Tag Archive: Fox News Poll

Fox News Poll: 70 Percent Want Congress To Keep Probing IRS





” Call it a “kumbaya” question, as majorities of Democrats (60 percent), independents (75 percent) and Republicans (78 percent) support lawmakers continuing to dig. 

  The new poll also asked why the White House is refusing to release thousands of pages of documents related to the IRS targeting.  By nearly three-to-one people think it’s because the administration wants to keep its role in the scandal secret (63 percent) rather than to keep taxpayer information confidential (22 percent). 

  Even Democrats are more likely to say the Obama White House is withholding documents to hide its involvement (45 percent) rather than to protect taxpayers (35 percent).  Another 20 percent is unsure. 

  Many of the tax-exempt groups the IRS targeted for special scrutiny have “tea party” in their name.  For those who consider themselves part of that movement, 87 percent want the congressional investigation to continue, and another 91 percent feel the Obama administration is covering up its role by withholding documents.”


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Fox News Poll: Voters Reveal Which State They Want Kicked Out Of The Union





” There’s lots of talk about it. Last month, Scotland voted against it. In 2013, some residents in California, Colorado and Maryland signed petitions to do it. And Texas has toyed with the idea off and on for years. What is “it”? 


  But it’s a lot more talk than anything else, according to a Fox News national poll that asked voters if they would support their state splitting off from the United States. Just nine percent said they would. 

  The poll also gave people another option: What if you could boot other states out of the union? 

  Nearly twice as many — 17 percent — liked that idea.

  Which state would be the first voted out? California. Of the voters willing to ditch a state or two, 53 percent pick the Golden State. 

  Next out the door is New York (25 percent), followed by Texas (20 percent) and Florida (11 percent). Respondents were allowed to name multiple states they wanted out of the union.”


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Poll: Hillary Clinton’s Numbers Worst Since 2008, As GOP Brand Surges



It's My Turn





” A new poll shows former secretary of state Hillary Clinton’s (D) numbers hitting their lowest point in six years.

  Meanwhile, it finds that the Republican Party is experiencing something of a renaissance.

  The Fox News poll, from Democratic pollster Anderson Robbins Research and GOP pollster Shaw & Company, shows Clinton’s favorable rating dropping to 49 percent, compared to 45 percent unfavorable.

  The last time her numbers were in that ballpark was during the 2008 Democratic presidential primary race. After she ended her campaign, her favorable/unfavorable split was 47/46.

  Other polls have shown Clinton’s numbers — which were stellar during her time as secretary of state — steadily dropping since she left her post last year.

  The more surprising part of the Fox poll, though, might be how people view the Republican Party. It shows Americans are now evenly split — 45 percent to 45 percent — on the GOP. As recently as October, the same poll showed just 30 percent of Americans viewed the GOP favorably, compared to 63 percent unfavorable.”

Washington Post