Tag Archive: Fund Raising

One Soldier, One Mission, March From TN To Washington DC In Full Combat Gear To Honor His Oath That Has No Expiration Date



   Meet US Army Sgt Edward McNair of Knoxville Tennessee . Sgt McNair is a disabled veteran who has decided that he will march on Washington DC to express his dissatisfaction of our present leadership and honor his oath to uphold the Constitution . 

    He will be walking , in full battle kit , the entire 500 mile trip and he is looking for our support . He has set up an Indiegogo page and the reader is invited to help him along on his mission . If you can spare something in his benefit please do so .

This is what his Indiegogo page has to say about his planned deployment :


” One Soldier, One Mission: march from TN to Washington DC in full combat gear to Honor his oath that has no expiration date.  

Contributors fund ideas they can be passionate about and to people they trust. Here are some things to do in this section:

  • SFC McNair is a disabled veteran that has had enough of Washington DC
  • SFC McNair is going to March on Washington DC ready for combat
  • Contributors will help me achieve putting Washington DC on notice, that the American Citizens have had enough and not going to take anymore foolishness from Politicians.


Break it down for folks in more detail:

  • I will carry lite and freeze at night, so your much needed funding will provide bottled water, nuts and energy bars for the 500 mile mission.
  • Tell people about your unique perks. Get them excited!
  • Even if I do not reach my financial goal, the mission is still a go and your prayers are welcomed.


The Final Stand

  • With the way things are in America, this mission may be my last and final contribution to America.
  • I will be in full combat gear and carrying an American Flag.
  • I do not do this for myself, but for all those that come after us.


Other Ways You Can Help

Some people just can’t contribute, but that doesn’t mean you can’t help:

  • When you see me walking along the highway, just blow your horn and wave.
  • Or a bottle of water, a bag of nuts or a word of encouragement.


In HIS service and yours “



If you can spare something please give it . He marches for us all .









11 Wily Whiskers



#7 Handlebar Mustache


” The handlebar mustache, often just called a handlebar, is marked by its long curved ends. Its resemblance to a bicycle handlebar gives it its name. Famous wearers include surrealist artist Salvador Dali and everyone’s favorite fictional Belgian detective, Hercule Poirot.”


   For the uninitiated Movember , formerly known as November , is a month long charitable event where men are encouraged to grow a moustache to raise funds for men’s health issues , in particular prostate and testicular cancers .





Wikipedia offers this description along with a history of the movement :


” Movember (a portmanteau word from moustache and “November“) is an annual, month-long event involving the growing of moustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of Men’s health issues, such as prostate cancer and other male cancers; and associated charities. The Movember Foundation runs the Movember charity event, housed at Movember.com. The goal of Movember is to “change the face of men’s health.”

By encouraging men (which the charity refers to as “Mo Bros”) to get involved, Movember aims to increase early cancer detection, diagnosis and effective treatments, and ultimately reduce the number of preventable deaths. Besides getting an annual check-up, the Movember Foundation encourages men to be aware of any family history of cancer, and to adopt a healthier lifestyle.

Since 2004, the Movember Foundation charity has run Movember events to raise awareness and funds for men’s health issues, such as prostate cancer and depression, in Australia and New Zealand. In 2007, events were launched in Ireland, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, El Salvador, Spain, the United Kingdom, Israel, South Africa, Taiwan, and the United States.

It has spread from Australia to South Africa, Europe, and North America. As of 2011, Canadians were the largest contributors to the Movember charities of any nation. In 2010, Movember merged with the testicular cancer event Tacheback.

In 2012, the Global Journal listed Movember as one of the top 100 NGOs (non-government organization) in the world.”





Here is Movember’s Twitter page and the US Facebook page






Nikola Tesla’s Lab Saved Through Crowd-Sourcing




” In 9 days, we managed to raise over 1 million dollars to go towards buying back Tesla’s old laboratory, and with the $850,000 matching grant from NY state this puts us at 1.85 million bucks. At its peak, the campaign was raising $27,000 per hour, crashing Indiegogo, and probably setting some kind of land speed record in awesomeness. Indiegogo put together this infographic showing some interesting data points behind the campaign.

We’ve added some new perks to the campaign, including more t-shirts, hats, and posters signed by Tesla’s last remaining relative.”









Jaw-Dropper: NBC Says Obama’s Actions Rarely Match His Words


” NBC’s Chuck Todd had some unexpected criticism of Obama’s converted campaign arm Organizing for Action, which is raising $50,000 to $500,000 donations so interest groups can have special access to Obama.

Leading off the report, NBC’s Political Director Chuck Todd said the president’s actions have ‘rarely matched’ his words. It’s refreshing to see NBC concede this often-observed tendency.

Leading off the report, NBC’s Political Director Chuck Todd said the president’s actions have ‘rarely matched’ his words. It’s refreshing to see NBC concede this often-observed tendency.

A few examples of President Obama saying he will do one thing, before doing another:”



 …Because of His Schedule?

  “Woodhouse says Democrats are “trying to be realistic about expectations” because the president is “lucky to be able to devote three consecutive hours to debate preparation.” 

… Obama has held more fundraisers during his term by this past March than the five preceding presidents …combined. He completed his 100th round of golf as president by June. He’s met with 25 B-list Hollywood celebrities to prep them on how to campaign for him. He’s mingled with A-listers Jay-Z, Beyoncé, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Vogue Editor Anna Wintour. He’s set one night fundraising records with buddies George Clooney, DreamWorks Animations’ Jeffrey Katzenberg, Robert Downey Jr., Salma Hayek, Tobey Maguire, and Barbara Streisand. He’s spurned Israeli Prime Minister in favor of Late Night Bro David Letterman in the wake of Middle Eastern turmoil, which resulted in the death of the United States Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens…”



“I know, presidents are just people. Bill
Clinton left us with no doubt on that
question. But there is a reason we give
them a mansion to live in and an enormous
airplane to fly around in. There is a reason
Democrats and Republicans alike stand up
and applaud the president when he enters
the House chamber to deliver the State of
the Union address. There is a reason we
shut down traffic and inconvenience tens of
thousands of people every time the
president visits an American city. The
president is not only the most powerful
person in the world, but also a symbol of a
great nation — “a shining city upon a hill,”
as Ronald Reagan famously said. “

Nearly 90% of the Americans who gave $200 to Obama’s 2008 campaign haven’t re-upped this year.

Breaks my heart … 

“In 2008, more than 550,000 gave more than $200 to Barack Obama, entering their names in the longest list of individual donors ever seen in American politics.

That list was a snapshot of the hope Obama inspired in a cross sections of liberals, young professionals, African-Americans, and Democrats who saw in him a generational and historic moment. But now, as Obama struggles to keep pace with his 2008 fundraising clip, that list offers a cross-section of Democratic disappointment and alienation. According to a BuzzFeed analysis of campaign finance data, 88% of the people who gave $200 or more in 2008 — 537,806 people — have not yet given that sum this year. And this drop-off isn’t simply an artifact of timing. A full 87% of the people who gave $200 — the sum that triggers an itemized report to the Federal Elections Commission — through April of 2008, 182,078 people, had not contributed by the end of last month.”

Michael Barone :

“It has been reported that the Obama campaign this year, as in 2008, has disabled or chosen not to use AVS in screening contributions made by credit card.

That doesn’t sound very important. But it’s evidence of a modus operandi that strikes me as thuggish.

AVS stands for Address Verification System. It’s the software that checks whether the name of the cardholder matches his or her address.

If a campaign doesn’t use AVS, it can wind up accepting contributions from phony names or accepting contributions from foreigners, both of which are illegal.

The 2008 Obama campaign pocketed money from “John Galt, 1957 Ayn Rand Lane, Galts Gulch CO 99999″ and $174,000 from a woman in Missouri who told reporters she had given nothing and had never been billed. Presumably she would have noticed an extra charge of $174,000.”

HT / Powerline

 Following the record breaking haul of some $745,000,000 taken in for the 2008 campaign , and the fact that not only did the bootlickers in the media give him a pass regarding their unscrupulous methods and now can count on the FEC to watch his back , the Obama cartel has decided that they are free to repeat the process . How have the people of this country turned into such compliant , thoughtless , unquestioning sheep that the media can facilitate what is plainly the most dishonest administration ever ? It boggles the mind . The only explanation that springs quickly to mind is best exemplified by this Frank Zappa song .

” From Wall Street to Hollywood, from doctors and lawyers, the traditional big sources of campaign cash are not delivering for the Obama campaign as they did four
years ago. The falloff has left his fund-raising totals running behind where they were at the same point in 2008 – though well ahead of Mr. Romney’s – and has induced growing concern among aides and
supporters as they confront the prospect that Republicans and their “super PAC” allies will hold a substantial advantage this fall.”