Bloomberg: If You Sell A Gun To Your Son, ‘There’s Something Wrong In Your Family





” In a radio appearance on Friday, Bloomberg, a gun control activist and co-chair of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, praised the legislation that is now moving forward in the Senate.  The bill would require universal background checks for most sales of firearms, including those online and at gun shows.

“The only thing it would not cover is if you sold a gun to your son, for example,” Bloomberg told radio host John Gambling.  “Number one, I don’t know how we would ever enforce that if it were the law. So to make a big deal about that’s carved out, so what? It doesn’t change anything.”

“Number two, I would argue if you want to sell your gun to your son, maybe you have a problem in your family,” he said.  “Why don’t you just give—I don’t know if you should have a gun or not, but if you have a commercial transaction of $100 with your son, there’s something wrong in your family.”



    We would just point out Mr Mayor , number one … That most guns cost a lot more than $100 , and , number two … that most families are not quite so moneyed as yours . We gun-owners are mostly not of the 1% like yourself and consequently may not be able to afford to just “give away” things , even to family members .


    And that’s not to even mention the life lesson taught by parent to child about having to work for things that you want . Your ignorance of the common folk rivals that of the rest of the ruling class in Albany and DC .