Tag Archive: Frank Lautenberg

Christie: October Special Election for Lautenberg Senate Seat






” Gov. Chris Christie said Tuesday that he wants to hold a special election in October to fill the U.S. Senate seat made vacant by Frank Lautenberg’s death on Monday, and that he intends to appoint someone to serve in the meantime.

At a news conference where he laid out the process he intends to follow for filling the seat, Christie didn’t answer the big question of whom he’ll appoint to the seat in the meantime.

   The move could bring criticism for putting more elections on the calendar, which can be expensive. The state Office of Legislative Services says each election costs the state about $12 million.

   In this case, there would be two elections — an Aug. 13 primary and the special election on Oct. 16.”

“The people must choose,”








Sen. Lautenberg Dies, Christie Expected To Name Successor

” Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., died overnight of complications from viral pneumonia, his office said Monday.

At 89, Lautenberg was the oldest senator—and the last World War II veteran serving in that legislative body. He enlisted at 18 and served in the Army Signal Corps in Europe during the war.

Lautenberg served on the Senate committees on Appropriations; Commerce Science and Transportation; and Environment and Public Works. He had struggled with health problems earlier this year and already had announced that he would not run for re-election in 2014.

Gov. Chris Christie, a Republican, has the power to appoint someone to fill the vacancy, according to The Bergen Record, which was first to report the news. Christie is expected to schedule a special election to find a permanent successor—a decision that is sure to impact what was already considered a heated race to replace the late senator.”

    If there was a real republican governor in NJ this could be a positive gain for the GOP side of the aisle , but alas that seems not to be the case . Anyone care to speculate who might be on the gargantuan Governor’s short list ? 

     And let us remember that Lautenberg gained the Senate seat that he just vacated under very dubious circumstances when Robert Torricelli , who had the nomination , dropped out due to ethical scandals after the date for nomination had passed and the New Jersey Democratic party appointed him in violation of New Jersey election law .

      New Jersey has certainly produced some “admirable” individuals in politics over the past decade or two . It is easier to name the nationally known Jersey pols who haven’t been involved in scandals of one sort or another and while Lautenberg seemed to be an honest individual , the bulk of his prominent compatriots were considerably less exemplary in their behavior … Robert Menendez , Jon CorzineJim McGreevey , Robert “The Torch” Torricelli … What a bunch of losers New Jersey Democratic party has foisted on the American people .



New ‘Explosives’ License Impinges On Gun Owners That Load Own Ammo



” Before the smoke had cleared after the terror attacks during the Boston Marathon last month, New Jersey Senator Frank Lautenberg employed Obama’s favorite axiom of never letting a good crisis go to waste by immediately proposing major changes to federal laws pertaining to loose gun powder and explosives.

Reports quickly emerged after the bombing that the terrorists had used black powder for the explosive component of their pressure cooker bombs and this news prompted Lautenberg to action.

On April 23, Lautenberg introduced S. 792, the Explosive Materials Background Check Act. Originally, the Senator submitted the bill as a shell bill–meaning it was not fully written–but this month he has finally submitted the full text of his bill.

An analysis of the text reveals some disturbing changes ton current law. Lautenberg’s changes in the explosives law would seriously hamper history reenactor hobbyists, black powder hunters, sportsmen, target shooters, and anyone that loads their own ammo with modern smokeless gun powder or the older style black powder.

One change would require those that want to buy and store either smokeless powder or black powder to get a new license–at a rate of $50 every three years–to allow them to do so. The bill also says that they will only be allowed to have “limited” supplies but does not seem to say what amount would exceed those limits.”








Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act: Ban Online Ammo Sales and Register All Purchases Over 1000 Rounds

Lautenberg/Torricelli Redux?

 It’s funny that I was just thinking about this NJ stunt of a few years back and the Left’s penchant for changing the rules/playbook when things aren’t going their way . Think Florida recounts , Wisconsin recalls , New Jersey substitutions , and if I recall correctly , Massachusetts pulled a similar stunt in order to fill Teddy’s seat . That one back fired , I believe and gave them Scott Brown . Now in the same district the dems of Mass find that they have another mess on their hands thanks to Elizabeth ” Fauxcahontas ” Warren and Ed Morrisey  over at Hot Air is thinking along the same wavelength .

  “Elizabeth Warren may be providing an embarrassing sideshow to the national Democratic effort, but in Massachusetts, she’s the main event.  Warren’s use of unsubstantiated claims to slight Cherokee heritage during her career damaged her credibility, but accusations of plagiarism may end up derailing Warren’s career.  Is it too late for Democrats in Massachusetts to find a new candidate?”