Tag Archive: Faith

Obama’s Drones Have Killed More Than the Spanish Inquisition








” Controversy still swirls around Obama’s comments during the National Prayer Breakfast this week, where he chastised Christians for getting on their “high horse” over the ongoing global jihad, invoking medieval abuses that occurred hundreds of years ago during the Crusades and Inquisition.

  But perhaps it is Obama who should avoid getting on his high horse, since according to recently published statistics, Obama’s drone campaign has killed more people during the six years of his presidency than were killed the 350 years of the Spanish Inquisition.


In his speech on Thursday, he said:

  Humanity has been grappling with these questions throughout human history.  And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ.  In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ.

  Fair enough. But how is Obama himself doing on that score?

  Well, on Monday of this week the Bureau of Investigative Journalism published their annual study of deaths from U.S. drone strikes, and reported the following:

  At least 2,464 people have now been killed by US drone strikes outside the country’s declared war zones since President Barack Obama’s inauguration six years ago, the Bureau’s latest monthly report reveals. “



Lord Obama has nearly 2,500 notches on his drone belt but how does that compare to Torquemada‘s record ?



” A decade ago the Vatican published the results of a six-year study of the Inquisition, including the number of those killed across Europe. With respect to the 350-year-long Inquisition in Spain, the BBC reported that the study found the following:

  According to the 800-page report, the Inquisition that spread fear throughout Europe throughout the Middle Ages did not use execution or torture to anything like the extent history would have us believe.

  In fact the book’s editor, Professor Agostino Borromeo, claims that in Spain only 1.8% of those investigated by the notorious Spanish Inquisition were killed.

  Nonetheless, as the report was published, Pope John Paul II apologised once more for the interrogators’ excesses, expressing sorrow for “the errors committed in the service of the truth by the recourse to non-Christian methods” […]

  But the Vatican report, the product of a six-year investigation, insists that the Inquisition was not as bad as often believed.

  Professor Borromeo says for example that for 125,000 trials of suspected heretics in Spain, less than 2% were executed.

  A quick calculation finds that 1.8 percent of 125,000 would represent 2,250 killed during the Spanish Inquisition if Prof. Borromeo’s estimates are correct.”



    Thanks to Patrick Poole at the Tatler for putting it all in perspective and making us aware of the fact that Obama is in fact the King of the Inquisition … 2,500 dead in 6 years makes the efforts of the Church which killed nearly as many yet took three and a half centuries to do it look amateurish in the extreme .















‘Be Open-Handed Toward Your Brothers’





” Conservatives eager to reverse these facts naturally reach for their checkbooks. As I found in my 2006 book Who Really Cares, the average conservative household contributes significantly more to charity than does the average liberal household despite earning less income. According to the 1996 General Social Survey, those who strongly agreed that “the government has a responsibility to reduce income inequality” gave away $140 on average to charity. Among those who strongly disagreed, the average gift was $1,637.

  Of the 10 most charitable states in 2012, as ranked by the Chronicle of Philanthropy, nine went for Romney over Obama. Three times as many red states as blue states placed in the top 20 states in giving. And all but one of the 10 least charitable states swung President Obama’s way.

  Why do conservatives give more? The research shows that the largest charity differences owe to religious participation. We see that religious liberals are approximately as generous as their conservative co-religionists. But there are far more religious conservatives today than religious liberals, so the political gap persists.”


   Arthur Brooks has written a definitive piece on the nature of charity and benevolence in the hands of private citizenry as compared to the liberal demand for government-mandated beneficence  . This lengthy essay is worth every minute of your time as it explains in great detail how conservatives and their private giving is so much more effective than the liberal’s demands of charity at the point of a gun .

   It all comes down to faith . Faith in God , faith in good , and faith in one’s fellow man , not faith in government .

   Read it all .











New Poll Showing Most Religious Demographic Will Really Surprise You




” Attempts to market to the youth of America that end up with footsie-pajamas and cocoa might make fear for the future of our country. But results from a new poll might give religious people some hope.”


Soopermexican via IJR has more









Duck Dynasty’s Robertson Family Has Skeletons, Here Are Five Of Them



” Duck Dynasty is A&E’s hit show that features the Robertson clan, their families, and their multi-million dollar empire that is Duck Commander.  Yet, the family has a dark side.  Drugs, alcoholism, and suicidal tendencies have plagued the Robertson family, but they feel that the loving grace of God is what saved them.

They did a 30-minute segment with I Am Second, a faith-based multimedia company that documents people’s transformations through the power of faith.  Here are five things that you should know about the Robertson clan.”


Let he that is without sin cast the first stone . 


Read more at IJR









Soldier Refuses Pentagons Order To Hide His Christianity, It’s ‘My Right Under the Constitution’


Admiral William Lee


” At a time when faith in the military is under deliberate assault by the Obama Administration,some of our brave warriors are apparently not backing down.

One of them is U.S. Coast Guard Rear Adm. William D. Lee, who was present at the 62nd observance of the National Day of Prayer in Washington, D.C, as lawmakers and faith leaders gathered on Capitol Hill. Adm. Lee was there to represent Americans serving in the military.

When he ascended to the microphone, Adm. Lee told the crowd he had 10 minutes of carefully prepared remarks, but he decided to leave them in his chair and “speak from the heart” instead.

Describing himself as “a man of deep abiding faith who happens to wear a uniform,” the admiral then went on to announce his intention to defy any efforts to stop military personnel from openly sharing their Christian faith.”










Gold-Medal Winning Champ Lives In A South African Squatter Camp



” Irene van Niekerk is a 15-year-old runner who lives in a squatter camp near Pretoria, South Africa. She has won, in total, 27 gold medals, but owns no shoes.

Irene is a young Afrikaans girl who lives in a shack in a squatter camp near Pretoria, South Africa. They have no electricity or running water, and Irene owns no shoes.


She runs barefoot, because the shoes that were custom-designed for Irene were stolen by a drug addict. The shoes were custom-designed because Irene lost most of her toes in an accident as a child, when boiling water spilled on her feet.”


Turkson Wouldn’t Be First African Pope




” Yesterday morning a Lutheran friend sent me an email joking that he was “off Team Turkson” on account of Turkson campaigning for the job of pope. That would be Ghana’s Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson. Now, I realize just how unseemly it is for a churchman to campaign for any job but this may be an unfair reading of an interview Turkson gave in the Telegraph.

Some media outlet called The Week pretty much just recycled someone else’s work into their story headlined “Peter Turkson not shy about his wish to become first black Pope.”

CARDINAL Peter Turkson, the Ghanaian prelate who is hotly-tipped to become the next Pope, has given a candid interview about the “life-changing” responsibility of leading the Catholic Church.

I know of at least three African popes and I don’t believe I’ve heard anything about their skin color. I have heard that Victor I — the first African pope — was the first black pope but I don’t think that’s been proven. Apparently skin color is a more modern obsession. As for Miltiades and Gelasius I — and any other African popes — no reports on their skin color.”




” Now that Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor has denied Hobby Lobby’s application for an emergency injunction protecting them from Obamacare’s HHS Mandate on abortion and birth control, Hobby Lobby has decided to defy the federal government to remain true to their religious beliefs, at enormous risk and financial cost.

Hobby Lobby is wholly owned and controlled by the Green family, who are evangelical Christians. The Greens are committed to running their business in accordance with their Christian faith, believing that God wants them to conduct their professional business in accordance with the family’s understanding of the Bible. Hobby Lobby’s mission statement includes, “Honoring the Lord in all we do by operating the company … consistent with Biblical principles.”

The HHS Mandate goes into effect for Hobby Lobby on Jan. 1, 2013. The Greens correctly understand that some of the drugs the HHS Mandate requires them to cover at no cost in their healthcare plans cause abortions.

Today Hobby Lobby announced that they will not comply with this mandate to become complicit in abortion, which the Greens believe ends an innocent human life. Given Hobby Lobby’s size (it has 572 stores employing more than 13,000 people), by violating the HHS Mandate, it will be subject to over $1.3 million in fines per day. That means over $40 million in fines in January alone. If their case takes another ten months to get before the Supreme Court—which would be the earliest it could get there under the normal order of business—the company would incur almost a half-billion dollars in fines. And then of course the Supreme Court would have to write an opinion in what would likely be a split decision with dissenters, which could easily take four or six months and include hundreds of millions of dollars in additional penalties. ”








” FOX NEWS: To provide all Americans with health insurance, premiums will have to rise to pay for it, Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini told CNBC’s “Closing Bell” on Wednesday. “If we’re going to insure all Americans, which is a worthy and appropriate cause, then somebody has to pay for it,” Bertolini said of the expected premium increases under Obamacare. Bertolini said that insurance premiums could double in some places just on the basis of what types of policies people buy today. He also said that when Obamacare is fully implemented, it won’t start the way people had hoped and it won’t be cheaper. ”




Stopping Gun Violence Starts With Obama






” This morning, children – young children – were killed in their elementary school by a gunman in quiet, suburban Connecticut. Three days ago, holiday shoppers were killed in a mall in suburban Portland. Two weeks ago, an NFL linebacker murdered his girlfriend and then killed himself at his team’s stadium.

Each of these tragedies has spurred calls for a national conversation on America’s culture of guns and violence. It’s a conversation that inevitably never takes place, and it’s one that only President Obama can make happen.

The White House on Friday said it was too soon to talk about gun policy. “There is, I’m sure, will be, rather, discussion of the usual Washington policy debates,” said White House spokesman Jay Carney. “But I don’t think that day is today.”

Yet Washington, and Obama, have had other days. After Jovan Belcher, a linebacker for the Kansas City Chiefs, killed a woman and then himself on Dec. 1, calls for a renewed gun control discussion came from Jason Whitlock, who writes for Fox Sports, and sportscaster Bob Costas, who cited Whitlock’s column on NBC’s Sunday Night Football telecast the next day. They did not, notably, come from Obama.”