Tag Archive: Feds

Vans May Be New Form Of Transportation For Illegals, As Feds Attempts To Avoid Scrutiny






” It appears that many illegal immigrants in California are being transported by federal agents via van caravans instead of large Department of Homeland Security (DHS) buses. Dropping off illegal immigrants from vans, rather than buses, may serve to draw less attention and scrutiny from local residents, many of whom remain resistant to the dumping of foreigners in their communities. “














Marathon Bombing Suspect Charged



” Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was charged Monday with conspiring to use a weapon of mass destruction.

A federal court spokesman said Tsarnaev, 19, made his first court appearance on the charges stemming from last week’s finish line bombing from his hospital bed at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.

“Approximately 30 seconds before the first explosion, he lifts his phone to his ear as if he is speaking on his cell phone, and keeps it there for approximately 18 seconds. A few seconds after he finishes the call, the large crowd of people around him can be seen reacting to the first explosion,” the document said.

“Virtually every head turns to the east [towards the finish line] and stares in that direction in apparent bewilderment and alarm. Bomber Two, virtually alone among the individuals in front of the restaurant, appears calm. He glances to the east and then calmly but rapidly begins moving west, away from the direction of the finish line.” 



     This must mean that Bush was right all along . If the Boston pressure cooker bombs are weapons of mass destruction then  Saddam’s Iraq was a veritable weapons of mass destruction Super-Mart .

   This looks like a serious case of defining destruction down , to paraphrase the late Sen Moynihan . Could the Feds be doing this with an eye towards the future ? This precedent could come in handy when they decide that the Constitutionalists , Sovereign Citizens , Fundamentalists and Tea Partiers are getting a bit too uppity . Think about it . With this kind of liberal definition of WMD most of us have the makings of said weapons on the shelves of our garages .

Highway Patrol Gave Feds Missouri Weapon Permits Data






” The Missouri State Highway Patrol has twice turned over the entire list of Missouri concealed weapon permit holders to federal authorities, most recently in January, Sen. Kurt Schaefer said Wednesday.

Questioning in the Senate Appropriations Committee revealed that on two occasions, in November 2011 and again in January, the patrol asked for and received the full list from the state Division of Motor Vehicle and Driver Licensing. Schaefer later met in his office with Col. Ron Replogle, superintendent of the patrol.

The investigation was triggered by fears that concealed weapons data was being shared with federal authorities.

Under Missouri law, the names of concealed weapon permit holders are confidential. The only place in Missouri where the names of all concealed carry permit holders is stored is among driver license records. Permit holders have a special mark on their licenses indicating they have been granted the privilege of carrying a gun.

The list was given to the Social Security Administration Office of Inspector General, Schaefer said he was told.

“When they turn over the entire list of concealed carry holders in the state of Missouri to the federal government, where is it going?” he said. “I want to know who all was involved in this transaction because if this is just some phone call saying give me the list of all concealed carry holders, how did the person at the patrol who fulfilled that request know who was at the other end of the phone? How did they know where to send it? How did they know what it was being used for?”

The fact that the list had been copied two times was revealed when Sen. Rob Schaaf, R-St. Joseph, followed up on testimony that it was possible, through a batch request, to extract the list. Revenue Deputy Director John Mollenkamp said it had been done twice, for the highway patrol.

Mollenkamp said he wasn’t sure what the patrol did with it while it was in that agency’s possession.”






VIDEO: Feds Swarm Metra Train After Detecting Nuclear Risk







”  It was stunning for those who watched Thursday night as federal agents investigated a possible nuclear threat at Chicago’s Ogilvie Transportation Center.

CBS 2′s photojournalist Lana Hinshaw-Klann happened to be at the scene and used a cell-phone camera to record agents in action. Reporter Dave Savini looks into what agents were looking for and what they found.

Sources say the agents were members of the elite TSA VIPR team on the 5:04pm Union Pacific West line. They were carrying hand-held nuclear-detection devices that picked up a reading.”





Utah Sheriffs Warn Obama Of Deadly War Over Guns


” In the most strident warning over gun control to President Obama yet, the Utah Sheriffs’ Association is pledging to go to war over any administration plan to take guns away, even if it means losing their lives.

Calling the Second Amendment a sacred right of citizens to protect themselves from “tyrannical subjugation,” the association state elected sheriffs said in a new letter, “we are prepared to trade our lives for the preservation of its traditional interpretation.”

Theirs is the first meaningful proof that some in law enforcement and the military are preparing to fight federal forces if the president wins his goal of sweeping gun control. “





HT/Military Arms Channel :


” The absolute strongest condemnation of Obama’s planned gun ban(s) came from the Utah Sheriffs Association yesterday. Are you sitting down? They said in their statement;

“We are prepared to trade our lives for the preservation of its traditional interpretation.”

“Make no mistake, as the duly-elected sheriffs our our respective counties, we will enforce the rights guaranteed to our citizens by the Constitution. No federal official will be permitted to descend upon our constituents and take from them what the Bill of Rights–in particular Amendment II–has given them.”

GO UTAH! The Sheriff is the ultimate law in the United States and they have the power to stand up to the Federal Government. We need to pressure our local Sheriff’s to take a similar stand, to say “NO” to enforcing any unconstitutional laws that may come from Washington. ”

Obama, are you paying attention? “