Tag Archive: Failure

Extreme Water Carrying

Kirsten Powers: Yes, the media’s reaction to Romney’s Egypt statement yesterday was utterly insane

  “Via Mediaite, consider this a video complement to Erick Erickson’s piece at Red State this morning about yesterday’s virtuoso exercise in narrative-driven concern-trolling. If you only know KP from her Fox appearances, this clip will come as a surprise, as she’s as unsparing of O’s failures here as any pundit on the other side of the aisle would be. If you follow her Twitter feed, it’ll come as no surprise at all. She’s been lighting into the White House and the embassy for the past 36 hours, and in fact has lit into them frequently in the past on the topic of Egypt. She’s tweeted before too about having friends in the Copt community there, so this is no academic exercise in punditry. The stronger the Brotherhood gets, the more dangerous the situation becomes for the Copts and for the United States. Go figure that she’s more worried about the president’s reaction than Mitt Romney’s.”

” The War on Drugs: Because Prohibition Worked So Well “

“Forty years ago, the United States locked up fewer than 200 of every 100,000 Americans. Then President Nixon declared war on drugs. Now we lock up more of our people than any other country — more even than the authoritarian regimes in Russia and China.

A war on drugs — on people, that is — is unworthy of a country that claims to be free.

Unfortunately, this outrage probably won’t be discussed in Tampa or Charlotte.”

   “The man with no plan.”

“Our elites have sunk into a boutique decadence of moral preening entirely disconnected from reality: A non-homophobic chicken in every pot, an abortifacient dispenser in every Catholic university, a high-speed-rail corridor between every two bankrupt California municipalities . . . “

What the Hell do we pay them for ? 


  “To mark the 1,200th day since the Democratic-controlled Senate last adopted a proper budget, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin and Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member Jeff Sessions of Alabama issued a joint statement slamming Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid for his actions in preventing a budget from being adopted.”

  How Obama Has Failed the Black Community

“Recall the euphoria that engulfed the African-American community back in 2008, when Barack Obama became the 44 th president of
the United States. Blacks came out for him in droves and voted for him at an astounding 96% level. Times, they were a-changin’, so to speak.

  It was the dawning of a new era, as a large dose of hope and change was on its way to the country as a whole, and specifically to the
African-American community. Now, almost four years later, it’s clear that Obama has done nothing to improve the way of life among blacks as a whole. In fact, statistics show that life has actually regressed for African-Americans under Obama.

  As of June, the African-American unemployment rate is a staggering 14.4%, with Latinos and
Hispanics having an unemployment rate of about 11.0%, while the unemployment rate for whites is 7.4%. Compare these rates to
December 2008, the final month before Barack Obama stepped into the Oval Office. Whites were unemployed at the rate of 6.6% and
Hispanics were at a rate of 9.2%, while blacks had an 11.9% rate of unemployment.”

Victor Davis Hanson explains the coming death of Liberal Profligacy .

  “The liberal model — borrowing huge sums,rigging interest and the currency to enable state profligacy, turning large swaths of the
population into less productive unionized government workers or dependents on the dole who vote in thanks to political hacks — simply does not work. How could beautiful blue-state California lose almost a millions refugees to arid
Texas? I like Texas, but Dallas had far less of nature to work with than did San Francisco. (It takes a lot of human failure for thousands to
give up verdant California to move to Utah or the Nevada desert.) What we are witnessing is nothing short of surreal: in the manner that
Tijuana was a different universe from San Diego, so too the entire state of California is becoming a different world from its neighbors. Whether one examines its near dead-last schools, its oppressive income and sales taxes, its decaying
roads and infrastructure, its absurd prison system, its dysfunctional state offices (try the DMV), or its priestly public employee caste,
California is becoming Detroit.”

It must be Bush’s fault . Community Organizers know how to create jobs . Just look

“Defend This, Mr. Obama: New Report Shows Job Growth WAY Down”

A fine video brought to my attention by the good professor at Instapundit.