Tag Archive: Fund Raiser


Terry McAuliffe Explains Why He Left His Wife In The Delivery Room To Go To A Fundraiser




“As Buzzfeed’s Andrew Kaczynski reported yesterday, Terry McAuliffe shares in his 1997 book “What a Party,” a story about the time he left his wife, Dorothy, and his crying newborn child in the car so he could attend a Democratic fundraiser.

In the video above, McAuliffe explains the episode in an audio version of his book:

Dorothy was starting to well up in the backseat. She was having trouble understanding how I could be taking my wife and newborn baby to a fund-raiser on our way home from the hospital. We got to the dinner and by then Dorothy was in tears, and I left her with Justin and went inside.”



Think of his lies about his “green” car company and of course his long association with our most ethical president Bill (Blue Dress) Clinton .



  It’s almost as if old Wile E was never told that his fellow traveler , Al Gore , had invented this thing called the internet , the greatest fact-checking tool the average citizen has ever possessed . The man seems to think that the factually challenged pabulum that he regularly spews forth to curry the favor of his varied interest groups won’t find its way into the discourse of those of us who constitute the rabble .

    There is tremendous satisfaction to be derived in watching this Obamadrama come unglued and self-destruct in slow motion . Make no mistake , these are professional manipulators and they still possess the power , waning though it is , of their bootlickers in the media and should not be taken lightly . Now is the time to redouble our efforts and see that come November the most incompetent administration in our nation’s history is handed their walking papers .

 But there’s no reason we can’t enjoy the show .

” Don’t worry guys. Meryl Streep’s got this. Sarah Jessica Parker and Anna Wintour, too.

Our celebrity president dropped his “man of the people” mask last during a $40,000 a plate fundraiser at the home of commoners Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick. The star-studded 1 percent crowd got to hear how much more important they are than those 99 percent plebs.

“You’re the tie-breaker,” he said. “You’re the ultimate arbiter of which direction this country goes.”

Obama has celebrities at the wheel, but he thinks the GOP is driving the car into the ditch? ”

Out of touch , thy name is Barack “the private sector is fine” Obama .

Who else but ?

“There are monarchies and republics aplenty, but there’s only one 24/7 fundraising presidency.”

  …. but Mark Steyn .

  “Queen Elizabeth II celebrated her Diamond Jubilee a few days ago — that’s 60 years on the throne. Just to put it in perspective, she’s been
queen since Harry S. Truman was president. At any rate, her jubilee has been a huge success,save for a few churlish republicans in various
corners of Her Majesty’s realms from London to Toronto to Sydney pointing out how absurd it is
for grown citizens to be fawning over a distant head of state who lives in a fabulous, glittering
cocoon entirely disconnected from ordinary life. ”

“Which brings us to President Obama. ”

One more taste

” However, there are some cheap seats available. A year and a half ago, big-money Democrats in
Rhode Island paid $7,500 per person for the privilege of having dinner with President Obama
at a private home in Providence. He showed up for 20 minutes and then said he couldn’t stay for dinner.

   “I’ve got to go home to walk the dog and scoop the poop,” he told them, because when you’ve paid seven-and-a-half grand for dinner nothing puts you in the mood to eat like a guy talking about canine fecal matter. “

The figures, contained a in a new book called The Rise of the President’s Permanent Campaign by Brendan J. Doherty, due to be published by University Press of Kansas in July, give statistical backing to the notion that Obama is more preoccupied with being re-elected than any other commander-in-chief of modern times.

“Doherty, who has compiled statistics about presidential travel and fundraising going back to President Jimmy Carter in 1977, found that Obama had held 104 fundraisers by March 6th this year, compared to 94 held by Presidents Carter, Ronald Reagan, George Bush Snr, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush combined.

Since then, Obama has held another 20 fundraisers, bringing his total to 124. Carter held four re-election fundraisers in 1980, Reagan zero in 1984, Bush Snr 19 in 1992, Clinton 14 in 1996 and Bush Jnr 57 in 2004. ”


The man is just unbelievable . It’s as I’ve been saying all along , it is All About Obama All The Time . Jeez , if we ever had a president from the right side of the aisle with these personality traits , this narcissism , this arrogance and feeling of self-importance coupled with his complete ineptness and inability to complete an off the cuff sentence ,  the media and entertainment world as well as the touchy-feely , headshrinking , I’m OK ,You’re not industry would think they had died and reached nirvana .

* More on President Wile E Coyote and his precedent setting in an upcoming post .