISM programme scandal which has revealed that Obama has expanded Bush-era surveillance of phone calls and emails. Chancellor Angela Merkel had promised to raise the subject when they meet for private talks.

At a news conference after the meeting Obama said he was confident that the US has struck an appropriate balance between intelligence gathering and civil liberties.

Obama’s escalation of drone warfare has also provoked protests in Berlin.”



Five years one and the bloom is finally off the rose … sort of .






NSA Map Shows Germany Most Spied-On Of EU Members

A screenshot of the Boundless Informant tool released by Edward Snowden shows Germany in orange, representing the most spied upon country in the EU. (<a class="tpstyle" href="http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/08/nsa-boundless-informant-global-datamining#">The Guardian</a>)

” While the United States spies on all European Union nations, it spies on Germany the most, say papers supplied by a former employee of the top U.S. spy agency.

The rankings of what EU nations are snooped on, and how much, can be seen in a color-coded map of covert National Security Agency surveillance activities, EUObserver.com reported Monday.

Nations subject to the least spying activities are shaded green; those with the most red.

All EU members are various shades of green on the map. Germany is orange.

The map, called Boundless Informant, is among documents released by Edward Snowden, a former CIA employee and NSA contractor who says he is the person who this month leaked information about the U.S. metadata collection program known as PRISM. “

TRIFECTA — Obama Admin. Does ‘Reich’ Thing by Deporting Religious Refugees



Published on May 23, 2013

” Trifecta discusses a family that fled Germany because of the European nation’s anti-homeschooling laws. This evangelical family is now forced to comply with Nazi era educational laws that run contrary to their Christian faith. In deporting the family, Obama argued that this law, enacted under Hitler, was fair. Why is Obama defending the German educational system? Find out.”