Tag Archive: Gas Prices

How Much Is Your State Paying For A Gallon Of Gas? This Cool Map Will Show You


Debt.com Gas Prices Over Time




” What is the average price of gas in your state? Researchers at Debt.com have put together a map to show you.

  Debt.com’s interactive map allows users to see their state’s average gas price-simply by hovering their cursor over the state. Clicking a state will show you its average price for the last 10 years:

  While the national average for a gallon of gas is about $2.18, some states fare better or worse than others.

  For example, drivers in Hawaii “consistently pay the most for gas.” They are currently paying an average of $3.31.

  In addition to Hawaii, drivers in Alaska, California and the New England region pay among the highest average gas prices in the nation.”


More at The Daily Signal












22 ‘Fun Facts’ On The Obama Economy People Should Know Before

(Or After) The State Of The Union




” Here are a few facts to bear in mind when we’re all regaled about Obama’s ‘historic’ presidency at his State of the Union address:

  1. The Number Of Americans That Have Joined The Food Stamp Program Since
    Obama Took Office: 19.4 Million.
  2. The Number Of People Unemployed At The End Of Obama’s Fifth Year As
    President: 10.4 Million.
  3. The Number Of People Working Part-Time That Would Like To Work Full-Time: 7.8 Million.
  4. The Number Of People That Have Entered Poverty Since 2008: 6.7 Million.
  5. Americans Who Received Cancellation Notices For Their Health Plans
    Due To ObamaCare After Obama Promised They Could Keep Their Plans In His 2010 State Of The Union Address: 5 Million.
  6. The Number Of Americans Struggling With Long-Term Unemployment Of 27 Weeks Or Over: 3.9 Million.
  7. The Increase In Americans Struggling With Long-Term Unemployment Since Obama Became President: 1.2 Million.
  8. Construction Jobs (aka “Shovel-Ready Jobs”) Lost Since Obama Took Office: 721,000.
  9. Manufacturing Jobs Lost Since Obama Took Office: 528,000.”


For the real State Of The Union read the rest at IJR 









Biden: Americans ‘No Longer Worried’ About Economy


” In remarks today at the White House, Vice President Joe Biden said that Americans don’t have the same economic worries they did when President Barack Obama came into office:


Biden Strikes Again



   He is right , to a degree … we don’t have the SAME worries … We have countless MORE since he and his boss took over .

32 Days Of Higher Gas Prices Comes At Tough Time




” That means that the average price for a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline has increased more than 13% over that period to $3.73.

It’s hitting wallets right in the middle of winter, when people are already looking at large home heating bills. And it comes just after many Americans have been hit with smaller paychecks, and are worried about looming budget cuts that could deliver an even deeper blow.

What’s behind the higher prices at the pump? It’s a confluence of factors, from rising crude oil prices, to production cuts and refinery closings.”

NewsBusted 11/16/12

Change At The Pump

California Moves to Reduce Gas Prices

  ” With gasoline prices reaching record highs across California over the last week, Gov. Jerry Brown moved on Sunday to alleviate some of the pain at the pump.


Mr. Brown directed the California Air Resources Board to take emergency steps to increase the supply of fuel in the state and allow refineries to immediately switch to a winter blend of gasoline that is typically not sold until November.

“Gas prices in California have risen to their highest levels ever, with unacceptable cost impacts on consumers and small businesses,” Mr. Brown, a Democrat, said in a prepared statement.

The sudden increase has surprised motorists who are already accustomed to high gas prices, particularly in this sprawling city.”



Just Kidding Again

100 Percent FED Up


Forbes reports :

“An estimated 50% of East Coast refinery capacity is predicted to shut down in June thanks to EPA regulatory restrictions on new refinery plant construction and upgrades, along with others that discourage Gulf Coast suppliers from piping gas into to this fuel-starved region. Unsurprisingly, theEnergy Department warns that the resulting shortage will cause pump prices to spike, and “While the short-term effects of the idled Philadelphia-area refineries will be concentrated in the Central Atlantic, their long-term impacts will be more evenly spread throughout the entire East Coast.”

Like I said , whatever it takes . Better stock up on candles and horses as we will be back in the Dark Ages if these Luddites get another 4 years .

The Man from Plains can finally point and laugh at someone else’s expense .

GOP targets president on gas prices with #Obamaonempty Twitter campaign

“The White House recently earned
accolades for its #40dollars Twitter
campaign, launched to help push through
a payroll tax cut extension.
Republicans are now running their own
campaign, #Obamaonempty, urging
Twitter users across the country to snap
photos of prices at the gas pump when
they fill up.
It’s part of a concerted effort by the GOP
to pin increasing gas prices on President
Obama after he trashed Republicans and
defended his energy record last Thursday,
POLITICO’s Darren Goode reported
The RNC Tweeted: “Today when you are at
the station, take a picture of the pump and
tweet us the photo- use the hashtag #
ObamaonEmpty. Great response so far!”
Twitterers from far and wide have sent in
pics: In Shreveport, La., regular hit $3.53 ,
in Virginia Beach it went to $3.63 , and in
New Port Richey, Fl., it was $3.75 ,
according to the submissions.
One Tweeter, @j_heals, pulled the two
campaigns together. Senate staffer Jeni
Healy Tweeted a photo showing a tank of
gas cost her $65.81 : “@RNC ugh @
whitehouse what $40 doesnt cover: A tank
of gas Payroll “tax break” wont help at the
gas pump #ObamaOnEmpty.”

As per the Politico .

Posted by John Galt

Courtesy of Bill Hobbs

Glenn Reynolds
Warner emails: “Saw this on a gas pump in
Pennsylvania. So, I went inside and
purchased a gift card with Tim Geithner
bills stamped ‘Tax Cheat.’ Heh.”

Long may “guerrilla street art” reign . I just had to borrow this from Professor Reynolds , it was too good to pass by


This , along with the budding gas pump post it campaign is what makes my days fun .

Posted by John Galt