Tag Archive: French intelligence

Hostage Family: White House Had Information On Location For Almost Four Months





” Just how long did the White House sit on intelligence on where ISIS held American hostages? Allahpundit asked that question yesterday, when the difference in sources put it between four and seven weeks. The mother of James Foley tells the Daily Beast’s Jamie Dettmer and Shane Harris that it may have been closer to four months:

  But Diane Foley, the mother of James Foley, who was the first American to be shown murdered on camera, also raised questions about the timing of the rescue effort, telling The Daily Beast that French officials had developed information about the hostages’ location as early as March, but that the U.S. government didn’t act on it.

“ That was part of our frustration,” she said. “The State Department said they were connecting with the French and everybody at the highest levels.” And yet, there was no movement on the U.S. side. “Very specific information was available as early as mid-March. And that’s what’s been so tough for us as families, because apparently they were held in the same place all those months,” Foley said.”



Hot Air has more



    Does anyone find it peculiar that the only ones that seem to benefit from Obama’s vaunted “smart diplomacy” are the “non-existent” radical muslim extremists ?




















” More evidence that Britain has decided to embrace its cultural suicide comes from The Telegraphwhich reports that the British High Commission pressured Kenyan authorities to release Michael Adebolajo, the murderer of Drummer Lee Rigby in London last week, after Kenyan police had arrested Adebolajo in 2010 when Adebolajo was attempting to make his way to Somalia for terrorist training:

A Kenyan lawyer who represented the 28 year-old suspected of hacking a Drummer Lee Rigby to death in London last week said his client was freed from arrest in the town of Lamu, Kenya, three years ago on the recommendation of the British High Commission.

Wycliffe Makasembo said: “Our own intelligence in Kenya were reluctant to release him, but it is the British High Commission which recommended that the suspect be released. It is the British themselves who defended him from our law enforcers.”

And today The Telegraph reports that Adebolajo attempted to travel to Somalia again last year.  Here’s a suggestion: when someone wants to travel to Somalia, let him go there, but don’t let him come back.

It turns out that the British aren’t the only ones asleep at the switch.  The French copycat stabber was known to French intelligence, too, but nothing was done.”