Tag Archive: Failed Liberal Policies

Clarke: Liberal Policies Have Destroyed The Black Family






” The latest attempt by liberals to help black people is underway in our K-12 urban public schools.

  These do-gooders are now defining down socially acceptable behavior for black students in school. Bad behavior is being excused and attempts to hold black kids accountable by enforcing codes of conduct are called racist.

  Having a sense of discipline has always been considered a virtue, a redeeming quality, but now its roots are claimed to lie in racism.

  White liberal elites have chimed in about school codes of conduct.

  The Capital Times newspaper of Madison, Wis., recently chronicled bad behavior by black students in its public schools. In the story, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said that racial discrimination in school discipline codes “is a real problem today.”

  The white superintendent of the Madison public schools believes that “we need to address head-on our racial bias and the assumptions we make of students who are in the classroom.”

  Really? Where I come from, bad behavior has always been unacceptable and is codified not by race but by societal norms to keep chaos from reigning.

  These watered-down student codes of conduct sweeping across urban public school systems will not help black parents, kids or communities. Like every other display of liberal empathy, they will have a reverse effect, and it will not be positive.

  All anti-social behavior and social pathology is normalized, and to disagree is racial stereotyping.What these race provocateurs do not want to admit is the reason we are seeing more disruptive behavior in schools is because of poor and ineffective parenting, manifested by liberal policies.

  There is a government program today for everything in the black community that used to be the responsibility of the individual, such as parenting. Because of this system, many parents have abdicated what is their most important responsibility and turned it over to the government.

  Uncle Sam is now raising their kids. “


Read the entire scathing piece from a man not afraid to speak the truth .









Chicago Police Chief: Second Amendment Is A Danger To Public Safety





” Chicago’s Chief of Police, who previously blamed ”government-sponsored racism” and Sarah Palin for Chicago’s gun violence, declared that the law-ful exercise of the Second Amendment was a threat to public safety. From the Illinois State Rifle Association:

” Chicago’s embattled police superintendent dug himself deeper into a pit of controversy today by claiming that lawful firearm owners are agents of political corruption.  Appearing on a Chicago Sunday morning talk show, superintendent Garry McCarthy expressed his conviction that firearm owners who lobby their elected representatives or who donate money to political campaigns are engaged in corruption that endangers public safety.  McCarthy went on to express his belief that judges and legislators should rely on public opinion polls when interpreting our Constitution.

After totally dismissing the citizen’s right to redress grievances, McCarthy trained his constitutional wisdom on the 2nd Amendment.  Despite recent court decisions to the contrary, McCarthy opined that the 2ndAmendment limits citizens to owning smooth-bore muskets.  McCarthy went on to say that he believes that the 2nd Amendment supports mandatory liability insurance for firearm owners and the mandatory application of GPS tracking devices to civilian owned firearms.” ”


Judge Jeanine Calls Out Garry McCarthy Chicago Superintendent of Police in Opening Statement