Tag Archive: George W Bush

Middle School Assignment Asks Students To Compare Hitler With George W. Bush








” A Washington, D.C., middle school assignment asking students to compare former president George W. Bush with Adolf Hitler has upset some parents and community members.

  The assignment at McKinley Middle School asked sixth graders to compare the two figures in a Venn diagram, according to USA Today. Instructions say students “have read about two men of power who abused their power in various ways,” and asks them to refer to the articles “Fighting Hitler -– A Holocaust Story,” and “Bush: Iraq War Justified Despite No WMD.”

  Some parents said the assignment was disrespectful to the former president, according to a local NBC affiliate. A former speechwriter for Bush said the teacher who gave the assignment should be fired.

“ A person who can’t tell the difference between George W. Bush and Adolf Hitler shouldn’t be teaching children,” Marc Thiessen told Fox News. “This isn’t even political bias, this is utter incompetence.”

  A statement from D.C. Public Schools said the teacher “admits to extremely poor judgment and short sightedness and will apologize to students. The school will also send a letter home to families explaining the incident and offering to address any additional questions should they arise.” “


Huff Post











Who Were The Worst US Presidents?




Published on Jan 22, 2014

” Who were the worst US presidents in history from a libertarian perspective of economic freedom and personal liberty?”


    There is much to debate here . What of Abraham Lincoln ? FDR ? Lyndon Johnson ? Richard Nixon ? What’s your feeling ?








Fox News Poll: More Voters Like Bush Than Obama




” More voters have a positive opinion of former President George W. Bush than President Barack Obama, according to the latest Fox News Poll.  But former President Bill Clinton is liked best of the three.

  The poll finds 50 percent of voters have a favorable opinion of Bush, while 47 percent have an unfavorable view.  

  By contrast, Obama has a net negative rating:  46 percent have a favorable opinion of him, while 52 percent have an unfavorable opinion.”









Which Side Of The Barricade Are You On?



   We posted a piece earlier today regarding Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell’s desire to engage in an internecine war with the Tea Partiers and conservatives in his own party and how Mr McConnell felt that the activist (read principled) wing of the Republican party was destroying the brand . 

   This comprehensive article from Politico Magazine covers in great detail the tectonic shift that is taking place in the politics of America and how the old “two party” system just does not suit anyone’s , except the incumbents , needs and desires . While the article is particularly harsh on the right side of the aisle it does cover the lack of moral authority on both sides of the aisle and stands as a primer on what we see as a resurgence of the American spirit in the form of a desire for a more limited , effective government . 

   Below is one excerpt that very clearly identifies why Senator McConnell and his Establishment cronies are wrong on the issue of who’s to blame for the record decline in the Republican party . The entire piece is well worth your time and offers the hope , shared here at YouViewed , that the future could very well be one of a libertarian , back to our Founder’s roots bent .

   The author Doug Sosnik , while a Democratic strategist , pulls no punches and though he sees the trend as one of “populist” sentiment , we feel that is wishful thinking , as his idea of populism is more in tune with an activist government than a laissez-faire , invisible hand polity . We view the trend with the youth of America as having grown tired of the State and it’s failed policies both foreign and domestic , exhibiting a desire for more self-determination and less dependence .




The Sorry State Of The Republican Party

” It is difficult to add much to the current piling on about all of the challenges facing the Republican Party. The party has become narrowly defined as a congressional party controlled by the Tea Party movement. And Republicans continue to have enormous problems with women, young people, Hispanics, Asians and African Americans. It is clear that they will never become a majority party in an increasing multiracial society until they deal with their positions on the issues that have alienated these broad groups of voters.

Any effort the party makes going forward should factor in the following:

 1. The lack of a leader. The Republican Party is leaderless and will continue to be until it has a 2016 nominee. This nominee will either be the next president or the party will go back to being leaderless for four more years after losing its third presidential election in a row. 

 2. The repudiation of the party elders. There is no longer an establishment wing of the Republican Party. The failed leadership under President George W. Bush and the Republican Congress led to the enormous expansion of government spending and got the country into two wars that taxpayers are still funding. These actions alienated a majority of Americans and pushed the activist wing of the party to repudiate what used to be the establishment wing. The party should stop waiting for the ‘grownups’ to come to its rescue since there are no longer party elders that the activist wing is willing to listen to, much less follow.

 3. The demise of right-leaning think tanks. The political contamination of right-leaning think tanks has stripped away the party’s ability to develop a series of substantive ideas and policies to rebuild the party for the future. The intellectual foundation of Ronald Reagan’s election in 1980 began forming in the early 1960s through the ideas of National Review and other right-of-center organizations.

 4. The likelihood that the next Republican president will come from the states. The Republican Party is now perceived nationally as a congressional party, which is poisonous given how much most of America hates Washington. There’s a chance that the party might nominate a member of Congress, but it is highly unlikely that a nominee from the congressional wing of the party could be elected president in 2016.

 5. The party’s congressional wing cannot fix the image of the Republican Party. There’s little that Republicans at the federal level can do to help their party except to do no further harm. All of the burdens for redefining the party will fall on state leaders until Republicans nominate a presidential candidate in 2016.

 6. The lack of consensus on the reasons for Mitt Romney’s defeat continues to divide the party. Romney was the worst possible candidate to put up against Obama last year, particularly given Obama’s relative popularity in 2012, the bruising Republican primary in what is now widely considered one of the weakest fields in presidential history and the public’s perception that the economy was on the rebound. On top of all this, there’s the fact that Obama simply ran a vastly superior campaign.

  Given the vacuous nature of Romney’s campaign, there continues to be an ongoing debate within the GOP about the lessons learned from his defeat. Romney’s inauthentic efforts to position himself as a conservative led many to conclude that he ended up standing for nothing. The ascendant wing of the party concluded that Romney wasn’t conservative enough to win.

  The worst thing for Democrats would have been for former senator Rick Santorum to have won the nomination. If he had, Obama would likely have won the presidency in one of the largest landslides in history. This would have settled the open question about the viability of a Republican candidate from the right wing of the party. For now, the debate will continue to paralyze the party until 2016. If Republicans lose the next presidential election, this intra-party debate will continue for the rest of the decade.

 7. The Republican Party’s continued failure to adapt to the electorate’s views on social issues. It’s not hard to conclude that America has changed and that the Republican litmus test on social issues is out of step with the majority of voters. The party’s failure to change with the times is the principle reason that it has performed so poorly among younger voters for the past decade. Despite the party’s talk about becoming more tolerant and inclusive, it hasn’t done anything in the past year to deal with these issues.

 8. Angry, partisan and negative aren’t what the country is looking for right now. One of the core strengths of Ronald Reagan, the last successful Republican president, was his uplifting message of optimism and hope for the country and its people. He also conveyed a sense of mission and a willingness to work with the other side to get things done for the American people. Today’s Republican Party is seen as an angry force that is solely focused on scoring political points against the president rather than focusing on what’s right for the country.

The Democratic Party At A Crossroads With Challenges Of Its Own

  Compared with the Republicans, the Democrats are a vibrant party with favorable demographics and an edge when it comes to the Electoral College map. But the comparison masks several big challenges the Democratic Party faces in next year’s midterm elections, as well as a post-Obama future: “

  The author’s politics do show themselves to a reasonable degree . While he is considerably less harsh on the state of the Democratic party , there is no denying that he has identified a great deal of the problems associated with the lack of leadership and principles that is turning the GOP into the party of also-rans , at least at the national level . If only he offered such a rousing critique of his own Democratic party .

   Regardless of the less than even-handedness of the author’s treatment of the state of the American political parties there is wisdom in his words and the right should ignore him at their peril , just as ignoring the likes of Ted Cruz , Mike Lee and Rand Paul will cause the GOP no end of grief and doom them to a generation in the wilderness .












President George W. Bush – The Tonight Show with Jay Leno



Part 1


Part 2


Part 3


Part 4


George and Laura are class acts . What a contrast .

Health Law Rollout’s Stumbles Draw Parallels To Bush’s Hurricane Response



” Barack Obama won the presidency by exploiting a political environment that devoured George W. Bush in a second term plagued by sinking credibility, failed legislative battles, fractured world relations and revolts inside his own party.

President Obama is now threatened by a similar toxic mix. The disastrous rollout of his health care law not only threatens the rest of his agenda but also raises questions about his competence in the same way that the Bush administration’s botched response to Hurricane Katrina undermined any semblance of Republican efficiency.”


    Earning back a trust that was non-existent in nearly half of the population is an impossible task  , especially given the fact that the Obamacare fiasco is just one small part of the complete loss of trust in our Dear Leader . If he has been consistent in one thing it’s been in his ability to screw up virtually everything he touches and then look us right in the eye and say ” I didn’t do that ” , or “I didn’t know that ” . A more shameful liar has never occupied the White House and that includes Tricky Dick and Slick Willie .


” But earning back the confidence of Americans, as he pledged to do, will require Mr. Obama to right more than just the health care law. At home, his immigration overhaul is headed for indefinite delay, and new budget and debt fights loom. Overseas, revelations of spying by the National Security Agency have infuriated American allies, and negotiations over Iran’s nuclear arsenal have set off bipartisan criticism.”


    While the Times is correct in acknowledging Obama’s loss of trust and should be lauded for admitting it , being the partisan hacks that they are they just can’t resist trying to place a share of the blame for the Obamacare disaster at the feet of the Republican Congress comparing how during Katrina Bush got some assistance from the Democratic side of the aisle  , yet all Obama gets from the Right side of the aisle is an obstinate refusal to help.


” But unlike Mr. Bush, who faced confrontational but occasionally cooperative Democrats, Mr. Obama is battling a Republican opposition that has refused to open the door to any legislative fixes to the health care law and has blocked him at virtually every turn.”


    There’s only one problem with the Grey Lady’s comparison of Katrina to Obamacare … while Katrina was a natural disaster that no one brought about and thus was easily a non-partisan issue resulting in bi-partisan co-operation , Obamacare is a self-inflicted wound that was created in the most partisan fashion against the will of ALL republicans in congress and a majority of the American public so it should come as no surprise that no one of the opposition party would be anxious to help it be salvaged .

 But maybe even more to the point of why the MSM is suddenly so interested in in-depth analysis of the flies in the Obamacare ointment is not that they want to save the public … they could give a s**t about us peons in “flyover” country … no , their only concern is to try and stave off a potential massacre of Dems at the polls in November of 2014 . The Times itself is nothing if not a loyal partisan propaganda machine .


Heck of a job Sebelius .


Read more


Illustration by Nate Beeler








Obama Approval Rating Lower Than Bush’s At The Same Point In Presidency




” If you recall George W Bush’s 5th year in the presidency, Iraq was still going badly (the surge hadn’t worked yet), the news networks still had a daily count of the dead they featured and we were told that America was tired of war, and especially a war of choice.  And then there was Katrina. We were also told that President Bush was suffering horrendous disapproval numbers, numbers so bad that they would be hard to beat in modern history.

Until today:

When President Obama first ran for the White House in 2008, it was with the promise to turn the page on the presidency of George W. Bush. But for all their political differences, it turns out the American public pretty much view the two men in the same light, according to new polling data.

“By the same light” it seems obvious that the majority of the American people disapproved of both presidents at the same point in their presidency.  But other than that the disapproval comes via different routes.  President Bush was fighting not only an unpopular war, but a negative press and the Democratic party that continually went negative about he and his administration (something they seem to have forgotten since President Obama has taken office).

Obama, on the other hand, has pretty much gotten a free pass on Afghanistan and has had a supportive, almost adoring press that has mostly worked to blunt any criticism of he and his administration, to include any criticism by Republicans.

But despite that, his approval rating is in the toilet.  Why?”


Illustration by William Warren







Daily Comedy 10.4.13

Steve Bridges – As George W. Bush with George W. Bush!









Right Wing News











Bouncing Ball Politics






” For years, home ownership was a big “good thing” among both liberal Democrats like Congressman Barney Frank and Senator Christopher Dodd, on the one hand, and moderate Republicans like President George W. Bush on the other hand.

Raising the rate of home ownership was the big red bouncing ball that they pursued out into the street, in utter disregard of the dangers.

A political myth has been created that no one warned of those dangers. But among the many who did warn were yours truly in 2005, Fortune and Barron’s magazines in 2004 and Britain’s The Economist magazine in 2003. Warnings specifically about the dangerous roles of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were made by Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan in 2005 and by Secretary of the Treasury John W. Snow in 2003.

In pursuit of those higher home ownership rates, especially among low-income people and minorities, the many vast powers of the federal government — from the Federal Reserve to bank regulatory agencies and even the Department of Justice, which issued threats of anti-discrimination lawsuits — were used to force banks and other lenders to lower their standards for making mortgage loans.

What makes all this painfully ironic is that the latest data show that the rate of home ownership today is lower than it has been in 18 years. There was a rise of a few percentage points during the housing boom, but that was completely erased during the housing bust. Housing has been just one area where the bouncing ball approach to political decision-making has led the country into one disaster after another.”









“The Constitution For Dummies” by Judge Andrew Napolitano


Published on Feb 10, 2013

” Judge Andrew Napolitano on the history of the federal government’s neglect, disdain, and continual erosion of the Constitution from John Adams to George W. Bush. Learn about the “Alien and Sedition Act”, FISA, and the Patriot Act and what we must do to get back to Constitutional fidelity at the federal level.

Originally posted by The Reason Foundation from October 27, 2007

NOTE: This video may be reproduced for non-profit, educational purposes ONLY. “


Obama Says Defense He Fought Can Stop North Korea


” As Pyongyang threatens a nuclear strike, the administration says our missile defenses can handle anything they can throw against us or our allies. If so it’s not because of anything the president did.

‘I can tell you that the United States is fully capable of defending against any North Korean ballistic missile attack,” White House spokesman Jay Carney said on Thursday after North Korea’s raging runt, Kim Jong-un, said Pyongyang was scrapping the 1953 armistice deal that ended the Korean War. He threatened a “preemptive” nuclear strike against the U.S.


If we can handle the North Korean missile threat, it is thanks to President Ronald Reagan’s derided “Star Wars” dream and the Strategic Defense Initiative he refused to surrender to Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev, who met Reagan in Reykjavik, Iceland, in October 1986, and to President George W. Bush, who made missile defense a priority, not a target for budget cuts.

We thank you both.”







Is Obama’s Drone Policy Really Morally Superior to Torture?



” Here is the worst-kept secret in Washington: Instead of capturing and grilling suspected terrorists, as agents did during the 2000s, the United States now kills them from above. Yet where the morality of President Bush’s tactics chewed up years of public debate, Congress and the press seem less interested in the legitimacy of drone strikes than in the process (and secrecy) that surrounds them. Members questioned John Brennan, the CIA nominee who helped build the administration’s drone strategy, along exactly these lines. “[The debate] has really all been about the legality of targeting American citizens, not the overall moral issues raised by the drone program, or collateral casualties, or classifying any young men between a certain age-group default as terrorists,” says Bruce Hoffman, director of Georgetown University’s Center for Security Studies. In a CBS Newspoll last week, 71 percent of Americans said they support the strikes.

Compare that with the PR crisis unleashed by the Abu Ghraib prisoner-abuse photos in 2004. Congressional, military, and independent investigations sprang to life. The phrase “enhanced interrogation techniques” entered the lexicon. Bush first argued that these were legal, but a Reed College analysis of polls shows that the public broadly opposed torture during his presidency. So why are drone strikes—which have reportedly killed 2,500 in Pakistan alone—different? Why do people impute more legitimacy to killing from afar (which sometimes ensnares innocent bystanders) than interrogating up close?”


Bush Family Emails, Photos Hacked




” Bush spokesman Jim McGrath told the Chronicle the matter is “under criminal investigation.” McGrath did not immediately respond to messages seeking comment by the Associated Press early Friday.

The Smoking Gun says the hacker went by the online moniker “Guccifer,” a word plastered across the leaked photos in translucent, neon blue print.”



More From Time …The Lesson of the Bush Family Email Hack: Be Worried


” A hacker by the name of Guccifer has apparently hacked into several Bush family AOL accounts, pilfered private photos and messages and posted them online. The Smoking Gun, pursuient to their mission, republished it all. The stolen goods include a private letter from George W. Bush to his family about planning the funeral of his father. They include private correspondence from the Fox News journalist Brit Hume on the “silver linings” in the 2012 election. They include a Jeb Bush email about how how George H.W. Bush “helped restore” Bill Clinton’s “sordid reputation.” There is more. You can read about it off site. You can also look at the PG-rated pictures that George W. Bush apparently painted of himself bathing.

There is a criminal investigation. This guy may get caught, just like the guy who hacked Scarlett Johansson’s cell phone got caught. But that will be little consolation. (And it was little consolation to all those members of Congress in recent years who found their private R-rated photos trending on Google.) The fact is that the digital age makes us all unduly vulnerable. As Katy Steinmetz recently wrote for TIME your digital records will outlive you, and may cause your family problems. The permanence of online utterances–a delight to prosecutors, Facebook and snoops–is a bane for the rest of us.”


And The Politico : Report: Bush family emails hacked


” A computer hacker has broken into the email accounts of some Bush family members, according to the Smoking Gun.

The website reports that “In e-mail exchanges with the person who claimed responsibility for the hack, the individual claimed to have swiped ‘a lot of stuff,’ including ‘interesting mails’ about George H.W. Bush’s recent hospitalization, ‘Bush 43,’ and other Bush family members.” The hacker also claimed to have addresses and contact information for Bush family members, including both former presidents and their children.”



All the more reason for the development of Silent Circle





Meacham On Drone Kills: Obama Acting Like ‘American King’

Jon Meachum



” Barack The First? Wow: who would have thought that perhaps the strongest statement yet in condemnation of President Obama’s self-arrogated right to kill Americans abroad would have come from Jon Meacham?  Yet on today’s Morning Joe, historian Meacham—who knows something about the use and abuse of presidential power—criticized Obama for ignoring the “rule of law” and actually described Obama as acting like “an American king.”

Joe Scarborough seconded Meacham’s surprising statement, adding that had this come to light under George W. Bush, impeachment would be in the air.” 

Rove & Co Declares War On Tea Party



” The Times reports that this new group will dedicate itself to “recruit seasoned candidates and protect Senate incumbents from challenges by far-right conservatives and Tea Party enthusiasts who Republican leaders worry could complicate the party’s effort to win control of the Senate.”

But it is American Crossroads and its ilk that have run the GOP into the ground. Spending millions of dollars on useless 30,000-ft. advertising campaigns during the last election cycle, training candidates to soften conservatism in order to appeal to “moderates,” blowing up the federal budget under George W. Bush as a bipartisan tactic – all of those strategies led the party to a disastrous defeat in 2012. The Tea Party, which may nominate losers from time to time, also brought the Republicans their historic 2010 Congressional victory. If Tea Party candidates lose, it’s because they weren’t good candidates; if GOP establishment candidates lose, it’s because they weren’t good conservatives. The choice for actual conservatives should be easy.

But it isn’t. The Bush insider team that helped lead to the rise of Barack Obama insists that they, and only they, know the path to victory. As the Times reports, Conservative Victory Project won’t merely protect incumbents – it will challenge sitting Congresspeople of the Tea Party variety, including six-term Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King, who may run for Senate.



Is Martial Law Imminent?



Editors Note : This article is a few years old but in light of recent developments we here at YouViewed thought that it deserved a second reading . If anything the scenario it discusses is more likely than ever . 




” A somewhat disturbing ad recently appeared on internet employment sites, the ad in question was placed by the National Guard. Apparently, the Guard is now looking for people to work at internment camps.

Here is the ad as it appeared:

“Correction Officer Internment / Resettlement Specialist”

“As an Internment/Resettlement Specialist for the Army National Guard, you will ensure the smooth running of military confinement/correctional facility or detention/internment facility, similar to those duties conducted by civilian Corrections Officers. This will require you to know proper procedures and military law; and have the ability to think quickly in high-stress situations. Specific duties may include assisting with supervision and management operations; providing facility security; providing custody, control, supervision, and escort; and counseling individual prisoners in rehabilitative programs.”

So, why is the National Guard hiring “Internment / Resettlement Specialists?”

In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, 15,000 federal troops patrolled the streets of New Orleans. We were told that they were there to stop the looting and perform humanitarian duties. Of course, the widespread looting was brought under control, but under that control, many law-abiding citizens also lost their rights as well. Soldiers as well as armed Blackwater contractors went house to house, detaining citizens and confiscating their firearms…Martial law had come to New Orleans.

The worst scene I can remember from those terrible days was of a patrol of U.S. soldiers arriving at the home of an elderly woman. The soldiers forced their way into the woman´s home, wrestled her to her kitchen floor, handcuffed her, and confiscated her revolver (her only protection against the violent criminals in that city). The woman cried and pleaded with the soldiers to allow her to protect herself.

Despite her loud protests, the soldiers then picked up the woman and placed her onto the back of their truck. Though she wanted to stay in her home, these soldiers took her away against her own will.

I don´t know what happened to that poor woman, but I remember thinking…My God! If that can happen there, it can happen in any other American city!

Unfortunately, it would appear that the groundwork for martial law in this country has been laid and may be soon implemented. It could be declared in the event of another terrorist attack, a natural disaster, or even a worsening financial crisis.

On October 13, 2008, President of Euro Pacific Capital Peter Schiff appeared on the Glenn Beck Show. Their most troubling exchange follows:

SCHIFF: “You know, what`s going to happen, of course, is as inflation starts running out of control and prices start going through the roof, the government again is going to focus on the symptoms and not the disease.And they are going to impose price controls on energy, on food, on a lot of other things that are vital, which means shortages, which means long lines, black markets, civil unrest. All this stuff is coming if we don`t stop. […]

BECK: Peter, let`s talk a little bit about martial law. Why would that even be a consideration?

SCHIFF: Well, I don`t think it was a threat if they had rejected the bailout Bill, but I think it is a possibility a few years down the line. We just spoke a little bit about price controls and the effect that they are going to have.

If we have shortages of food, if we have rolling blackouts. And people are upset, and they are hungry, and they are cold, there could be civil unrest. There could be looting, rioting, and that might be the impetus for the government to declare martial law.”



Read the whole thing and make up your own minds . also please note that it was President Bush that actually paved the way for the elimination of the Posse Comitatus Act . Our liberties are under assault from ALL government , not just the libera side of the aisle .



” On October 17, 2006, President Bush signed into law, the John Warner Defense Authorization Act. The new law allows the President to declare a “public emergency” at his own discretion, and place federal troops anywhere throughout the United States. Under this law, the President also now has the authority to federalize National Guard troops without the consent of Governors, in order to restore “public order.” The President can now deploy federal troops to U.S. cities, at will, which eliminates the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act. In short, President Obama can now declare Martial Law anytime he pleases.

An Excerpt from the John Warner Defense Authorization Act follows:

“Use of the Armed Forces in Major Public Emergencies.” Section 333, “Major public emergencies; interference with State and Federal law” states that “the President may employ the armed forces, including the National Guard in Federal service, to restore public order and enforce the laws of the United States when, as a result of a natural disaster, epidemic, or other serious public health emergency, terrorist attack or incident, or other condition in any State or possession of the United States, the President determines that domestic violence has occurred to such an extent that the constituted authorities of the State or possession are incapable of (“refuse” or “fail” in) maintaining public order, “in order to suppress, in any State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy.”



Typical Hollywood

HBO Propagandizing 

  “There’s one hell of a dragon egg hidden in Game of Thrones season one. Turns out one of the many heads on a spike decorating King’s Landing belonged to ex-president George Bush.”

Miss Me Yet ?

    I think that W just wants to make sure that his portrait doesn’t have Obama giving him bunny ears in the background .

 Actually , given the recently revealed fact that Obama has a penchant for rewriting presidential histories , someone more clever than I could have a lot of fun with this impending event . I can see the photoshops now . LOL

” George W. Bush and his wife, Laura, are expected to return to the White House later this month to be honored by President Barack Obama with the unveiling of their official portraits that will hang at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.”