Big Dangers As Obama Democrats Flout Budget Laws


Rule Of Law Index


The Consent Of The Governed … Is Being Lost At An Ever-Increasing Rate 


” What are citizens to do when their government refuses to follow its own laws?

The answers to this question throughout history have been hugely unhappy. When individuals in government de-legitimize their own institutions by breaking the rules, rebellion, repression and general lawlessness have often been the result.
Americans have done better at this than anyone else, having inherited the love of the law from our British progenitors. The Founding Fathers took it a step further by ditching the idea of a monarch altogether and crafting what has become the world’s oldest and most revered national charter. The Constitution was a fulcrum point in human history and the greatest gift from the Framers to their nation: a government of laws, not men.

When leaders refuse to follow the rules laid out for them, societies devolve very quickly indeed. Ask any Argentine.

Like many good things – true love, baseball, table manners – the rule of law only exists by the voluntary participation of all involved and a willingness to be subject to sometimes seemingly arbitrary requirements.”




   From the nation that that led the way with respect to the rule of law we have fallen , according to the above graphic .