Tag Archive: Gang of Eight

New Boehner Hire Supports Path To Citizenship





” House Speaker John Boehner’s new staffer in charge of immigration policy has significant experience in drafting immigration legislation and pushing for reform. She wouldn’t be coming to Boehner’s office if House Republicans weren’t serious about doing something on the issue. What that is remains to be seen.

  Rebecca Tallent, former chief of staff to Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., will be coming to the speaker’s office from the Bipartisan Policy Center, where she has served as director of immigration policy. Her move “is affirmation of [Boehner’s] strong desire to move legislation in 2014,” BPC’s immigration task force cochairman, former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, said in a statement.

  Tallent is a veteran of immigration fights and a big believer in reform, including a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. One of her early endeavors in negotiating legislation was 10 years ago, when she worked as a staffer for former Rep. Jim Kolbe, R-Ariz. Tallent helped draft a major immigration bill sponsored by Kolbe, McCain, and former Rep. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., now a senator and member of the “Gang of Eight” who created the comprehensive immigration bill that passed the Senate in June.

”  The speaker remains hopeful that we can enact step-by-step, common-sense immigration reforms—the kind of reforms the American people understand and support,” Boehner spokesman Michael Steel said. “Becky Tallent, a well-known expert in this field of public policy, is a great addition to our team and that effort.”



    The GOP establishment in the House is getting ready to sell the country down the river for a few pieces of silver from the corporate lobbyists and the Hope that their pander will Change the way Hispanics vote , and Boehner is just the man that can make it happen .




Illustration by Gary Varvel










Are Unauthorized ILLEGAL Immigrants Overwhelmingly Democrats?



” As Congress debates immigration reform, some political leaders and analysts have speculated that there will be an electoral bonanza for Democrats if the nation’s estimated 11.1 million unauthorized immigrants – three quarters of whom are Hispanics– eventually are granted the right to vote.

While there’s no way of knowing if these predictions are accurate, the data provide some insights. In 2012, the Pew Research Center’s National Survey of Latinos found that among Latino immigrants who are not U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents (and therefore likely unauthorized immigrants), some 31% identify as Democrats and just 4% as Republicans. An additional 33% say they are political independents, 16% mention some other political party and 15% say they “don’t know” or refuse to answer the question.”










McCain: I Don’t Know How Many Passports We Let You Forge

” On Capitol Hill on Wednesday, CNSNews.com asked McCain, “Senator McCain, can I ask you a question about the Senate immigration bill? Under the bill, how many passports can someone forge before it becomes a crime?”

McCain said,  “You’re going to have to ask our folks that, I don’t think that we stand for any forgeries.”

CNSNews.com followed-up, “Can you tell me why that would be part of the bill in the first place?”

McCain answered, “ I cannot tell you that it is part of the bill.”

Rubio Would Lose Latino Vote to Biden 60 to 28



“We have to pass amnesty right now to fill the country with unskilled poor Mexicans who are the Latino demographic least likely under any conceivable set of circumstances to vote Republican. 

And even after becoming the champion of amnesty, Marco Rubio would still decisively lose the Latino vote to Joe Biden. What do you call that? De Facto Destructiveness?

In a potential 2016 presidential election matchup, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would beat Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) among Latinos, a poll out Monday shows.

Clinton is the favorite to Rubio 66 percent to 28 percent, the survey from Latino Decisions reports. Rubio also loses in a potential matchup against Vice President Joe Biden 60 percent to 28 percent.”



A weaker candidate we couldn’t imagine than one that gets trounced by “Crazy Uncle” Joe Biden .








Immigration Bill Passes Key Test Vote In Senate




” An immigration bill endorsed by President Barack Obama easily cleared an important test on Monday when the Senate backed new border security steps seen as essential to the legislation’s fate.

The border security amendment cleared a procedural hurdle by attracting more than the 60 votes needed, leaving opponents of the bill with few remaining opportunities for killing or further delaying passage of the legislation this week.

The bipartisan legislation would bring the biggest changes to U.S. immigration law since 1986, granting legal status to millions of undocumented foreigners who also would be put on a 13-year path to citizenship.”



Courtesy of the Huff Post here is a list of “republican” turncoats :


” Republicans who voted for the amendment included Sens. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), Kelly Ayotte (N.H.), Jeff Chiesa (N.J.), Susan Collins (Maine), Bob Corker (Tenn.), Jeff Flake (Ariz.), Lindsey Graham (S.C.), John Hoeven (N.D.), Orrin Hatch (Utah), Dean Heller (Nev.), Mark Kirk (Ill.), John McCain (Ariz.), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), Marco Rubio (Fla.) and Roger Wicker (Miss.). Wicker said although he voted for moving forward with the amendment, he is still likely to vote against final passage of the bill.”


Remember these people next time you step into the voting booth .









Mass Illegal Alien Amnesty Violates Our Founding Principles




” The Senate will continue debate on S.744, the Teddy Kennedy Memorial Open Borders Act, this afternoon. A vote on the Schumer-Corker-Hoeven amendment is scheduled at 5:30 p.m. Eastern.

The bipartisan open-borders lobby bleats about “fairness” for the “11 million” living “in the shadows.” But America owes border violators and visa overstayers nothing. And it’s about time someone in Washington say it out loud.


President Obama and the bipartisan Gang of Eight in Washington who want to create a “pathway to citizenship” for millions of illegal aliens have sent a message loud and clear to those who follow the rules: You’re chumps!

Have you patiently waited for months and years for the State Department and Department of Homeland Security to slog through your application? You’re chumps!

Have you paid thousands of dollars in travel, legal and medical fees to abide by the thicket of entry, employment, health and processing regulations? You’re chumps!

Have you studied for your naturalization test, taken the oath of allegiance to heart, embraced our time-tested principle of the rule of law, and demonstrated that you will be a financially independent, productive citizen? You’re chumps!

Unrepentant amnesty peddlers on both sides of the aisle admit their plan is all about votes and power. Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain continues his craven, futile chase for the Hispanic bloc. Illinois Democratic Rep. Luis Gutierrez is openly salivating at the prospect of millions of new illegal aliens — future Democratic Party dependents of the Nanny State — who could be eligible for Obamacare and a plethora of other government benefits despite clear prohibitions against them.

These cynical pols insist that the rest of law-abiding Americans and law-abiding permanent residents must support Washington’s push to “do something” because “11 million people are living in the shadows.”

To which I say: So? There are 23 million Americans out of work. Why aren’t they Washington’s top priority anymore? Didn’t both parties once pledge that j-o-b-s for unemployed and underemployed Americans was Job No. 1? Why is the very first major legislative push of 2013 another mass amnesty/voter drive/entitlement expansion?

If Washington is really concerned about people “living in the shadows,” how about prioritizing the jaw-dropping backlog of 500,000-plus fugitive deportee cases. These are more than a half-million illegal aliens who have been apprehended, who had their day in immigration court, who have been ordered to leave the country, and who were then released and absconded into the ether. Poof!

After the 9/11 terrorist attacks, pols pretended to get seriousabout fixing the broken deportation system and enacted absconder apprehension initiatives to track down these national security risks. But over the past dozen years, only 100,000 out of 600,000-plus fugitive illegal aliens targeted by the program have been found. Why isn’t the search and removal of these repeat offenders more important than giving “11 million people living in the shadows” a “pathway to citizenship”?

Question: If border security and immigration enforcement are truly a priority to our elected officials, why must these two basic government responsibilities be tethered to benefits for line-jumping illegal aliens? See whether any politician can answer without sputtering about “11 million people living in the shadows” or invoking the over-worn race card.

(By the way, we all know that moldy “11 million” statistic can’t be right. Open borders groups have cited it for nearly 15 years as amnesty measure after amnesty measure attracted new generations of illegal aliens to the country.)

You know who else deserves more attention and compassion than “11 million people living in the shadows”? The 4.6 million individuals around the world who legally applied for sponsored green cards and followed the established legal immigration process. They’ve been shunted aside while the Obama administration ushers illegal alien “DREAM” waiver winners to the front of the line.

As Jessica Vaughan of the Center for Immigration Studies points out: “It is clear that there is no way the roughly one million or more potential Dreamers can be accommodated by (the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service) without noticeably slowing down the processing of legal immigrants (emphasis added). The agency already processes six million applications a year without the amnesty add-ons.

There have been nearly a dozen major amnesty laws, affecting at least five million illegal aliens, passed since the Reagan 1986 amnesty. These beneficiaries and their families have crowded out legal immigrants and increased their application waiting times in untold ways. GOP Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas asked the Obama administration last summer to disclose data on how much the DREAM waiver amnesty alone has affected adjudication/processing times for everyone else. The White House has failed to answer the request.

Want a reality check? Not one of the past federal amnesties was associated with a decline in illegal immigration. Instead, thenumber of illegal aliens in the U.S. has tripled since 1986. The total effect of the amnesties was even larger because relatives later joined amnesty recipients, and this number was multiplied by an unknown number of children born to amnesty recipients who then acquired automatic U.S. citizenship.

Hopelessly naive (or stubbornly self-deluded) freshman GOP Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida insists that any new recipients of the Gang of Eight’s Grand Pander scheme will have to “go to the back of the line and wait behind everybody who applied before them, the right way.” Rubio emphasizes to conservative talk show hosts that there will be background checks and rigorous vetting.

But as I’ve reported for the past two decades, the background check process has been corrupted under both Democratic and Republican administrations. In the 1990s, the Clinton administration turned immigration policy into a massive Democratic voter recruitment machine through the Citizenship USA program. Naturalization officers simply abandoned background checks wholesale. In 2003, an INS center in Laguna Niguel solved the massive backlog problem by putting tens of thousands of applications through a shredder. And in 2006, I exposed how some high-immigrant regions rewarded adjudication officers with bonuses for rubber-stamping as many applications as possible without regard to security.

You want “comprehensive immigration reform”? Start with reliable adjudications, fully cleared backlogs, consistent interior enforcement, working background checks for the existing caseload, and efficient and effective deportation policies that punish law-breakers and do right by law-abiders.

And please don’t pretend that piling millions of new illegal aliens onto an already overwhelmed system is going to fix a darned thing. Chumps.

The lack of moral and constitutional clarity on this fundamental issue of national sovereignty is no accident. Open-borders obfuscation is calculated, deliberate, and treacherous. When you don’t stand for foundational principles, you will fall for anything.

Upholding the rule of law and the Constitution, not subverting it for electoral gain, is the sworn duty of our politicians in Washington.

That is the time-tested gold standard by which to judge the slush fund-packed, security-undermining pander package masquerading as “immigration reform” in the Senate today.

Tell your senators to abide by their oaths of office and act in America’s best interests, not George Soros’s or Grover Norquist’s or La Raza’s or the American Immigration Lawyers Association’s.

Tell your senators to stop making fools of themselves and our country.

Tell your senators to vote no on amnesty and get our house in order.

repeat: SchMcGRubio and Company want us to trust them with a thousand new pages of phony triggers, left-wing pork, and make-believe assimilation gestures. Trust them? Hell, no. There’s only one course for citizens who believe in upholding the Constitution and protecting the American dream: Stop them.”


CALL NOW: (202) 224-3121.



READ THE WHOLE THING … AND CALL … Make your voice heard 











” “So that’s the answer from U.S. Senators,” Crane, an ICE agent and a former marine, told Breitbart News exclusively on Sunday morning. “They know the bill is bad but plan to pass it anyway? With billions of taxpayer dollars to be spent and the safety of the public on the line, Senators plan to pass the buck to the House with hopes they might fix it? Anti-enforcement special interests have succeeded in pressuring the Senate from doing what’s best for America. This is why America has lost faith in its lawmakers.” “







GOP Border Deal Lifts Immigration Bill Chances




” A deal to double Border Patrol agents and fencing at the U.S.-Mexico border improved prospects of the Senate passing an immigration overhaul law, senators said.”


       They’ll double the guards and fences , allegedly , and that will bring our border security up from completely ineffective to marginally effective and that is being touted as “tough enforcement”?


“We are on the verge of a huge breakthrough on border security,” said Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., a member of the bipartisan “Gang of Eight” that wrote the Senate’s original comprehensive immigration reform bill that includes a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million immigrants living in the country illegally.”


    If Schumer thinks it’s good , America is in for a screwing . Don’t believe a word coming out of the Senate . It is nothing but a pack of inveterate liars seeking to keep their jobs and perks from being threatened . They are the self-serving 1% if ever there was such .











Senate Bill Allows 46 Million Immigrants By 2033, Says CBO


” The Senate’s pending immigration bill will pave the way for the arrival of 46 million legal immigrants over the next 20 years, increase the federal debt in the same time period and shrink Americans’ average wage, according Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Session’s critical reading of two new reports on the pending immigration reform bill provided by the Congressional Budget Office.

NumbersUSA, a group that wants to shrink he current immigration level per year, pointed to a section of the CBO report where officials said the new bill would only trim illegal immigration by 25 percent. The report concluded 1.6 million fewer illegals would arrive between 2013 and 2033, suggesting that 4.8 million illegal immigrants would begin living in the United States after the bill became law.

Session’s office pushed back against the supporters’ brief statements and extensively dissected the CBO report to highlight bad news for the bill’s supporters.

This bill guarantees three things: amnesty, increased welfare costs and lower wages for the U.S. workforce,” said Sessions, who leads the opposition to the Senate bill. “It would be the biggest setback for poor and middle-class Americans of any legislation Congress has considered in decades.” 

Sessions also highlighted the impact report’s conclusion that the bill “would raise the unemployment rate over the next five years by up to roughly 0.1 percentage point.” That’s because the bill would add a rush of 10 million new workers, plus at least eight million illegal immigrants, plus the current inflow of one million immigrants per year, to an stalled economy that is home to 20 million unemployed or underemployed Americans, according to Sessions.”







Mark Levin Goes Rounds With Paul Ryan On Immigration Reform



HT/The Right Scoop

Sessions: Let’s Face It, This Immigration Bill Is Beyond Repair






” Washington is bickering over whether the Cornyn amendment to the Gang of Eight framework is a deal-breaking and onerous “poison pill,” or a totally inadequate “Trojan horse.”  The New York Times published a piece pondering that exact question on Friday.  It quoted Chuck Schumer panning the plan as a “nonstarter” and “deal-killer,” without specifying a single policy flaw.  How does any of this go “too far”?  One Republican Senator is having none of this entire show.  Alabama’s Jeff Sessions released a blistering statement Sunday morning preemptively rejecting any “cosmetic fixes” to the legislation (hyperlinks and emphasis his):

When the Gang of Eight first announced their immigration bill they declared it was the toughest enforcement plan in history. They declared enforcement would come before legalization. And they declared that anyone who suggested otherwise didn’t know what they were talking about. Now the bill has been reviewed and there can be no dispute: it weakens current lawundermines future enforcement and puts amnesty—not enforcement—first. So new promises of amendment ‘fixes’ to save the bill should be viewed with great skepticism: every time, on every issue, the promises have not matched with reality. They promised back taxes—but the requirement isn’t there; they promised tight restrictions on welfare benefits—but state and local benefits, as well as tax credits,will be available immediately and federal welfare access is granted to millions of illegal immigrants starting in five years; they promised to protect workers—but this bill would devastate workers by tripling the number of legal immigrants over the next decade and doubling the number of guest workers.

No small cosmetic fix can save this bill, with so many provisions clearly authored by special interests whose chief desires are lower wages and amnesty—rather than a lawful, rational system of immigration. As the ICE officers’ association warned: ‘instead of cracking down on the Administration’s abuse of powerS. 744 places unprecedented new restrictions on interior enforcement—making the current situation much worse and much more hazardous. It is as if S. 744 were explicitly written to handcuff law enforcement officials—binding their hands while giving virtually unchecked authority to executive branch officials to prevent future removals, including removals of criminal aliens.’ And as the USCIS adjudications officers warned: ‘the legislation was written with special interests—producing a bill that makes the current system worse, not better. S. 744 will damage public safety and national security and should be opposed by lawmakers.’ It’s time for the Gang of Eight to start being straight with the American public.” “

Snowden: ‘Lies’ From Gang Of 8 ‘Compelled Me To Act’



Video of Snowden Supporters in Hong Kong



” Edward Snowden says “lies” from the Gang of 8 are part of the reason he felt “compelled … to act.” He made the statement in response to a question about his motivations in releasing classified information on the Guardian‘s website.

“I imagine everyone’s experience is different, but for me, there was no single moment. It was seeing a continuing litany of lies from senior officials to Congress – and therefore the American people – and the realization that that Congress, specifically the Gang of Eight, wholly supported the lies that compelled me to act.”






Graham Predicts ‘Breakthrough’ Passage Of Immigration Bill With Over ’70 Votes’




” “I think we are going to get plus 70 votes,” he said. “I’ve never been more optimistic about it.”

Graham said passing the bill is a political necessity for the GOP.

“If we don’t pass immigration reform, if we don’t get it off the table in a reasonable, practical way, it doesn’t matter who we run in 2016,” he said. “We’re in a demographic death spiral as a party.”



     As the graph above clearly demonstrates the GOP share of the Hispanic vote will not be significantly affected by pandering to the illegals with an amnesty .  Reagan’s amnesty gave the GOP nothing and the GOP presidential share versus Obama in 2008 was nearly as high as it has ever gotten without an amnesty .

   Hispanics , just like everyone else , want jobs and a sound economy not political pandering .  Sound policies and adherence to principles is more effective than attempted bribery . But then again , it’s not called the “stupid party” for nothing . 

 And by the way , could you South Carolinians please primary Senator Grahamnesty into retirement ?







Immigration Reform Bill Finally Hits Senate Floor





” Debate finally began on the U.S. Senate floor last week on the bipartisan immigration reform bill seen as the best opportunity in a while — or for a while — to overhaul the nation’s immigration laws.”


     Keeping in mind all the recent revelations , can Congress and Washington really be trusted to do the right thing for America or are they most interested in further strengthening their own political careers ?


” The day the Senate began discussing the bill developed by the “gang of eight” senators — four Republicans and four Democrats — that would, among other things, provide a road map to citizenship for the nearly 11 million undocumented workers already in the United States and enhance border security, President Obama urged the Senate to “do the right thing” and pass the bill.”


   Fortunately there are still a few representatives of the people in DC but their numbers are small . We need to show them our support in every way possible if we are to avoid giving the Democrats carte blanche over the affairs of state for the next several generations .


” The Senate’s first full vote was to stave off a filibuster, an overwhelming 82 yeas to 15 nays. All 15 senators voting to block debate were Republicans who have criticized the bill: John Barrasso of Wyoming, John Boozman of Arkansas, Michael Crapo of Idaho, Ted Cruz of Texas, Michael Enzi of Wyoming, Charles Grassley of Iowa, James Inhofe of Oklahoma, Mark Kirk of Illinois, Mike Lee of Utah, Jim Risch of Idaho, Pat Roberts of Kansas, Tim Scott of South Carolina, Jeff Sessions of Alabama, Richard Shelby of Alabama and David Vitter of Louisiana.”


    Please offer these Senators all the support you can muster and tell your friends to do so as well . This is the fight of our lives . If political pandering is allowed to trump one of the few  legitimate government functions , border security , we as a nation are doomed .









70 Congressional Republicans Revolt And Scare John Boehner Straight On Illegal Immigration



” Between the Democrats in the Senate who understand that amnesty means a permanent majority for their side and Marco Rubio choosing to sell his soul to help the Left put a path to citizenship in place, the Gang of 8′s immigration bill always looked like a good bet to pass the Senate. In fact, the talk was that the pro-amnesty side wanted to get 70 votes to put pressure on the House Republicans to vote for the bill. Conceivably, given that Republicans have proven that they deserve the stupid party moniker again and again, that could still happen.”


    As horrid and repugnant as the recently revealed snooping scandals are , we must not lose sight of the future while fixated on the past . If this amnesty bill is allowed to become law all the snooping in the world isn’t going to matter a tinker’s damn . The democrats will have enacted a “permanent majority” bill and will be able to freeze out us liberty-lovers for generations to come … the death of America as we know it .







Odds Grow Longer For Immigration Reform



” Many pundits assumed that this would be the year that comprehensive immigration reform became law. The conventional wisdom was that President Obama’s re-election and his strong showing among Hispanic voters would force Republicans to go along.

Now, halfway through the year, the prospects for immigration reform have dimmed significantly.

Seventy-six percent have a favorable view of immigrants who work hard, support their families and pursue the American Dream.

But they also want the system to work so that the border will be secure enough to prevent future illegal immigration.”











Rubio Has Long History Of Blocking Immigration Enforcement




” Sen. Marco Rubio blocked numerous immigration-enforcement bills when he served as speaker in the Florida House of Representatives from 2007 to 2009.

“Rubio blocked any efforts to deal with the problems of illegal immigration on the local or state level,” one former politician from South Florida, who has known Rubio since his city councilman days in West Miami, told The Daily Caller.

Rubio’s record is relevant now because he’s presented himself as a moderate backer for the Democratic-led “Gang of Eight” immigration bill. Proponents of the bill argue that its extensive loosening of immigration laws (including a “pathway to citizenship” that Rubio in 2010 described as “basically code for amnesty”) will be balanced by tougher enforcement.

But the record shows that Rubio used his power in Florida to block popular immigration-enforcement bills prior to his election-trail conversion into an immigration-hawk.”







DHS Secretary Would Have The Power To Waive Most Requirements For Border Security




” About those strict new rules and requirements for border security set forth in the Gang of Eight’s immigration proposal: They’re not so tough after all. In fact, the 867-page mega-bill gives the secretary of homeland security pretty much carte blanche to waive the vast majority of the requirements detailed in the bill. And that’s not sitting very well with the folks charged with enforcing immigration law.

What the bill really says, then, is that people living in the country illegally can receive amnesty not when the border is actually secured but when the secretary tells Congress that she is starting to try to secure the border.

It is highly likely that if this immigration bill is passed, the administration will take advantage of many, if not all, of the bill’s provisions that give it authority to waive legal restrictions and rules that would require our borders to be secured and amnesty to be denied to many illegal immigrants for cause. As the Customs Enforcement Council concludes, “This legislation fails to meet the needs of the law enforcement community and would, in fact, be a significant barrier to the creation of a safe and lawful system of immigration.”












” Before I had resolved which scandal was distracting from which, we found out the Department of Justice was spying on The Associated Press — not to protect national security, but to prevent the AP from scooping the White House. Then, this week, it broke that the Department of Justice was also spying on Fox News for reasons that remain unexplained.

Meanwhile, Sens. Marco Rubio, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham and John McCain are working feverishly to turn the country into Mexico.

So now I think all the scandals are intended to distract from Rubio’s amnesty bill.

The 50-1 Latin American-to-European ratio isn’t a natural phenomenon that might result from, say, Europeans losing interest in coming here and poor Latin Americans providing some unique skill desperately needed in our modern, technology-based economy.

To the contrary, it’s result of an insane government policy. Teddy Kennedy’s 1965 Immigration Act was designed to artificially inflate the number of immigrants from the Third World, while making it virtually impossible for anyone from the nations that historically provided our immigrants to come here.

Pre-1965 immigrants were what made this country what it was for a reason: They were the pre-welfare state immigrants. From around 1630 to 1966, immigrants sank or swam. About a third of them couldn’t make it in America and went home — and those are the ones who weren’t rejected right off the boat for being sick, crippled or idiots.
A majority of Americans still do love this country — including, one hopes, legal immigrants who thought they were leaving Mexico. But a policy that will change America forever is about to slip through under the cloak of endless scandals from the corrupt Obama administration.”

Amnesty Opposition Grows




” The National Citizenship and Immigration Services Council (USCIS Council) says the legislation fails to address its top concerns about the current system, including the pressure on USCIS officers to approve visa applications without thorough review and the bureaucratic barricades that prevent them from coordinating with Immigrations and Customs Enforcement officials.

Sources say it is highly unusual for the USCIS Council to weigh in publicly on legislation.

Like the ICE Council, the USCIS Council was not consulted in the crafting of the Gang of Eight’s legislation,” wrote USCIS Council president Kenneth Palinkas in a statement. “Instead, the legislation was written with special interestsproducing a bill that makes the current system worse, not better. S. 744 will damage public safety and national security and should be opposed by lawmakers.”

“The legislation will provide legal status to millions of visa overstays while failing to provide for necessary in-person interviews,” said Palinkas “We need immigration reform that works. This legislation, sadly, will not.” “






DREAMers From Afghanistan Crossing Mexican Border Into US




“Dream a Little Dream of Me,” the Mamas and the Papas sang back in the 60s. There are many DREAMers coming to America these days. Some are coming from Mexico. Some from China. And some from sunny old Afghanistan.


SEN. JOHN CORNYN: I just want to tell Senator Schumer, he might be interested in this. I was in, as I said, at the border on Sunday and Monday, and I know Senator Feinstein will probably find this interesting, too. We’re not just seeing the border being penetrated by people from Mexico or Central America. Some of the rescue beacons — where people are actually rescued because one county had 129 people die last year just trying to come across. That’s just bodies that they found.

Another deputy sheriff in Brooks County showed me a picture of three gentlemen that they detained all wearing, happened to be wearing some form of turban. And I said, ‘where are these folks from?’ And they said, ‘Afghanistan.’

And as we all know, the border patrol documented that people from countries of special interest, including state sponsors of terrorism, have been detained coming across the Southern border. So as everybody knows — and I know everybody knows this — this is a national security issue as well. It’s a credibility issue, it’s a national security issue. So we’ve got to get this right and I hope that we can work together to get it right. Right now is not sufficient. “



Illustration by Michael Ramirez







Biometric Database Of All Adult Americans Hidden In Immigration Reform



” The immigration reform measure the Senate began debating yesterday would create a national biometric database of virtually every adult in the U.S., in what privacy groups fear could be the first step to a ubiquitous national identification system.

Buried in the more than 800 pages of the bipartisan legislation (.pdf)  is language mandating the creation of the innocuously-named “photo tool,” a massive federal database administered by the Department of Homeland Security and containing names, ages, Social Security numbers and photographs of everyone in the country with a driver’s license or other state-issued photo ID.

Employers would be obliged to look up every new hire in the database to verify that they match their photo.”









Senators Kill Amendments Tied To Bill On Immigration; Border Security Issue Put On Back Burner




” The Senate immigration bill survived its first tests Thursday as a core group of Republicans and Democrats held together, killing efforts to require full border security requirements before legalizing illegal immigrants.

Kicking off the first votes on immigration this year, the Judiciary Committee held a daylong session on border security where senators agreed to require that the entire southwestern border be secured to 90 percent “efficiency.”

But the committee defeated Republican efforts to put that requirement and others before legalization. Members also rejected following through on a 2006 law that ordered the government to build 700 miles of two-tier fencing on the 2,000-mile-long border.”

SEE RELATED: Senate bill doesn’t stop most illegal immigration: Fed study



The screwing of America continues.












Study Pegs Cost Of Immigration Bill’s Mass Legalization At $6.3 Trillion



” The comprehensive immigration overhaul being taken up in the Senate this week could cost taxpayers $6.3 trillion if 11 million illegal immigrants are granted legal status, according to a long-awaited estimate by the conservative Heritage Foundation. 

The cost would arise from illegal immigrants tapping into the government’s vast network of benefits and services, many of which are currently unavailable to them. This includes everything from standard benefits like Social Security and Medicare to dozens of welfare programs ranging from housing assistance to food stamps.

“No matter how you slice it, amnesty will add a tremendous amount of pressure on America’s already strained public purse,” Robert Rector, the Heritage scholar who prepared the report, said in a statement. 

On an annual basis, the report estimates the cost will be $106 billion after the interim phase is over. In the course of their lifetime, the report estimates that illegal immigrant households would receive an average of $592,000 in government benefits. “