Tag Archive: Fight

Drunk Man Beats Up His Wife, Gets K.O By Flying Brick





Published on Jan 31, 2015

” According to the conversation they had on video, it all started because the wife found out that his husband was cheating her.
► Subscribe to LiveLeak Channel for more videos: http://bit.ly/subliveleak “














Video: Arvada High School Basketball Coach Throws Girl By Her Hair




” It’s a stunning video that is sure to spark debate.

  A fight breaks out at a girls varsity basketball game between Arvada and Alameda High Schools.

  As adults run onto the court to break it up, the Arvada High School coach grabs one of his players by her hair and throws her several feet to the ground.

  The video shows one shocked fan in the stands pointing at what the coach had just done and raising his hands in disbelief.

  The girl was kicked off the team and suspended from school. The coach, who also teaches at Arvada High School, was not punished.

  When the fight erupted, Areeon Frilot, a sophomore player, was sitting on the Arvada High bench.

” My intentions were to go and break up the fight and grab my girl off of their girl,” the teen said.

” I got to about the three point line and that’s when I felt someone grab my hair from the back and throw me,” Areeon said. “My first reaction was that I just got thrown by another girl from the team.”

  As the video shows, it was no girl. It was her head coach, Roger Griffin, who grabbed her by the hair and tossed the girl down.

” I was just shocked, like I can’t believe that the one person I trusted out of everybody in school was the one to do that to me,” the teen said. “


     Coach Griffin should be the one suspended arrested and charged with assault . This is a shameful display of a lack of self-control on the part of an adult expected to inspire our children . This man has serious anger management issues .

7NewsDenver has more











Police Investigate Fight On Train Captured On Video






” Chaos on board the Baltimore Metro. A group of attackers tried to push a man out of a moving train—and it’s all caught on tape.

  Christie Ileto has more on the video that’s gone viral and the investigation that’s underway.

  A man fought for his life while being pushed out of the doors of a moving Metro car. Cell phone video shows the man—who says he’s 51—fighting with two others before passengers finally intervened.

MTA police are now investigating how it escalated.

“You know to know why this is just now coming out via someone’s Facebook video,” said Councilman Brandon Scott. “But also, if no one reported, this is a shame.”


CBS Baltimore











Miami Cop Fearing Termination after Altercation With Internal Affairs Lieutenant He Pulled Over





” A Miami police officer pulled a car over for speeding last month, which turned out to be a plainclothes internal affairs lieutenant who shoved the door open on the officer after refusing to provide his drivers license, leading to a struggle on the side of the road that was caught on camera.

  As the two were on the ground wresting, another three Miami cops who just happened to be in the area pulled up and piled on the screaming driver– only to pull off when they realized the man at the bottom was an internal affairs lieutenant from their own department.

  That was when the officer Marcel Jackson, the cop who initiated the stop, was sent to his patrol car and internal affairs Lieutenant David Ramras assumed control of the situation.

  Realizing the outranking officer with more than two decades of seniority over him was going to turn him into the aggressor, Jackson pulled out his cell phone and began taking photos of the officers that began arriving.

  But then a cop ordered him to stop. And another cop later ordered him to delete the photos.

  However, unknowing to the other officers at the time, Jackson had video recorded the entire incident with his GoPro camera, which he had attached to his dash, but shoved in between seat after realizing they were turning against him, keeping it recording to capture the ensuing conversations. The department does not use dash or body cams, so it’s not something they would expect.”


Read the whole story











Two Denver Cops, Wives Accused Of Drunken Swingers Brawl In Aurora






” Two Denver police officers are being investigated after Aurora police responded last month to a fight between the officers and their wives that involved alcohol, a gun and allegations of swinging.

  The officers, Steven Sloan and Jeremy Ownbey, have been placed on desk duty while the investigation continues, Detective Mary McIver , a Denver police spokeswoman, said Wednesday. Both have been at the department since 2006.

  Aurora police were called to Sloan’s house at 11:30 p.m. on May 19, said Officer Frank Fania , a spokesman for the Aurora Police Department.”




Swinger Cops




” Sloan and his wife, Stephanie Sloan , and Ownbey and his wife, Jamie Ownbey, had been drinking and had gotten into an argument, Fania said.

” There was lots of drinking involved,” he said.

  The Sloans asked the Ownbeys to leave. As the Ownbeys were headed toward the door, Jamie Ownbey allegedly punched Stephanie Sloan, Fania said.

  Then, Steven Sloan hit Jamie Ownbey, which led her husband to start fighting with his fellow officer, Fania said.

” There was a gun pulled eventually by the homeowner,” Fania said”



Denver Post























Jordanian TV Debate On Syria Descends Into chaos As Journalist Picks Up Table And Tries To Use It As Weapon





” A TV debate between two senior Jordanian journalists has erupted spectacularly into an on-air fight after they came to a disagreement over the Syrian crisis.

  The pair were separated by a long oval-shaped table – until, that is, one picked it up and started trying to use it as a weapon.

  According to reports from Al Arabiya, the debate on Tuesday saw Shaker al-Jawhary (on the right), head of the Electronic Media Association in Jordan, furiously launch himself at Mohammad Sharif al-Jaiousy, the editor in chief of a prominent news website.

  Al-Jawhary can be seen pushing the table towards his fellow speaker before, after he realises it has come apart, using the top surface as a sort of battering ram to push into Al-Jaiousy’s chest.

  When that fails, Al-Jawhary runs around the set and aims a kick at his opponent, at which point the host and security staff are able to intervene.”



The Independent has the scoop










Students Defend Teacher Accused In Wild Fistfight Caught On Cell Phone Video







” A video showing a teacher and wrestling coach at Santa Monica High School fighting with a student that was captured on cell phone video has gone viral.

  While the teacher and coach has been placed on leave, scores of students took to social media on Saturday to support him.

  In a letter to parents, Sandra Lyon, the superintendent of the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District, said the altercation happened in a classroom Friday morning.

“ A deeply disturbing incident involving a teacher and student occurred in a classroom at Santa Monica High School, resulting in the Santa Monica Police Department being called to the campus. A number of videos capturing at least a portion of the incident are circulating, and I can tell you that what I witnessed on one of those videos is utterly alarming,” Lyon wrote.

  Lyon added, “Based on what I have viewed, the kind of physical restraint used by the teacher is unacceptable. I have placed the teacher on leave pending the outcome of an independent investigation.” “


Read more







From CainTV via USA Today



Cat Vs Alligator





” Just a little Saturday entertainment. Yesterday you gave us the biggest readership numbers in our history and I feel somewhat unprepared to properly thank you, so here is your reward. Try to imagine how mortified the people inside are as they watch this. (Then again, they’re shooting video instead of rushing out to try to save Fluffy, so a lot of help they are.)

Have fun! “









You Don’t See This Every Day … At Least We Don’t


Buffalo Charge



    Two water buffalo get up a good head of steam as they charge at each other resulting in a tremendous head-on collision of the brutes . 










Helmet Crash Test – Russian Style












Man Is Too Drunk To Fight… Or Not?







” Some drunk man wanted a fight and he got it, unfortunately his friends weren’t in good enough condition to help him..”








Video: Canada, Mexico Fight In Bench-Clearing Baseball Brawl



” At the World Baseball Classic game between Mexico and Canada on Saturday, the 9th inning devolved into an all-out brawl after Mexican pitcher Arnold Leon struck Canadian hitter Rene Tosoni with a fastball.

The benches for both teams cleared and several punches were thrown. While the melee in the middle of the crowd couldn’t be seen by the cameras, some other fights between players soon broke out. At one point, a Mexican player was on his back as a Canadian began pummeling him with blows.”



  And thank goodness for that . As Victor Davis Hanson explains , Romney is putting up a fight and exhibiting a backbone that was not at all apparent in the McCain campaign of 4 years ago . Good for Romney . Good for US .


“But there is a far better lesson from the Romney counterpunching: Apparently his campaign is not going to be a repeat of Mike Dukakis’s smiley-face efforts when knocked silly by the late Lee Atwater’s no-holds-barred management of George H. W. Bush’s 1988 campaign. Nor will 2012 prove anything like 2008, when John McCain took all sorts of issues off the table — from Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers to scrutiny of Obama’s memoirs. Note in this regard the frequency with which an increasingly desperate Obama is now praising the McCain campaign, in contrast to the supposed extremism of Romney — as if an incumbent president George H. W. Bush would have admonished a “war room” Bill Clinton to emulate the more noble tone of Dukakis’s failed effort. “

My Sentiments Exactly

“I thought we were going to see John McCain all over again,” said Brad Thor, a bestselling novelist and popular figure on the right who supported Santorum. “But you know what? That fire I’ve felt for previous candidates, I’m starting to feel it. And that surprise presser at Solyndra was like pouring accelerant on the fire.”

Thor said when he heard about the Solyndra stunt, he cheered aloud: “Way to go Mitt!”

My God, this is right out of Breitbart’s playbook. I love it!” he said. “I swear to God, if he roller skates into the DNC convention, or hijacks an Obama press conference — if he does either one of those I’m going to give my kid’s college money to his Super PAC.”

“Told that conservatives were comparing Romney’s tactics to Breitbart’s, one aide responded: “Oh great, that’s what we were going for.” “

They Bring a Knife ….

   Romney is not McCain . That had been my greatest fear . Mitt seemed to be just another nice guy who would shrink from what needed to be done and cower before a hostile media environment . So far , not so . The man and his campaign know how to take the fight to the opponent and that is what must be done . 

To date all Obama’s opponents have lived in fear of the “race card” and have conceded him the home field advantage . Finally we have someone who is not afraid to point out the nakedness of the Emporer .Good for Mitt , good for us .

“We’ve seen it over and over: the Obama campaign will launch an attack, and in next to no time, the Romney team hits back–twice as hard, as President Obama and Glenn Reynolds both like to say. It happened with the smear of Ann Romney, it happened with the dog on the roof, it happened with the silly “war on women,” it happened with the administration’s clumsy attack on Bain Capital, and it happened again today with the Democrats’ attempt to denigrate Romney’s service as Governor of Massachusetts.”

Note also the youthful faces of the demonstrators …