Tag Archive: FlexYourRights.org

Daily Video 4.12.14

How To Deal With Unwanted Cops





Published on Apr 11, 2014

” Increasingly, police officers are simply becoming agents of the state, unconcerned with individual liberty. Know your rights, don’t be bullied! The liberty you protect may be your own. From Reason.tv, FlexYourRights.org and CopBlock.org http://www.LibertyPen.com “









10 Rules For Dealing With Police


” Flex Your Rights is a non-profit institution that educates citizens about their constitutional rights and how to exercise them. We the The Libertarian Republic spend a lot of time informing the public about abuses of authority by police. Now we’d like you to spend a half hour of your time learning how to defend yourself by understanding and asserting your civil rights.”

Thanks to The Libertarian Republic

Published on Apr 30, 2012


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