Tag Archive: First Person View

What You Should Know Before Flying A Drone In The UK






” Drones used to be scary, specialist equipment reserved for the military and dystopian sci-fi novels. But now they’re everywhere. Companies have worked out how to make these unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) cheap and reasonably easy to fly, enticing a whole new wave of amateur pilots. Whether you want to use one for photography or filming purposes, or simply to master the art of flight, it’s never been easier to have a go.

  The rapid rise in drone ownership has left many governments scrambling to work out how, if at all, these lightweight aircraft should be regulated. The rules and restrictions vary around the world, so it’s always a good idea to familiarize yourself before launching a drone somewhere new. Keen to start flying in the UK? Here’s everything you should know first.”


    Before any of you Brits plunk down your hard earned money on a drone be sure to read the rules on the current state of drone use in the UK .













FPV Quadcopter – Gun Cam