Tag Archive: Funds

 ‘Someone Yelled Fire’



  ” Forget the “fiscal cliff.” The real panic on Wall Street is over Apple’s stock.

Nearly every mutual and hedge fund has piled into Apple [AAPL  525.62    -11.26  (-2.1%)   ]during its spectacular rise over the past few years. Now, these same funds are scrambling for the exits as the stock goes through an equally spectacular decline.

Apple plunged to a six-month low Thursday as funds rushed to take profits on the stock before it’s too late. Shares are now off 25 percent since late September—shortly after the iPhone 5 launch and a month before the iPad Mini introduction. “

Cutting Their Losses ?

Given their somewhat diminished campaign donation rate so far this election cycle , have the dems decided not to throw good money after bad in Wisconsin ? Given that the union’s choice to beat Walker was trounced in the primary perhaps they’ve read the handwriting on the wall . One can hope . 

Red State

  “You know, when I saw this secondhand whine from Wisconsin Democrats upset that the DNC apparently wasn’t prepared to throw half a million dollars at the general recall election, I assumed that this would be resolved. I mean, really: the Left has already thrown away tens of millions of dollars; what’s a bit more?”