German Socialist Killed Fighting With Kurdish Forces In Syria


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” A young German woman has been killed while fighting alongside Kurdish forces against Islamic State militants in northeastern Syria, according to a monitoring group.

  The woman, named by some sources as Ivana Hoffman, was killed on Sunday near the town of Tal Tamer where she was assisting the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in their struggle against the IS fighters.

  She is the third Westerner killed among Kurdish ranks in Syria.

  Hoffman, who reportedly went by the Turkish nom de guerre Avasin Tekosin Gunes, identified herself as a member of the Marxist–Leninist Communist Party (MLKP), a Hoxhaist party based in Turkey where it is listed by the government as a terrorist organisation.

          A photo circulated by MLKP supporters, showing Hoffman holding the MLKP newpaper ‘Atilim’ (‘The Leap’), location uknown.

  A statement on the MLKP’s website lauding Hoffman’s final hours in Syria reads: “Her dreams are our dreams, her path is our path and her memory is our honour. Comrade Avasin Tekosin Günes is immortal.”

  A video released by the MLKP in January purported to show Hoffman (whose faced is obscured) in the Kurdish region of Syria, also called Rojava, describing her reasons for fighting:

“We are here on the front – IS territory is right behind us,” she tells the camera.”






   Read more on the third western volunteer to die fighting with the Kurds against ISIS who joins Aussie Ashley Kent Johnson and Brit Konstandinos Erik Scurfield on the KIA roles .  

   More on Ms Hoffman’s death can be found herehere , and here .