Tag Archive: Geneva

N.S. Police Say They’ve Foiled Attempt To Kill People In A Public Place







” RCMP in Nova Scotia say they have foiled an alleged plot to kill a large number of people in the Halifax area on Valentine’s Day.

” The evidence to date and the information is, had they been able to carry out their plan there was potential for a large number of individual citizens to be put at risk,” Nova Scotia RCMP Assistant Commissioner Brian Brennan told a Friday evening news conference.

  Police allege a 19-year-old man from Timberlea, N.S., and a 23-year-old woman from Illinois planned to go to a public venue in the Halifax region on Saturday, “with a goal of opening fire to kill citizens, and then themselves.”

  Acting on a tip from a member of the public about “a potential significant weapons-related threat,” police tracked down the male suspect at a Timberlea residence, where he was found dead in the early hours of Friday morning.”


Read on












Bodies In Suitcases: Mystery Deepens In Wisconsin Town After Gruesome Find








” Two bodies in suitcases were found in a ditch in southeastern Wisconsin, and now days later police said they are no closer to cracking the bizarre and gruesome case. 

  Highway workers discovered the bodies on Thursday while mowing a ditch in the town of Geneva, which is about 50 miles southwest of Milwaukee. Though they did not open the suitcases, a driver passing by noticed them and called police, who found two dismembered bodies in the suitcases.

  The finding was especially strange for the small town of Geneva, which has just 4,000 people and little crime to speak of.

“ It’s a very quiet town, a close-knit town,” said Police Chief Steven Hurley. “Everybody knows everybody else.”

  Autopsies were conducted on Friday, but police have failed to identify either body found in the suitcases. Hurley noted that there are no missing persons reported in Geneva.”


More here












Saturday Steyn

Surrender In Geneva



” In Geneva, the participants came to the talks with different goals: The Americans and Europeans wanted an agreement; the Iranians wanted nukes. Each party got what it came for. Before the deal, the mullahs’ existing facilities were said to be within four to seven weeks of nuclear “breakout”; under the new constraints, they’ll be eight to nine weeks from breakout. In return, they get formal international recognition of their enrichment program, and the gutting of sanctions — and everything they already have is, as they say over at Obamacare, grandfathered in.

  Many pundits reached for the obvious appeasement analogies, but Bret Stephens in the Wall Street Journal argued that Geneva is actually worse than Munich. In 1938, facing a German seizure of the Sudetenland, the French and British prime ministers were negotiating with Berlin from a position of profound military weakness: It’s easy to despise Chamberlain with the benefit of hindsight, less easy to give an honest answer as to what one would have done differently playing a weak hand across the table from Hitler 75 years ago. This time round, a superpower and its allies accounting for over 50 percent of the planet’s military spending was facing a militarily insignificant country with a ruined economy and no more than two to three months’ worth of hard currency — and they gave it everything it wanted. “








Iran: White House Lying About Details Of Nuke Deal





” Iranian officials say that the White House is misleading the public about the details of an interim nuclear agreement reached over the weekend in Geneva.”



What ? The Obama administration is misleading the public ? That couldn’t happen .



” The White House released a multi-page fact sheet containing details of the draft agreement shortly after the deal was announced.

However, Iranian foreign ministry official on Tuesday rejected the White House’s version of the deal as “invalid” and accused Washington of releasing a factually inaccurate primer that misleads the American public.”



Why would anyone doubt the word of Barack Obama or John Kerry ?



” “What has been released by the website of the White House as a fact sheet is a one-sided interpretation of the agreed text in Geneva and some of the explanations and words in the sheet contradict the text of the Joint Plan of Action, and this fact sheet has unfortunately been translated and released in the name of the Geneva agreement by certain media, which is not true,” Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Marziyeh Afkham told the Iranian press on Tuesday.”




   While the Iranian regime is hardly a bastion of truth , the administration has a clear motive to lie regarding it’s recent capitulation to the “mad mullahs” of the People’s Revolution . 

 In a glaring indication of the ignorance of the US public the latest poll show the American people (the polling sample anyway) support the nuke agreement by a margin of 44% to 22% .

   Not spoken of in the Reuters article on the poll is the sizable 34% who offered no opinion or didn’t know , but that didn’t prevent the news agency from trumpeting the headline ” American’s Support Iran Deal By A 2 to 1 Margin” … a very misleading statement in our opinion .








On Iran, Expect A Fool’s Bargain




” I don’t think we’re stupid” — John Kerry, November 10, 2013

It’s always a bad sign when your nation’s chief diplomat begins a process of tough negotiations with some brutal authoritarian adversaries by protesting his non-stupidity. Then again, we’ve reached the point where even Parisian socialists feel the need to remind the U.S. Secretary of State of certain undeniable geopolitical realities on the ground. So here we are, seriously entertaining what the French Foreign Minister rightly warned could be a “fool’s bargain” with Iran.

Attention last week was focused on the failure of the Western powers to reach an interim nuclear deal with Tehran. That was the potential deal that made the French nervous. The bigger picture, however, is the broader set of negotiations over the coming months and their implications for American national security.

If Iran actually were to agree to a complete and verifiable dismantling of its nuclear weapons program, stop enriching and reprocessing uranium, shut down key facilities, and ship out all related materials – in full cooperation with international inspectors – then, of course, this would be most welcome. But there is little prospect of this kind of cooperation, or of this kind of deal.  Iran hasnever even admitted that it has a nuclear weapons program, and it has been regularly mendacious about the true extent of its uranium enrichment facilities. This is not the behavior of a country simply looking for the peaceful use of nuclear power … or of one willing to give up the bomb. “















“God Particle” Scientists Win Nobel Prize





” Peter W Higgs and François Englert have been awarded the 2013 Nobel Prizefor Physics for the discovery of the ‘God particle’.

The scientists were jointly awarded the prize for the theory of how particles acquire mass.

They first proposed the theory independently of one another in 1964. Their ideas were then confirmed with the discovery of the Higgs particle at the CERN Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, Switzerland.

A statement said the award was for: “The theoretical discovery of a mechanism that contributes to our understanding of the origin of mass of subatomic particles, and which recently was confirmed through the discovery of the predicted fundamental particle, by Atlas and CMS experiments at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider.” “