Tag Archive: General

George Washington

First In War, First In Peace, And First In The Hearts Of His Countrymen




Happy Birthday Sir


Gen. McChrystal Wants Tighter Restrictions on Civilian M4s


Stan McChrystal



” Retired Gen. Stanley McChrystal joined the growing ranks of talking heads speaking out on the current gun-control debate on MSNBC. McChrystal appeared on the show to talk about his new memoir ”My Share of the Task” but was quite clear about his position on the private ownership of weapons such as M4-style carbines. McChrystal was the commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan before he resigned in the wake of a scandalous Rolling Stones article in 2010. I’m surprised he didn’t side-step the issue.”



  What kind of army officer doesn’t support our constitutional liberties ? This is a clear demonstration of the PC rot that has infested the upper echelons of all sectors of government including the military . Seeing this blatant statism from a supposed defender of our freedoms has to make one wonder where the Army’s loyalties will lie when the SHTF . 


Courtesy of Michael Yon


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