Tag Archive: Felony

New Jersey Bill Is Outright Gun Ban On .22-Caliber Rifles And Leads To Confiscation


By newly proposed NJ law this is now an “assault” rifle … slippery slope ? Nah



” New Jersey has become ground zero this year for legislative battles over gun control.

  The Brady Campaign ranked the state third in the nation for most restrictive firearms laws, yet anti-gun Democrats who control the legislature are determined to go all the way to gun bans and confiscation.

  The New Jersey Assembly’s Law and Public Safety Committee was scheduled to hold a public hearing on Monday (postponed for snow) about a bill that reduces the maximum magazine capacity from 15 to 10.

  Since the legislation covers both detachable and fixed magazines, it has the effect of to banning popular, low-caliber rifles.

  The Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs gave the draft legislation to top firearms experts in the country to determine what guns would fall under the expanded ban.

  They discovered that the bill would affect tube-fed, semi-automatic rifles because the magazine cannot be separated from the gun.

  Thus, the experts found that at least 43 common rifles would suddenly be considered a prohibited “assault firearm,” such as the .22 caliber Marlin Model 60, Remington Nylon 66 and Winchester 190.

  Just having one such gun would turn a law-abiding owner into a felon overnight.”

Emily Miller has more . From a state that banned certain pellet rifles this should come as little surprise . I guess the feeling among NJ pols is that their constituents are as corrupt as their leaders .









Snowball Thrown At Officer Draws Felony For Boy, 13, Outrage From Residents



” A day after a boy was arrested and charged with a felony for throwing a snowball at a police officer, students outside George Leland Elementary continued to build snowmen and throw snowballs at each other after school.

  According to police, a 13-year-old boy was charged as a juvenile with felony aggravated battery against a police officer Wednesday after he hit the officer in the arm with a snowball while the officer was parked in his vehicle in the 4900 block of West Congress Parkway about 3:20 p.m.”


   It’s all about power . In my day the cop would have given the kid a good tongue lashing and driven him home to his parents who most likely would have thrashed his backside a bit and grounded him for a week … end of story , lesson learned . No more , now everything ends in arrest and/or assault . My how we have fallen .







Note : The previous post identified the UVa student arrested as Ann Downey while this article names her as Elizabeth Daly .  Barton Hinkle covers the young lady in question’s arrest as well as detailing other recent flagrant abuses of government authority while providing a link to an interactive map of botched police raids nationwide .

Hinkle: Commit Any Felonies Lately?






” Daly understandably panicked. With her roommate in the passenger seat yelling “Go, go, go!” Daly drove off, hoping to reach the nearest police station. The women dialed 911. Then a vehicle with lights and sirens pulled them over, and the situation clarified: The people who had swarmed Daly’s vehicle were plainclothes agents of the Virginia Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. The agents had thought the sparkling water was a 12-pack of beer.

Did the ABC’s enforcers apologize? Not in the slightest. They charged Daly with three felonies: two for assaulting an officer (her vehicle had grazed two agents; neither was hurt) and one for eluding the police. Last week, the commonwealth’s attorney dropped the charges.

These are not isolated incidents; for more information, visit the interactive map at www.cato.org/raidmap.













” An Oregon man has had rifle confiscated and is facing criminal charges after he attempted to stop a wanted felon from breaking into his home by firing a warning shot.

Authorities say 40-year-old Jonathon Kinsella, a wanted felon, was attempting to flee the scene when he was arrested on outstanding warrants, including for burglary and assault.

However, police later determined he wasn’t justified in firing his weapon. Medford Police Lt. Mike Budreau said “there was nothing that the suspect was doing that was aggressive enough to justify the shooting.”

Apparently, for police in Medford, a wanted felon trying to break into a law-abiding citizen’s home isn’t enough to justify a warning shot.

Corey Thompson was charged with unlawful use of a weapon, menacing and reckless endangering. The veteran’s AR-15 was seized by police because they claim it was used in the commission of a crime.”










” He looks like a typical 7-year-old boy, but on Tuesday night, Sam Grant is facing charges that many adults never will. He is charged with two felonies for something that happened when his mother turned her back for just a second.

Sam is charged with two felony counts of discharging a firearm into an occupied vehicle. If convicted he faces one year probation and hundreds of hours of community service. Sam’s parents believe the charges are all wrong.

“They considered his BB gun a firearm. It is not a firearm. It is a BB gun,” said Cherry.”






Every Single Bit Of Gun Advice Biden Gives Will Get You Arrested





Via US News & World Report, which is admirably covering the “things Biden says that will get you thrown in jail” beat:

Vice President Joe Biden told Field & Stream magazine in an interview published Monday, “[if] you want to keep someone away from your house, just fire the shotgun through the door.”

Coincidentally, a 22-year-old man in Virginia Beach, Va., was charged Monday with reckless handling of a firearm after doing just that a couple days earlier.

Local TV station WAVY 10 reports that the man observed two masked men leaning into his bedroom window. The men allegedly had weapons and told him to close his bedroom door. He stepped outside of his bedroom and did as instructed, then fired his shotgun through the closed door and then several more times at the window.

The only person who should ever take Biden’s gun advice is David Gregory, who is of course exempt from gun laws because he has very important points to make.


And, when it comes to gun laws for thee but not for me, you can’t beat this attack of hypocrisy combined with cronyism. Hypocrony? Guess who’s exempt from New York’s new high-capacity magazine ban?


Just a month after Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed the strictest gun control law in the country, state officials plan to make some exemptions.

The law toughened restrictions on military-style rifles and high-capacity semiautomatic handguns, but those restrictions will be changed so those types of weapons can be used on the sets of television shows and movies being shot in New York.”



Joe Biden’s Felony Self-Defense Advice


” In an interview with a parenting magazine, Vice President Joe Biden described the home defense advice he gave his wife, Jill Biden. This advice, if followed, constitutes a felony in almost every state.

Here are the home defense tips that Vice President Biden gave his wife, and that he would like to see you emulate:”


” You may not fire upon someone if they don’t have a reasonable chance of carrying out their intent because of natural or man-made obstructions in their path that would prevent them from carrying out their assault, or if they were too far away to pose an immediate threat. A person armed with a club or a knife may be a lethal threat if face-to-face or across a short stretch of open ground, but you cannot easily justify shooting them from one rooftop to another, across a canal, etc. If that same person has a ranged weapon such as a firearm, however, the threat is immediate. Nor may you shoot someone for merely possessing an object that might be used as a weapon, if they are not using it in a threatening manner.

He’s describing a situation where there is no immediate threat, nor a life-threatening event.

We know there is no immediate threat, because there is enough time for Mrs. Biden to:


  • move from wherever she is in the house to the gun safe
  • unlock the gun safe
  • unlock the ammunition container
  • retrieve the shotgun
  • load the shotgun
  • walk across the room or rooms
  • open the exterior door
  • walk outside onto the balcony
  • shoulder the firearm
  • fire two random shots “




David Gregory’s Stunt Worked!





” NBC News and David Gregory are in the clear: District of Columbia Attorney General Irvin Nathan has declared that he will not proceed with prosecution of the “Meet the Press” host for brandishing a 30-round gun magazine on the Dec. 23 edition of the program. Magazines exceeding a capacity of 10 rounds are illegal in the District.

A telling portion of Nathan’s letter on the Gregory issue scolds NBC News for a “feeble and unsatisfactory” effort at determining whether showing the high-capacity clip on air would comply with D.C. laws. Reports have circulated that NBC News got conflicting information on the legality, another consideration referenced in Nathan’s letter: “Although there appears to have been some misinformation provided initially, NBC was clearly and timely advised by an MPD employee that its plans to exhibit on the broadcast a high capacity-magazine would violate D.C. law, and there was no contrary advice from any federal official.”


  So , faced with a very clear warning that they would be breaking the law , Gregory and NBC chose to do so anyway and now the Metro DC police , despite a flagrant violation of their warning AND THE LAW are going to let them off the hook . How on earth can any of these a**holes in positions of power expect  us ” little people ” to respect their capricious and arbitrary enforcement of two sets of legal standards ? Either a law was broken and someone should be penalized or the law is ridiculous on it’s face and no one should be prosecuted . What happened to the rule of law ? 


   And to think that these same statists are about to top their record setting power-grab that is Obamacare with an attempt to steal one of our God-given rights , the right to self-defense . The Sixties civil disobedience was nothing compared to what’s coming . Stock up folks , things are going to get mighty ugly . We are on the road to revolution and it seems as if we’ve passed the last turn-off .


  To be so blatant in their disregard of the very laws they shove down our throats further demonstrates the ruling class’s complete disdain for us the ” great unwashed “. A clearer example of their arrogance , we can’t envision . 





Obama Admin Admits Info Released to Zero Dark Thirty Filmmakers Might Pose a ‘security and counterintelligence risk’



Judicial Watch announced today that Obama administration officials disclosed in sworn court documents that sensitive information released tothe filmmakers for the upcoming film on the bin Laden raid,  Zero Dark Thirty, could cause an “unnecessary security and counterintelligence risk” if released to the public. The admissions, made during the course of Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit seeking records pertaining to cooperation between Obama administration officials and director Kathryn Bigelow and screenwriter Mark Boal in preparation for the film, raise questions about the public statement to reporters by Obama White House spokesman Jay Carney regarding the controversy: “We do not discuss classified information.”  The government claims that the information shared is not necessarily classified “in isolation.”

“The government cannot have it both ways in this case,” Judicial Watch argued in a countermotion for summary judgment filed with the court on November 12, 2012. “If this information were very sensitive, it would not have been shared with the filmmakers. Since the government did share the information with the filmmakers, the court should conclude that it is necessarily not sensitive … Assisting to make a movie about government accomplishments is not a necessary or important governmental function. If it were, the term for it would be political propaganda.” ”



Illustration By AF Branco

There , We’ve Said It …. Guess That Makes Us RACISTS !

  ” An election-related billboard in Cleveland’s Ward 5 has caused a stir, prompting some complaints that it discriminates against minority groups and felons. “
We would like to know two things , why does  pointing out the fact that something is illegal constitutes racism ? 
 And number two , if someone is not capable enough to be able to procure a valid form of identification for themselves why should we consider them capable enough to play a role in determining our future ? 

” The advertisement, posted at the intersection of Community College Avenue and East 35th Street, warns that “voting fraud is a felony” in bold lettering. It also states that the penalty is punishable by up to three and a half years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

The ad also shows a gavel and sound block and lists that it was paid for by a private family foundation. The billboard is operated by Clear Channel Outdoor.”

   “Obama’s Stolen Valor”

   ” It may or may not be a coincidence that film director Kathryn Bigelow and screenwriter Mark Boal have an October 2012 release date for a movie about the killing of Osama bin Laden.
   There is little doubt, however, that the Obama campaign will use it to remind voters that the perpetrator of 9/11 died on Barack Obama’s watch. Those who oppose this self-serving exploitation of the valor of our Navy SEALs can turn it against the Obama campaign with a short and simple response “Obama’s Stolen Valor.” It is in fact short enough to fit on a bumper sticker. ”

Read the whole piece . It is very revealing .