Tag Archive: Fundraising

Support Ben Phiippi And His “We The People” Book @ Indiegogo







” Making a book is a huge undertaking. Over the last two and a half years, I’ve done a lot of leg work. With your help, I will be able to finish WE THE PEOPLE.

 By pre-ordering your Limited Edition copy, I’ll be able to finish my book. And you can be in it!! It will be nothing short of a work of art with a deep profound message – Freedom!

  My name is Ben Philippi. I’m a professional photographer, producer and a big supporter of The Second Amendment.

  I grew up with firearms for hunting and target shooting, but it wasn’t until I started working on my first book God, Guns & Guts, that I self-published in 2012, that I began to realize the true meaning of The Second Amendment. It’s about freedom, self-preservation, independence and so much more.

  I was fortunate enough that my book led to a television show on History Channel called God, Guns & Automobiles. Some of you may have seen it. I produce the show that features the Patriot on the cover of my book Mark Muller.

  The TV show focuses on God, patriotism, family and hard-work. I’m extremely proud to bring these values to millions of TV screens across America and around the world.

  This has been a fantastic experience and I took all of the comments and feedback and poured it into my new book WE THE PEOPLE.”


Give what you can here .













A Single Trip For Obama To Play Pool, Drink Beer And Raise Money Cost Taxpayers About $700,000



President Barack Obama plays pool at Wynkoop Brewing Co. with Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper on July 8 in Denver. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)




” Taxpayers had to cough up $1,159,823 in just one month to fly President Obama to New York and Denver to raise money for Democrats and attend an LGBT event, according to documents obtained by a taxpayer watchdog group.

  Judicial Watch told Secrets that the Air Force just provided expense reports detailing the flight costs of Air Force One to the cities in July.

The documents show that president’s July 8-9 fundraising trip to Denver cost the taxpayers $695,894.10.

His July 17-18 fundraising trip to New York City cost taxpayers $463,929.40.

  Travel costs are typically a small portion of presidential trips. Judicial Watch said that the U.S. Secret Service has not complied with a request to detail security expenses and the costs of housing and moving the president and his staff are also unknown. “


Read the rest from Paul Bedard











Republican Winners Of The Shutdown Standoff




” “There are no winners here,” President Obama declared today as he took a victory lap at the final passage of a clean continuing resolution to end the 16-day government shutdown.

There are some early winners — but not necessarily among the key players in the standoff.

Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-Texas) fundraising was a winner, pulling in $1.19 million through his re-election committee and PAC in the last quarter, which included his September marathon speech on the Senate floor, and gathering a lengthy campaign mailing list from more than 2 million petition signatures at the Don’t Fund Obamacare site. But there aren’t indications that the presumed 2016 hopeful has done anything to win votes in a general national election. It also uncertain how Cruz’s young Senate career will proceed or be perceived over the next few years — he’s introduced nine standalone bills and resolutions in the 113th Congress, two of those dealing with the repeal or defunding of Obamacare. A Pew Research Center for the People and the Press survey released Wednesday confirmed that Cruz’s popularity has soared among the Tea Party, but unfavorable ratings for the Tea Party movement are the highest ever at 49 percent.

Asked by Politico who the winners of the shutdown were, Rep. Tom Rooney (R-Fla.) replied, “The people that managed to raise a lot of money off this.”

Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) has been a potential rising star in his own right but shaped up in the standoff as Cruz’s No. 2 despite his call for a defunding of Obamacare in the next spending bill at the beginning of July.

And House Speaker John Boehner’s (R-Ohio) outcome remains to be seen. He’s safe in his speakership, but threw up the white flag to end the shutdown after he couldn’t bring his final compromise to the floor for a lack of caucus support. “We fought the good fight; we just didn’t win,” Boehner said, failing to note it wasn’t exactly a fight he was looking to pick.

Yet there are some Republicans who have come out ahead over the course of the shutdown.”


PJ Media tells the story


Illustration by Nate Beeler








Top Donors Threaten Dems: Do The Right Thing On Guns, Or No More Money


A Product Of One Of Our Moral Arbiters




” With red state Democratic Senators remaining skittish about embracing Obama’s gun proposals, at least two top Democratic donors are stepping forward and vowing to withhold any and all future financial contributions from any Democrats who don’t support the centerpiece of Obama’s plan: Expanded background checks.

Kenneth Lerer, a New York businessman who is chairman of Buzzfeed.com, and David Bohnett, a technology entrepreneur and philanthopist based in Los Angeles, are both major financial supporters of Democratic candidates, having each given scores of large contributions over the years. They are both key players in the political fundraising world and wield influence among other donors and fundraisers.

Neither will give another dime to any Senate Democrat who does not support expanded background checks, I’m told — and both will suggest to other donors that they do the same.”







“Obama Campaign Raffling Off Chance To Meet Beyonce And Jay-Z…”

Remember when the office of president conveyed a sense  dignity about it ?

“With an email sent by Beyonce that includes the creepy subject line, “I don’t usually email you.” “

“Morning Jay: Why Is Obama’s Fundraising So Weak?”

” Earlier this week, we received final fundraising totals for the month of July – and the numbers were quite a shocker. The Republican side of
the campaign (a joint effort between Mitt Romney and the Republican National Committee) raised a total of $101.3 million
dollars, and has $185.9 million in the bank. Meanwhile, the joint effort of President Obama
and the Democratic National Committee raised $75 million and has $95.8 million in the bank.”

  …Oh yes , that would be the recurring theme of the past 4 years .

“The Obama campaign sought to downplay fundraising expectations on Monday as some top donors expressed exasperation that the
president had been outraised for the third month in a row by Mitt Romney’s campaign.”

  John Hinderaker shares with those of us unfortunate enough to not be on the democrats fundraising lists , just how they are cloaking their polling woes in monetary terms .

Beggary is so unattractive .

” The Democrats couch their anxiety in terms of fundraising, but that isn’t the real problem. The real problem is what they are seeing in the polls: Romney leading in likely voter surveys; Romney more trusted than Obama on the economy and other key issues; enthusiasm higher among
Republicans than Democrats; and so on. The extent of the anxiety the Democrats are feeling comes through loud and clear in their email communications. “

What’s Wrong with this Picture ?

Jim Hoft

” Busy Month for Obama Campaign with Fundraisers in Switzerland, Sweden, Paris and Communist China . “

   ” If it’s not hobnobbing with Wintour and Parker that has abraded his status and appeal, it is his easy habit of dropping into venues that signal a lack of seriousness about the office he holds. Is being a casual guest on fluffy late-night television comedy shows such as Jimmy Kimmel’s, or slacking around with sports stars
and the Hollywood crowd, really what people want from the person occupying the White House? The celebrity dimension of the
presidency, which has always been a component of that office, in Obama’s case threatens to dominate or displace its more
profound mystique. ”



Here we go with  Campaign Fraud 2.0 The 2012 version . Courtesy of the good people at Powerline .

Stay tuned . More links to come .

Nothing like the world funding your campaign is there ? And I’m sure we can count on the same media response as in 2008 …. A collective yawn and a ” move along peasants , nothing to see here ”

Posted by John Galt